Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 31 「お疲れさまでした。」(おつかれさまでした。)



日本(にほん)平成(へいせい)から令和(れいわ)年号(ねんごう)()わったときにハプニングがありました。「天皇(てんのう)皇后(こうごう)両陛下(りょうへいか)(つか)(さま)でした」という Instagram への投稿(とうこう)(おお)くあったのですが、そのときに、「会社(かいしゃ)上司(じょうし)にすら失礼(しつれい)なのに」「皇室(こうしつ)(なん)だと(おも)っているんだ」という批判(ひはん)殺到(さっとう)したのです。









"Otsukaresamadeshita" is a word often used in Japan. If you translate this as-is, it would mean "thank you for being tired” or “thank you for your hard work”. "Thank you" is a honorific phrase, so it should be used for superiors and bosses. However, over the past few years "thank you" has become rude.


This began happening when Japan changed from the Heisei era to the Reiwa era. There were many posts on Instagram saying, "Otsukaresamadeshita your Majesties the Emperor and Empress”. At that time, a lot of criticism occurred with people saying, “Otsukaresamadeshita is rude to say even to a superior. You should never use the word when addressing the Emperor and Empress."


"Otsukaresamadeshita" is no longer a honorific word because it has become more commonly used. For example, I say “Otsukaresamadeshita” after playing at a park, or it can be said after people have a drink together.


The culture of saying “orsukaresamadeshita” at work is still very common. Though, if someone is really tired, you should say “Gojisai Kudasai” or “Otsukarewo Oyashite kudasai” to be more polite.

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Takoyaki wa tako no kirimi ga haitta chiisana bo-ru jou no oyatsu desu.
Takoyaki is a snack in the shape of little round balls containing pieces of octopus.

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Happi wa matsuri no tameno dentou isyou desu.
Happi is a traditional costume for festival. 

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Fu-rin no oto wo kikuto iyasare masu.
The sound of wind chimes is soothing.

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Otsukaresama Deshita

The Best Compliment You Can Give In Japanese. ... When you leave your office (or workplace) in Japan it's common to say "otsukaresama deshita". This means "you're tired".

Abe Shusyou
Prime Minister Abe

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Konsyuu matsu ba-bekyu- shiyou!
Let's have a barbeque this weekend!

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Kushami ga desou!
I'm about to sneeze!

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Hiyake dome wo nurimashou.
Put on sunscreen

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 31 翻訳に困る言葉(ほんやくにこまることば)「よろしくおねがいします。」







Difficult to Translate - ”Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu"


Sometimes I can help translate Japanese to English. However, there are many words that are difficult to translate. For example, I often use the word "Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu”. This cannot be translated easily without understand the background of the conversation. "Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu" is a phrase that generally means "I'll leave it to you, please do well”.


The meaning of "Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu" varies depending on the context.


When you say "Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu" to a person you have met for the first time, it means that you are prepared to be instructed in various ways, because you will leave it up to the other person.


When you ask for a job, it means "I'm grateful”.


If you’re leaving a job to another person it means to wish them well.


You can think of it as a word that has the meaning of leaving it to the other party or relying on someone else, but translation is still difficult.

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鬼 Oni Explained

Oni 鬼
Oni(鬼)is kind of yōkai(妖怪)in Japanese folklore. They are typically portrayed as hulking figures with one or more horns growing out of their heads.

There are five colors of Oni ... representing each human emotions.

Red Oni ... Craving / Lust
Blue Oni ... Anger / Hate
Yellow & White Oni ... Restlessness, Regret
Green Oni ... Fatigue / Drowsiness

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Osanpo ga daisuki desu.
I love strolling.

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Matsu ri dewa takusan no tabemono no yatai ga tachi narabi masu.
There are lots of food booths all in a row at the festival.

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Tisshu pe-pa- kara ningyou wo tsukutte, yokujitsu hareru koto wo negai masu.
We make a doll out of tissue paper and hope it will be sunny the next day.

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Hababi wa nihon no natsu no fuubutsushi desu.
The fireworks is one of Japanese summer features. 

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Shochu mimai wo yujin ya shinseki ni okuru nowa, nihon no syukan no hitotsu desu.
It's one of the Japanese customs to send summer greetings to friends and relatives.

