Today we have removed our wallpapers, since they will no longer be supported. We have also updated our HTML5 clocks to fix a bug with displaying dates incorrectly. Thank you for using Clocklink.com!
The children's art work is hanging up all around the rooms and hallways as well as from the ceiling. This creates a warm environment that is truly magnificent.
Hello Bloguru Bloggers! This month's skin features Seattle's beautiful waterfront area. Thank you for helping us build a better Bloguru! Bloguru Support Team
posted 2014-03-20 13:00
本日、今月の新しいスキンをリリースいたしました。シアトルの街がテーマになっています。 新スキンは【幅の広いスキン】のページからご利用ください。 今後ともどうぞブログルをよろしくお願い申し上げます。 ブログルサポート...
Today we released a new HTML5 clock design. This realistic antique clock will look great on your website or blog. Click here to start using the clock today. Thank you for using Clocklink.com!
I woke up with the news of a helicopter crash in Seattle. This helicopter was taking off from Fisher Plaza (ABC Affiliate KOMO TV operates out of this building) heliport this morning and crushed just north side of Fisher Plaza building. Fisher Plaza is where we have our data center. We have communicated with out staff at t...
I have closed Google+ account today. I was afraid that it may close Gmail and YouTube accounts but I deleted the Google Plus account anyway. So far, I see no affect on Gmail nor YouTube.
I have closed XING social networking account today. I do not know why I had it and I have never used it. https://www.xing.com
We have updated our HTML5 clocks with a fix so that they will always display the correct month. Thank you for your support!