Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 253 日本人と外国人を日本国内で見分ける方法(にほんじんとがいこくじんをにほんこくないでみわけるほうほう)

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1. 言葉(ことば)発音(はつおん)
- 日本語(にほんご)発音(はつおん)やイントネーションが日本人(にほんじん)とは(すこ)(こと)なる場合(ばあい)外国人(がいこくじん)可能性(かのうせい)があります。ただし、流暢(りゅうちょう)日本語(にほんご)(はな)外国人(がいこくじん)(おお)く、日本(にほん)(そだ)ちの外国人(がいこくじん)もいるため、言葉(ことば)だけでの判断(はんだん)(むずか)しいです。
- 発音(はつおん)だけでなく、街中(まちなか)電車(でんしゃ)(なか)、また喫茶店(きっさてん)などで大声(おおごえ)(はな)している場合(ばあい)日本人(にほんじん)ではない可能性(かのうせい)(たか)いです。また携帯(けいたい)電話(でんわ)(はな)しながら(ある)いているような(かた)外国人(がいこくじん)場合(ばあい)(おお)いです。

2. 行動(こうどう)パターン
- 公共(こうきょう)()でのマナー:日本人(にほんじん)公共(こうきょう)()では(しず)かに()ごす傾向(けいこう)(つよ)いため、(とく)公共(こうきょう)交通(こうつう)機関(きかん)飲食店(いんしょくてん)での(はな)(ごえ)(おお)きさなどから日本人(にほんじん)判断(はんだん)できることがあります。
- ()()いしながら、街中(まちなか)(ある)いている(ひと)外国人(がいこくじん)であることが(おお)いです。これは(まわ)りへの配慮(はいりょ)だと(かんが)えられます。また、(とく)都会(とかい)ではタバコを()いながら(ある)いている(ひと)もほとんどが外国人(がいこくじん)です。

3. 服装(ふくそう)のスタイル
- 日本人(にほんじん)一般的(いっぱんてき)流行(りゅうこう)季節(きせつ)()わせた服装(ふくそう)(この)み、(とく)にトレンドを意識(いしき)したスタイルが(おお)傾向(けいこう)にあります。一方(いっぽう)で、外国人(がいこくじん)はよりカジュアルなスタイルや(こと)なるファッション文化(ぶんか)()()れていることが(おお)いです。
- 海外(かいがい)から()られた(かた)は、(なつ)でなくても半袖(はんそで)(はん)ズボンやスリッパといった(なつ)のような服装(ふくそう)()ごされる(かた)(おお)いように(おも)います。

4. 文化的(ぶんかてき)(ちが)
- お辞儀(じぎ)仕方(しかた):お辞儀(じぎ)身振(みぶ)手振(てぶ)りの仕方(しかた)で、日本(にほん)特有(とくゆう)のジェスチャーが自然(しぜん)にできるかどうかで見分(みわ)けることも可能(かのう)です。
- 習慣(しゅうかん)慣習(かんしゅう)日本独特(にほんどくとく)文化的(ぶんかてき)慣習(かんしゅう)(れい)(くつ)()場所(ばしょ)(もの)(わた)すときの丁寧(ていねい)さなど)への適応(てきおう)が、日本人(にほんじん)外国人(がいこくじん)(こと)なることがあります。

注意(ちゅうい)事項(じこう) ただし、これらの方法(ほうほう)はあくまで一般的(いっぱんてき)傾向(けいこう)であり、日本(にほん)国内(こくない)にはさまざまなバックグラウンドを()人々(ひとびと)がいるため、外見(がいけん)行動(こうどう)だけで日本人(にほんじん)外国人(がいこくじん)かを()めつけるのは適切(てきせつ)ではありません。
How to Distinguish Japanese People From Foreigners in Japan
There are several ways to distinguish Japanese people from foreigners in Japan, but be careful. It’s hard to judge someone based on appearance and behavior alone, an it can be misleading, so please refer to the following points as general trends.

1. Language and Pronunciation
If the Japanese word pronunciation or intonation is even a little different from Japanese people, it’s possible that person is a foreigner. However, since many foreigners speak Japanese fluently, and some have even grown up in Japan, it’s difficult to judge by language alone.
In addition to pronunciation, if someone’s talking loudly on the street, on the train, or in a coffee shop, it’s highly probable that he or she isn’t Japanese. Also, people who talk on their phones while walking are often not Japanese.

2. Behavioral Patterns
Manners in public places: Japanese people tend to be quiet in public places, so you may be able to tell if a person is Japanese by how loud they talk, especially on public transportation or in restaurants.
People who drink or eat while walking around are also often foreigners. Japanese people take great consideration of their surroundings, so they often won’t do this. Also, most people who smoke while walking, especially in the city, are usually foreigners.