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Atsu sugiru. Nidone simasu.
It's too hot to get up. We went back to bed.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 30 電話の答え方(でんわのこたえかた)










Answering the Telephone

The phone is ringing -  how do you answer? In Japan, you often hear people say “Moshi Moshi”. “Moshi Moshi” is a way to ask “who are you / what do you want”? It is not very polite and in a business environment, you should answer by saying who you are.

When you call a company to ask for a specific person, you say “_____-san to ohanashi ga shitaino desuga”.

When someone asks to speak with someone else, they answer by saying:

  “____ ni toritsugi itashimasu” (I will transfer you now)

  ”_____ wa ima betsuno dennwa ni deteimasu” (_____ is on the other line)

  “____ wa seki o hazushite iimasu” (____ is not at their desk)

  “____ wa gaisyutsu shite imasu” (____ is out of the office) 

What is important here is that when you say your employee's name, you should not add "_____-san" or "___ manager", honorifics, or titles. Even if it is the President, it is polite to call them by just their last name.

In Japan, I often see people bow while talking on the phone as if they are talking face-to-face. Also, in Japan, talking on cell phones (especially speakerphones) is very disliked when there are other people around. So please be careful.

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O-bon wa sosen no tamashii ga modottekuru to iwareteiru jiki desu.
O-bon is the period when the spirits of ancestors come back

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So So
How to use まあまあ ???

There are several ways to use word Maa Man or まあまあ
One way is very close to "So So" to "it's okay" in English language.
You use this word to describe something that is not bad ... above average.
It is three and half starts in five star rating.

How was that Restaurant?
It was so so to it was ok.

You can tell this restaurant is まあまあ to your friend. But you should never said this to the owner of the restaurant ... it will be an insult.

Other way to use まあまあ to tell people to calm down.

This was the request from one of our newsletter reader. Thank you Chris.
She wrote...

This phrase sounds like a criticism. Google Translate says "OK." Again, that seems wrong to me and I am afraid to ever say it.

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Eakon tsuketeru noni atsui
It's still so hot even with the AC on. 

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Matcha aisu ga daisuki desu.
I love green tea ice cream.

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How do you translate what Minatoku Jyoshi (Girls from Minatoku, Tokyo).

What kind of work do you do?
-> How much do you make?

I can drink alcohol a bit.
-> I can drink like fish.

I can eat anything.
-> Something delicious and expensive.

Don't you have a dog?
-> Take me to your room.

I do not feel like being in love.
-> You are not my type.

Would you like a chewing gum?
-> Your breath stinks.

You have a work tomorrow, don't you.
-> I want to go home early.

I am going t a wash room.
-> Please make a payment.

Can we visit a department store?
-> Buy me new bag.

I cannot decide.
-> Buy me the most expensive one.

Minato-ku joshi

Gorgeous ladies who’re on the hunt for “high spec guys”

Minato-ku joshi (港区女子), is a word that appears to have gained momentum in the last year or so. These are ladies—mostly university students and those in their early 20s—who love spending time in Minato Ward, one of the most expensive places to live in Japan. By Minato Ward, I mean the chic neighborhoods of Roppongi, Azabu Juban, Nishi-Azabu and Aoyama, where the so-called “high spec guys”—well-educated, good-looking men who earn a lot, such as business owners, doctors or elite salarymen working at big-name companies—live, work and party night after night. Minato-ku joshi’s sole purpose in life is to be around these men, using their youth, beauty, and wit to get what they want—be it free dinner at high-class restaurants, expensive gifts such as designer handbags and jewelry, or connections with celebrities and other rich and famous guys.

The Plentiness Of Woman Types In Japan: From ‘Bari-kyari’ To ‘Himono-Onna’

Many Minato-ku joshi also happen to be kirakira joshi (キラキラ女子), who are leading “shining and glittering” lives. Simply put, they own everything—they’re pretty, have an amazing fashion sense, are cheerful, positive, and fun to talk with. They’re witty and intelligent, and most of them are successful in their careers too.


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Basu de Tsuukin shite imasu.
I take the bus to work.

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盆踊り 阿波おどり

Dates: Wed, Aug 12, 2020 – Sat, Aug 15, 2020
Location: Tokushima, Tokushima, Japan
Dates: Wed, Aug 12, 2020 – Sat, Aug 15, 2020
Location: Tokushima, Tokushima, Japan
Bon Odori

Bon Odori (Japanese: 盆踊り), meaning simply Bon dance, is a style of dancing performed during Obon. ... Originally a Nenbutsu folk dance to welcome the spirits of the dead, the style of celebration varies in many aspects from region to region.

