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Herbsprout is a webblog and podcast dedicated to sharing the health benefits of herbs, food, innovations related to our gut microbiome. Herbsprout seeks to bridge the vast chasm dividing the mainstream medical community and alternative medicine.

Bellymount highlights the fruit fly where 65% of human disease causing genes can be studied

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A January 27, 2020 article co-published by lead scientist Leslie Ann Jaramillo Koyama of Stanford University, developed Bellymount, a method for high-resolution imaging of live microscopy. The imaging of an adult vinegar fly, Drosophila melanogaster, has yielded foundational insights into what scientists call metazoan physiology, or developmental biology. Bellymount is able to show how cellular and physiological processes unfold inside living organisms. The adult vinegar fly (common fruit fly) has approximately 65% of human disease-causing genes with functional homologs (member of a chromosome pair). It is a powerful tool for pathologies in humans, revealing live physiological dynamics of cells, tissues, and organs.

The Bellymount method capabilities means the same opportunities exist for the study of microscopic organisms living inside our gut, potentially revealing the layers of processes and interactions between our gut microbiome and cells, such as stem cells, in our body, their functions, and root causes of ailments.

(See articles, ; and
#DNA #chromosomes #developmentalbiology #fruitfly #gutbacteria #guthealth #microbiome #stemcells

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Thinking about a fecal transplant? Think again with your gut brain

Thinking about a fecal transpla...
A March 12 2020 safety alert was issued by the FDA warning that infections were linked to fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT). Six patients were infected with diarrhea-causing e-coli (Escherichia coli) following the procedure, according to the University of Minnesota Center for Infectious Disease and Policy. The infections came from three OpenBiome donors, the nation's largest stool donor bank.

Boston-based OpenBiome has shipped more than 55,000 treatments since 2013 with no incidents until these six cases covered in this safety alert. The OpenBiome press release immediately announced enhanced donor screening protocols. As a result, OpenBiome is adding PCR testing for STEC (a form of e-coli) to improve detection of asymptomatic carriage of STEC.

So the message here might be, "proceed with caution" if you are planning to do a fecal transplant and check the date to make sure the STEC testing was conducted.

For previous article on fecal transplant research, go to

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Supplements can reduce MS symptoms

Damaged myelin ... Damaged myelin in the brain’s nerve cell lining causes MS symptoms.
A March 16 2020 report in Multiple Sclerosis News Today found MS patients to be deficient in bacteria that produce a short chain fatty acid called propionic acid. Propionic acid (PA) produced by gut bacteria promotes a greater number of regulatory immune cells that defend against inflammatory responses in multiple sclerosis (MS), according to the study first reported in Cell.

An increase in pro-inflammatory "Th17 cells, and a reduction in cells that work to stop an immune response, like immune regulatory T-cells (Tregs)" contribute to damaging myelin, the protective coat of axon nervevfibers, leading to loss of sensory and motor function, says the study. These results were based on researchers comparing blood and stool samples from a group of 268 MS patients. Researchers found lower levels of bacteria Butyricimonas, and higher levels of disease-associated bacteria, like Flavonifractor, Escherichia, and Shigella in these MS patients.

The study found that diet and PA supplements can play an important role in mitigating the effects of MS and it's symptoms. The PA supplements showed long term reduction in MS symptoms among the tested patients (see ). Says Aiden Haghikia, member of the Department of Neurology of Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB) at St. Josef-Hospita in Germany, “Further research into this largely unknown organ and the knowledge gained from it will enable us to develop innovative dietary measures to complement the known therapeutics in the future” (see ).

More information about this topic is available here, "Miracle bugs- Microbiome influences on MS";

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Can probiotics like kimchi aid against Coronavirus?

Can probiotics like kimchi aid ...
A March 18, 2020 article in the American Journal of Gastroenterology reports that diarrhea and other digestive symptoms can be early signs of the Coronavirus. After studying 204 Coronavirus patients in Hubei Province, scientists found that nearly half suffered from digestive symptoms before respiratory issues become noticeable. Various types of probiotics have been recommended to address digestive related symptoms, among them are kimchi. (see ).

Kimchi is definitely good for you. It is a healthy food rich in dietary fiber, vitamin C, β-carotene, β-sitosterol, chlorophylls, phenols, lactic acid bacteria (LAB), and minerals.

There have been studies suggesting that kimchi can protect against ailments such as colon cancer. Scientists treated cancerous mice with the methanolic extracts from different kimchis, particularly 1.89 g/kg of anticancer kimchi, which significantly increased their colon length, decreased the ratio of colon weight/length, and resulted in the lowest number of tumors (see ).

But does eating kimchi help protect against the coronavirus?

This youtube video news report says it does and the lactic acid bacteria in kimchi is the key:

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Facts behind health remedies of Cannabis- DeepCell Industries CEO Kelly Ogilvie

Facts behind health remedies o...
How Cannabis saved his sister and inspired Ogilvie's deep dive into "non-intoxicating cannabis R&D, product dev. Deepcell success now hinges b2b technology licensing to food products industry. discusses the state of the Cannabis industry with DeepCell Industries CEO Kelly Ogilvie. He invites us to look behind the curtain and learn about the science behind Cannabis as a health remedy, and what's in store for the industry's future. -- blogger and podcaster Chris Kenji Beer

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More gut health links to Autism

More gut health links to Autism
A March 11 2020 report by The Conversation, a collaboration between three Australian universities, conducted two studies, one of mice and the other of human twins with autism, showing a gene mutation called neuroligin-3. It is known among professionals in the field that people with autism are more likely to experience gastrointestinal disorders than the general population. The twins were diagnosed with esophagitis and diarrhea, and the gene- mutated mice also showed gut microbiome deficiencies associated with diabetes and inflammatory bowel disease. Other reports found that children with autism (ASD) were four times more likely to have gastrointestinal issues than children without autism ( see ). The three collaborating universities of The Conversation are RMIT, La Trobe, and Monash Universities.

