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I spent few hours yesterday at COMPUTEX. It really reminds me of good old COMDEX. I will spend today and tomorrow exploring COMPUTEX. I will report them when I get back to Seattle.

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New Business

New Business
I am at largest IT exhibit Inc the world call COMPUTEX in Taiwan.
I will be meeting with several planned people, but I willl also be meeting with people who are exhibiting.

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Sign for Foreign Tourists

Sign for Foreign Tourists
It is very interesting to see the sign in the toilet. I guess there are people who have never seen or used wester style toilet.

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Shinjyuku Golden Street

Shinjyuku Golden Street Shinjyuku Golden Street Shinjyuku Golden Street Shinjyuku Golden Street Shinjyuku Golden Street Shinjyuku Golden Street Shinjyuku Golden Street Shinjyuku Golden Street Shinjyuku Golden Street Shinjyuku Golden Street
There must be over 100 small bars in one small block in Shinjyuiku, Tokyo. Non of the bar has more than 10 counter seating ... It has became a very popular tourist spot for visitors from other country.

Who would thought the slam like this would be booming. Business chance is everywhere.
#branding #uchikuraco #valueproposition

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Weekly Sales and Delivery Service

Weekly Sales and Delivery Ser... Weekly Sales and Delivery Ser... Weekly Sales and Delivery Ser... Weekly Sales and Delivery Ser...
This delivery service provided by co-op in Japan is completely serviced without any Internet. I think this is designed for elderly people. It is ver interesting.

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Brand Recognition

Brand Recognition
When everyone knows who you are, it is easy to sell things. But it does cost a lott to crate the brand people recognize. What do you do if you are a small business? How do you sell things online if you are not known?
#onlinesales #uchikuraco #valueproposition

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Western Food in Japan

Western Food in Japan
Wester foods in Japan are little different from the US. The first thing that you notice is that the portion is smaller and often cheaper. The best place to try those western foods are convenience stores like seven-eleven. I arrived in Japan yesterday. I will start looking for new and different things in Japan and report them to you.
#uchikuraco #valueproposition

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Looking for New Business Opportunities ...

I flew from Seattle to Vancouv... I flew from Seattle to Vancouver to Narita ...
Next stop, Osaka,.
In this trip, I will take care of all my current business but I am also looking for new business opportunities in Japan and Taiwan.
#uchikuraco #valueproposition

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Hanashi-Hanbun ... A Japanese Proverb

Hanashi-Hanbun ... A Japanes...
Hanashi (話) = A Story
Hanbun (半分) = Half

When you hear a story from someone, do not take it as a face value. You discount it at least 50%. But when you hear anything on the Internet ... You may need to discount it 90%.

That is really unfortunate, but if you believe everything you see on the Internet, you will go crazy.
#uchikuraco #valueproposition

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Email Marketing

It was a $499 package softwar... It was a $499 package software back in 1997
It is now a subscription based... It is now a subscription based service.
Back in 1997, I designed and develop a package software that enables people to send email to multiple recipients and call it "NewsMAIL". After 20 years later, we still provide NewsMAIL as a Internet Service under

Email marketing is one of the most effective marketing tools available to businesses but most people are not using this technology right. First of all, you should never send email to a mailing list you purchased. It is clearly a SPAM.

NewsMAIL is an effective communication tool for you to communicate with your existing customers and contacts. And there should be two call to action on your email.

(1) Promote Upgrades / Optional Services / New Services to existing customers. Consider it as a communication tool rather than sales tool.

(2) Ask you customer to share the contents to their contacts. If you are providing valued services, your contacts should be able to help you do that. That will benefit your contacts.

If you use email as a cold calling tool, you are not doing any good to your business. You will be just blacklisted. If you need to know more about NewsMAIL marketing, please contact me.
#uchikuraco #valueproposition

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