3. Clothing Style
Japanese people generally base their outfits on trends and different seasons and tend to be particularly trend-conscious. On the other hand, foreigners often adopt a more casual style and different fashion culture.
Many visitors from abroad seem to wear summer-like clothing such as short sleeves, short pants, and slippers, even when it isn’t summer.

4. Cultural Differences
Bowing: If this unique Japanese gesture comes naturally to people, it’s possible to distinguish if someone’s Japanese or a foreigner.
Habits and customs: Adaptation to cultural customs unique to Japan (e.g., where to take off your shoes, politeness when handing things over, etc.) may differ between Japanese and foreigners.

*Note: These methods are only general trends. It is not appropriate to assume someone is Japanese or not based on appearance or behavior alone as there are people with different backgrounds in Japan.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 252 知っておきたい!日本の最新トレンドとポップカルチャー(しっておきたい!にほんのさいしんトレンドとポップカルチャー)

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1. Z世代(せだい)牽引(けんいん)する「シンプル&ミニマリズム」ファッション

2. 注目(ちゅうもく)の「エンタメカフェ」

3. ()えるスポット!「デジタルアート展示(てんじ)
日本(にほん)各地(かくち)人気(にんき)(あつ)めているのが、体験(たいけん)(がた)のデジタルアート展示(てんじ)です。(とく)東京(とうきょう)の「チームラボ ボーダレス」は、幻想的(げんそうてき)なデジタルアートを全身(ぜんしん)(たの)しめる展示(てんじ)空間(くうかん)として国内外(こくないがい)から注目(ちゅうもく)(あつ)めています。SNS()えする写真(しゃしん)()りたいという若者(わかもの)や、家族(かぞく)での(おも)()づくりにもぴったりです。

4. グルメトレンド「植物(しょくぶつ)由来(ゆらい)のヴィーガンフード」

5. 最新(さいしん)のポップミュージック「シティポップ復活(ふっかつ)

Japan’s Latest Trends and Pop Culture: What You Need to Know!
Hello everyone interested in Japan!

When it comes to Japanese pop culture, people all around the world love anime, manga, and J-pop, but that’s not all there is! By learning about the latest trends, you can deepen your understanding of Japan further. In this issue, we’ll be introducing the latest trends and pop culture attractions that’ll give you a better sense of what Japan is like today!

1. Gen-Z Led “Simple and Minimalist” Fashion

Simple and minimalist styles are gaining attraction in Japan, especially among the younger generation. The fashion currently trending in Japan simply expresses individuality, with minimal uses of colors and patterns. With environmental awareness also on the rise, sustainable fashion is also attracting attention. Retro styles that incorporate vintage clothing are also popular, and many people shop at vintage clothing stores in Harajuku, Tokyo.

2. Entertainment Cafes

Anime- and game-themed entertainment cafes have become popular spots in Japan. For example, visitors can enjoy an extraordinary world just by visiting cafes with anime-character-themed cafes or cafes with motifs of the Warring States Period or ninjas. With limited menus and available events for every season, the number of foreign tourists visiting entertainment cafes is increasing.

3. Digital Art Exhibits

Hands-on digital art exhibits are gaining popularity throughout Japan. In particular, TeamLab Borderless is attracting attention from Japan and abroad as an exhibition space where visitors can enjoy fantastic digital art with their entire bodies, which is perfect for young people wanting to share pictures on social media and for families wanting to create memories together.

4. Gourmet Plant-Based Vegan Food

As people become more health-conscious, vegan and plant-based foods are spreading rapidly in Japan. From hamburgers made with soy meat to sweets without any animal ingredients, healthy and delicious options are on the rise. In addition, vegan-friendly products are now available at convenience stores nationwide, making it easier for people to try.

5. City Pop Revival
City pop, which was once popular in the ‘80s, is again in the limelight. Listeners have revived hit songs from that era on YouTube and Spotify, and their popularity has skyrocketed overseas as well. The music, with its laid-back rhythms and urban atmosphere, is popular among a wide range of people, from the young to the elderly.

Japanese trends are dynamic and ever-changing, so the next time you visit Japan, be sure to experience the latest trendy spots and pop culture. Your new discoveries will lead you to a deeper appreciation of Japan.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 251 日本の常識、世界の非常識(にほんのじょうしき、せかいのひじょうしき)

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Japanese Common Sense and Global Insanity
“Japanese common sense and global insanity” refers to customs and values widely accepted in Japan that other countries don’t necessarily accept or understand. Some examples include:

Bowing and Greetings

In Japan, people bow as a common greeting form, but overseas, many people consider handshakes, hugs, and kisses as basic greetings. People in other countries, especially in a business situation, may be confused about how low and how long Japanese people bow when they greet each other. 

