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PSPINC CEO Kenichi Uchikura's Blog


Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (AKA PSPINC)
1404 140th PL NE, Bellevue, WA 98007, USA
425-957-0808 or 800-232-3989

Gas Prices

Gas Prices
The price of a gallon of regular gas is well above $3.00 now.

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Role Model

Role Model
Watch this video ... Japanese figure skater Hanyu after his gold medal performance, he came to the interview. He put all his stuff on the ground except Japanese flag. He ask someone to hold the flag during the interview saying he cannot put the flag on the ground.

PS: I am not a fan of figure skating but this action is so great that I have to mention it.

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Day 96

Day 96
Although Pompom is coughing much less than last week, his coughing continues despite steroids and antibiotics. Chemo medication made his cough little less ... that means his lymphoma may have spread to his lung. We must wait and see. He is sleeping well with humidifier. I ordered large capacity humidifier today from Google Express.
#GoogleExpress #pompom #pompomuchikura #tinypompomnano

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