Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 136 B級グルメ(Bきゅうグルメ)


しかし、日本(にほん)()ったら高級(こうきゅう)なものを()べるより、一般(いっぱん)庶民(しょみん)日常的(にちじょうてき)()べているものを()べたいと(おも)いませんか。そのような(やす)くておいしい食事(しょくじ)日本(にほん)ではB(きゅう)グルメと()んでいます。このB(きゅう)グルメに代表(だいひょう)されるものが、ラーメンやうどん、そば(高級(こうきゅう)なものもあります) 、()きそば、お(この)()き、たこ()き、カレーライス、ハンバーガー、どんぶりなどです。その(ほか)にもランチ定食(ていしょく)喫茶店(きっさてん)フードなどもB(きゅう)グルメと()えるかもしれません。また、くら寿司(すし)、スシローといった回転(かいてん)寿司(ずし)もB(きゅう)グルメに(はい)るのだと(おも)います。これ以外(いがい)にも、日本(にほん)ではお弁当(べんとう)(やす)販売(はんばい)されていて人気(にんき)があります。


B-Grade Gourmet

Where would you go to eat when you visit Japan? Would you eat at a traditional Japanese restaurant, also known as a ryotei? Or would you go to a fancy restaurant? There are many places to eat in Japan that offer excellent service, taste, and atmosphere. Out of the top five restaurants with the highest total number of Michelin stars, Japanese cities make up three of those five. So, regardless of the type of food, Japan is globally recognized as a good place to eat good food.

However, don’t you want to eat something less expensive that Japanese people eat every day when you go to Japan? In Japan, they call inexpensive everyday food, "B-kyu gourmet”. Typical examples of B-grade gourmet include ramen, udon, soba (though, some are high-class), yakisoba, okonomiyaki, Takoyaki, curry and rice, hamburgers, and donburi. In addition, lunch set menus and coffee shop food may also be considered B-class gourmet. I think conveyor-belt sushi restaurants like Kura Sushi and Sushiro are also classified as B-gourmet.

Japanese lunch menus are also popular among working people, especially low-priced bento boxes. Generally, they sell for around 500 yen or 1,000 yen for the cheapest items. It’s considered expensive if prices reach over 1,000 yen, and the types of customers vary. 1,000 yen equals about $7.50 in U.S dollars, so it’s quite inexpensive compared to lunch in the U.S. Additionally, Japan doesn’t have a tipping system, so you’re expected to pay the price that’s written on the menu, which is probably another reason why items in Japan seem cheap. If you get the chance to visit Japan, please enjoy the affordable prices and B-class food.

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Nippon no kiroku shijō no saikō ondo wa 2018 nen ni Saitamaken Kumagayashi to 2020 nen Shizuokaken Hamamatsushi de kansokusareta 41 . 1 desu. sonota ni mo kansokusho niyotte wa 42 do o koeta kiroku mo aru yō desu.

The highest temperature in Japan's recorded history is 41.1°C, observed in Kumagaya, Saitama Prefecture in 2018 and Hamamatsu, Shizuoka Prefecture in 2020.
There are also other records of temperatures exceeding 42°C at some stations.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 135 日本で違法とされているもの(にほんでいほうとされているもの)


違法(いほう)といえば、刃渡(はわた)りが6cm 以上(いじょう)包丁(ほうちょう)やナイフを所持(しょじ)することも違法(いほう)になります。ただし業務(ぎょうむ)目的(もくてき)所持(しょじ)する場合(ばあい)適切(てきせつ)なケースなどに()れて搬送(はんそう)する場合(ばあい)罰則(ばっそく)にはなりません。(たと)えば、建設(けんせつ)(ぎょう)(かた)仕事(しごと)使(つか)刃物(はもの)携帯(けいたい)して現場(げんば)まで往復(おうふく)する行為(こうい)は、業務(ぎょうむ)目的(もくてき)携帯(けいたい)しているので、処罰(しょばつ)されません。また、包丁(ほうちょう)などの刃物(はもの)購入(こうにゅう)して()(かえ)道中(どうちゅう)や、キャンプ用品(ようひん)刃物(はもの)携帯(けいたい)してキャンプ(じょう)まで往復(おうふく)する道中(どうちゅう)も、正当(せいとう)理由(りゆう)をもって携帯(けいたい)していると(かんが)えられます。

また、みなさんもご存知(ぞんじ)かと(おも)いますが、日本(にほん)国内(こくない)では特定(とくてい)公的(こうてき)職業(しょくぎょう)以外(いがい)(じゅう)(ライフル・拳銃(けんじゅう)(とう)) を所持(しょじ)することはできません。たとえ護身(ごしん)(よう)だとしても(じゅう)許可(きょか)されていません。ですから、日本(にほん)では警備(けいび)(いん)警察(けいさつ)ではないので(じゅう)()(こと)はできないのです。日本(にほん)(じゅう)による事件(じけん)(すく)ないのはこのように(きび)しく管理(かんり)されているからです。


Illegal Activities in Japan

Marijuana, which people can legally purchase in the U.S. and Europe, is called cannabis in Japan. If you mistakenly bring some into Japan, you will be in big trouble. In Japan, the consider marijuana a narcotic, so possessing it is a criminal offense, punishable for up to seven years, or two million yen.