Parents of children have long claimed that giving their autistic children a healthy probiotic diet has helped reduce their autistic behaviors. Studies show that children with ASD often have a mix of gut microbes that substantially differ from children without ASD. A January 22, 2020 article in Nature references a University of Arizona study on microbiota transfer therapy, which would be used to recolonize the guts with bacteria of children suffering from autism. The study found other research showing the following deficiencies of gut microbiomes in autistic people: Bifidobacterium, Blautia (needed to produce bile acids to produce serotonin), Veillonellaceae, Coprococcus and Prevotella. Conversely, researchers found an excess of the Clostridia bacterial pathogens (know to disrupt production of serotonin in the gut) (see ).

April is Autism Awareness month. Global Engage a world leading çonference organisers published a variation of this blog on their website at .
#ASD #autism #gutbacteria #gutbrainaxis #guthealth #microbiome #serotonin

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Consensus on Indian Marma/ Chinese, acupressure/ acupuncture as a remedy

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Acupressure and acupuncture target "vital energy points" in our bodies, according to traditional Indian medicine, Ayurveda. The term marma and acupressure points are similar to each other in this way. There are certain critical points in our bodies that must be considered in surgery for example, according to Ayurvedic tradition, that should be avoided.

A book by Franc Ros, called The Lost Secrets of Ayurvedic Acupressure, goes into detail about the similarities and differences between marma and Ayurvedic medicine's acupressure (see book, Lost Secrets of Ayurvedic Acupuncture ).

A common question is, are acupressure and acupuncture effective at helping to relieve physical pain? Human trials consistently suggest they do, but it's hard to factor in the placebo effect. There is little evidence that suggests it addresses other health conditions.

Acupuncturists and acupressure use the same points for their respective practices. Acupuncturists believe it corrects energy imbalances in the body. Western doctors believe it stimulates natural chemicals in your body called endorphins that block pain signals, according to WebMD.

The National Institute of Health says that complications from acupuncture treatment is rare, and is relatively safe. Both accupressure and acupuncture have become more common treatments for pain conditions, such as:

● Low-Back Pain,
● Neck Pain,
● Osteoarthritis/Knee Pain,
● Headache, among others

(see NIH page, ).

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Studies show how serotonin, our gut microbiome impacts our "second brain"

Studies show how serotonin, o...
A February 07, 2020 article by Psychiatry Advisor examines the close connection between our mood, depression and our gut microbiome. Often called our "second brain", the enteric nervous system (ENS) is two thin layers of more than 100 million nerve cells lining your gastrointestinal tract from esophagus to rectum. The primary role of ENS? It regulates our digestive system - the release of enzymes and ingestion of nutrients that we need. The study of our three gut-brain axis - the nervous system, ENS, and our digestive system - are coming closer and closer to offering long term health solutions for not only depression but for other brain diseases. Scientists found that the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis, by activating cytokines, trigger the release of cortisol, a potent stress hormone. It is bi-directional. When it becomes unstable our body becomes stressed which can lead to depression (see articles and

Senior author Elaine Hsiao says researchers hope to build on their current studies at UCLA to learn whether microbial interactions with antidepressants have consequences for health and disease, according to the September 2019 report (Credit: by Stuart Wolpert, University of California, Los Angeles; Reed Hutchinson/UCLA).

A study in mice led by UCLA biologists strongly suggests that serotonin and drugs that target serotonin, anti-depressants such as Prozac can have a major effect on the gut's microbiota—the 100 trillion or so bacteria and other microbes that live in the human body's intestines. Hsiao's team of researchers found that Turicibacter sanguinis, a common gut microbe, can signal nearby intestinal cells to release serotonin. Serotonin—a neurotransmitter, or chemical messenger that sends messages among cells—is known as the "happy chemical as it positively influences our mood. An estimated 90 percent of the body's serotonin is produced in the gut.

"Previous studies from our lab and others showed that specific bacteria promote serotonin levels in the gut," lead author Thomas Fung said. "Our new study tells us that certain gut bacteria can respond to serotonin and drugs that influence serotonin, like anti-depressants. This is a unique form of communication between bacteria and our own cells through molecules traditionally recognized as neurotransmitters." (See articles, American Chemical Society and Phys.Org - and ).

The same month of September (September 17) of 2019, Professor Damien Keating, Head of Molecular and Cellular Physiology at Flinders University found that our gut microbiome signals cells to serotonin production in the gut, which Dr. Keating "showed to be increased in obese humans, and this rise in blood serotonin causes significant metabolic problems.” These insights, he suggests, provides valuable first- step data points that can lead to visibility into the role of our gut microbiome, serotonin, and blood sugar levels which can aid in addressing obesity and diabetes (See Neuroscience News article, ).

Another study in Nature recommends fasting as a way to "reboot the system". According to a February 18, 2020 Nature article, "Intermittent fasting (IF) regimens which involves dietary restriction, have shown to increase lifespan, promote energy metabolism, and reduce the risk of developing various age-related pathologie." It is believed that IF influences our gut microbiome to create these results. Theoretically it can play a role in our mood and stress as the previously mentioned articles suggest (see article, ). Special thanks to Yeirim Kim, Herbsprout Facebook member for sharing this post.

A more natural alternative to antidepressants, a previous Herbsprout blog references herbs that support the production of serotonin. For example, Herbs that help boost serotonin levels include oatstraw, and the roots of angelica, burdock, dandelion, ginseng, wild yam and black cohosh.

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