Awa Odori

Awa Odori is the largest dance festival in Japan, attracting over 1.3 million tourists every year. Groups of choreographed dancers and musicians known as ren (連) dance through the streets, typically accompanied by the shamisen lute, taiko drums, shinobue flute and the kane bell.

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Obon (お盆) or just Bon (盆) is a Japanese Buddhist custom to honor the spirits of one's ancestors. ... The festival of Obon lasts for three days; however, its starting date varies within different regions of Japan.

Bon Festival 2020 in Japan will begin on Thursday, August 13 and ends on Sunday, August 16

Many people in Japan are taking this week off to go visit their families (not much this year due to the pandemic).

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Kaiseki ryori wa Cha no yu de dasarete ita Dentoutekina ryouri desu.
Kaiseki is a traditional course dishes originally served at a tea ceremony.

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Kenon Shite imasu.
I'm checking the body temperature.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 29 君と僕(きみとぼく)






Kimi to Boku

In Japanese, you refer to other people as Kimi” and yourself as “Boku”. Of course, you can say "Anata" for another person and “Watashi" for yourself as well. However, in the Japanese language, “Kimi” and “Boku” were invented first.

“Kimi” is a shortened version of the word “Kunsyu” and “Boku” came from the word "Geboku". Needless to say, “Kunsyu” means the “master" and “Geboku” means the “servant". In short, “Kimi” and “Boku” have a master-slave relationship.

In Japan, language is used to show respect to the other person. When you ask for something, you use phrases like “~~~ o shitekudasai”, “~~~ o shite Itadakemasuka” and “~~~ o Onegaishimasu." These phrases show respect to others.

It is also important in Japanese to use language that respects the other person when talking. This is how you use Japanese politely.

Learn more Japanese words and culture on our  Daily Blog .

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親不孝 (おやくふこう)

Oya Fukou

This is an opposite of 親孝行(おやこうこう)。
It means you make your parents unhappy.

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親孝行 (おやこうこう)

Oya Kou Kou

This means you tale care of your parents.
It is something you as a child is expected to do.

親 = おや = Oya = Parent(s)
孝行 = こうこう = Koukou = Take Care / Devote to ...

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Fuji-san ni Noboritai desu.
I want to climb Mount. Fuji

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いつも笑顔えがお でいよう!

Itsumo Egao de iyou!
Let's keep smiling!

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Wachoshoku ga Suki desu.
I like Japanese style breakfast.

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今日の = きょうの = Kyouno = Today's
ランチは = らんちは = Ranchi wa =Lunch was
テイクアウトの = ていくあうとの Taikuauto No = Take Out
インド料理 = いんどりょうり = Indo Ryori = Indian Food / Indian Cooking

Today's lunch was a take out Indian Food.

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ねこ カフェにってきました。

Neko kafe ni Itte kimashita
I went to a cat cafe.

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Sorosoro Ochugen wo Okuttahouga iine.
We should send a midsummer gift soon.

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たの しい夏休なつやすみをおごしください。

Tanoshii natsuyasumi wo Osugoshi kudasai.
Enjoy your summer break.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 28 銭湯(せんとう)






Public Bath

A Yusen, also known as a “Ofuroya", means a public bath where you pay to bathe. The history of public baths is said to date back to the 11th century. However, it was in Edo (present-day Tokyo) in 1591 where a bathhouse was opened as a business where visitors would pay money to use it as it is now. History indicates that a person named Ise Yoichi managed the first public bath in Edo (Tokyo).

It seems that public baths in the Edo period were mixed baths (men and woman bathe together). Female bath attendants known as “Yuna” would wash the body of men inside the public baths. Eventually the Edo Shogunate (Edo government) at that time said that discipline was being disturbed, so the mixed baths and the number of bathers were regulated. However, those regu-lation were often ignored or not followed.

At the present date, there seems to be mixed baths in some hot springs, but there are no mixed baths in bathhouses, and there is no “Yuna”. Of course, the entrance of the bathhouse is divided into men's and women's. Also, many bathhouses cannot be used by those with tattoos, including one-point tattoos. It is because tattoos are said to be associated with Yakuza and gangsters.

If you have the opportunity to go to Japan, I think it is interesting to go to a public bath.

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Nonbiri shitai.
I want to take it easy.

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冒険ぼうけん したい気分きぶんだ!

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