It’s also illegal to possess a knife, including a kitchen knife, with a blade of six centimeters or more in length. However, having a knife for work isn’t punishable if it’s carried in an appropriate case or container. For example, Japanese officials won’t penalize a construction worker carrying a knife to and from a job site because he or she is clearly using it for work purposes. Additionally, other legitimate reasons for carrying knives and other blades are when you’re on the way home after purchasing them or when you’re going to and from a campsite.

Also, as you probably know, people aren’t allowed to carry a gun (rifle, pistol, etc.) in Japan. Although there are exceptions to this rule for those who work in certain official occupations. For everyone else, guns still aren’t permitted, even if it’s for self-defense. Therefore, even security guards in Japan aren’t allowed to carry guns, as they’re not considered the police. This strict control is the reason there are very few gun-related incidents in Japan.

Although the assassination of former Prime Minister Abe involved the use of a gun, it was homemade. It wasn’t the kind of gun that’s generally sold in the U.S. The fact that people around at that time didn’t run or get down at the sound of gunfire struck me. Instead, they were just stunned by what happened. So, there aren’t many gun-shooting accidents in Japan.

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“Mt. Fuji in a fine day. 富士山” by T.Kiya, CC BY-SA 2.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/>, via Flickr
富士山(ふじさん)日本(にっぽん)一番(いちばん)標高(ひょうこう)(たか)(やま)で、登山者(とざんしゃ)()えない人気(にんき)スポット です。7(がつ)上旬(じょうじゅん)から 9月中(がつちゅう)(じゅん)は、トレイル や宿泊施設(しゅくはくしせつ)(ひら)公式(こうしき)登山(とざん)シーズン です。この期間中(きかんちゅう)(やま)通常(つうじょう)(ゆき)がなく、気候(きこう)比較的(ひかくてき)(おだ)やかです。今年(ことし)は 7(がつ)(にち)山梨県側(やまなしけんがわ)吉田(よしだ)ルート、7(がつ)10(にち)静岡県(しずおかけん)(がわ)()(そう)ルート が(ひら)きます。

Fujisan wa Nippon de ichiban hyōkō no takai yama de, tozansha ga taenai ninki supotto desu. Shichigatsu jōjun kara 9 gatsu chūjun wa, toreiru ya shukuhaku shisetsu ga hiraku kōshiki no tozan shi-zun desu. Kono kikanchū, yama wa tsūjō yuki ga naku, kikō wa hikakuteki odayaka desu. Kotoshi wa shichigatsu ichi nichi ni Yamanashikengawa no Yoshida ru-to, shichigatsu tooka ni Shizuokakengawa no Subashiri ru-to ga hirakimasu.

Mt. Fuji is the tallest mountain in Japan and is a popular spot for climbers. Early July to mid-September is the official climbing season with the opening of trails and mountain lodgings. During this period, the mountain is usually snow-free and the climate is relatively mild. This year, the Yoshida route from the Yamanashi Prefecture will open on July 1st, and the Subashiri route from the Shizuoka Prefecture will open on July 10.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 134 ゼロとレイの使い方(ゼロとレイのつかいかた)

本日(ほんじつ)降水確率(こうすいかくりつ)は0%です」という場合(ばあい)、0をゼロ(Zero) と()むかレイ(Rei) と()むのか、どちらが(ただ)しいでしょうか。




The Word “Rei” in Japanese

Do zero and “rei” mean the same thing? I think there are only a few Japanese people who can answer this correctly.

When we say zero, it’s a mathematical way of saying nothing, but “rei” doesn’t mean nothing. Instead, “rei” means close to zero, but not exactly zero. So instead of saying there’s a 0% chance of rain today, we say rei%, not 0%.

For example, we reference a baby’s age by months or weeks in English instead of years before they turn one. In Japanese, we use the term “rei years old” to refer to a child’s age before their first birthday. Conversely, if you said there were zero traffic accidents today, it means there were no actual accidents.

This is the common usage of “zero” and “rei” in weather broadcasts. There aren’t any strict rules, but it may be good to know as trivia.

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Nippon de ichiban ōkina mizuumi wa, Shigaken ni aru Biwako desu. Biwako wa kinrin no chiiki ni mo hiroku mizu o kyōkyūshiteimasu.

The largest lake in Japan is Lake Biwa, located in Shiga Prefecture. Lake Biwa supplies water widely to neighboring areas.

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