The Lack of Tipping Culture

In Japan, they don’t tip in restaurants and service businesses. Instead, they include the service charge in the price. On the other hand, in countries like the U.S., people expect that part of an employee’s income comes from tipping, commonly with a minimum of 15 to 20%. In Japan, on the other hand, people think tipping is strange.

Quiet Public Transportation

On Japanese trains and buses, it is polite to refrain from talking or talking on the phone out of consideration for other passengers. Overseas, it’s common to talk in public places, but it’s rare for people to be as quiet as people are in Japan. Therefore, foreign tourists are often surprised at how quiet Japanese public transportation is.

Seniority System and Lump-Sum Hiring of New Graduates

The Japanese corporate culture is deeply rooted in the seniority system, and they highly value working long hours. Another uniquely Japanese practice is the lump-sum hiring of new graduates, where businesses hire all new graduates at the same time every year. In Europe, the U.S., and other countries, merit-based evaluation and mid-career hiring are common.

Customary Holidays Rather Than Religious Ones

In Japan, celebrating Christmas and Valentine’s Day, for example, have very little religious tones. Overseas, with Christmas especially, holidays often have religious significance, and some people feel uncomfortable viewing it as a commercial event like in Japan.

Excessive Packaging

In Japan, manufacturers and business owners alike often carefully package products, and they pay special care to packaging souvenirs and gifts beautifully. However, environmentally conscious countries often criticize excessive packaging, so the Japanese culture of excessive packaging is not always well understood.

Tattoos in Onsen and Public Baths

Japanese hot springs and public bathhouses often prohibit tattoos, but in other countries, tattoos are commonly a form of fashion and self-expression. As a result, foreign tourists with tattoos are sometimes refused from bathing in an Onsen, which can be inconvenient for some.

Therefore, culture and value differences may be reflected as “common sense in Japan and insanity in the rest of the world”, but it is important to understand and respect each other's culture to facilitate smooth international communication.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 250 日本独自のブランドと商品(にほんどくじのブランドと商品)

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1. モンベル(Montbell)
- 概要(がいよう) :モンベルは、日本(にほん)(はつ)のファッションアクセサリーブランドで、バッグや財布(さいふ)、ジュエリーなど幅広(はばひろ)商品(しょうひん)展開(てんかい)しています。シンプルかつ高級感(こうきゅうかん)のあるデザインが特徴(とくちょう)で、(とく)革製品(かわせいひん)人気(にんき)です。日本(にほん)国内(こくない)での販売(はんばい)(おも)で、品質(ひんしつ)(たか)さと独自(どくじ)のデザイン(せい)評価(ひょうか)されています。

2. ニトリ
- 概要(がいよう) :ニトリは、日本(にほん)国内(こくない)(ひろ)展開(てんかい)している家具(かぐ)生活(せいかつ)用品(ようひん)ブランドです。「お、ねだん以上(いじょう)。」をキャッチフレーズに、手頃(てごろ)価格(かかく)でスタイリッシュかつ実用的(じつようてき)商品(しょうひん)提供(ていきょう)しています。(とく)家具(かぐ)やインテリアアイテム、寝具(しんぐ)などが人気(にんき)で、日本(にほん)家庭(かてい)愛用(あいよう)されています。ニトリの商品(しょうひん)は、シンプルで使(つか)いやすいデザインが特徴(とくちょう)で、日常(にちじょう)生活(せいかつ)快適(かいてき)にするアイテムが(そろ)っています。

3. LOGOS(ロゴス)
- 概要(がいよう) :LOGOSは、日本(にほん)(はつ)のアウトドアブランドで、キャンプ用品(ようひん)やレジャーグッズを幅広(はばひろ)提供(ていきょう)しています。初心者(しょしんしゃ)からベテランまで幅広(はばひろ)(そう)支持(しじ)されており、テントや調理器(ちょうりき)()など、キャンプに必要(ひつよう)なアイテムが(そろ)っています。(とく)機能性(きのうせい)とデザイン(せい)()(そな)えた製品(せいひん)魅力(みりょく)です。

4. オニツカタイガー(Onitsuka Tiger)
- 概要(がいよう) :オニツカタイガーは、日本(にほん)代表(だいひょう)するスニーカーブランドで、クラシックなデザインと()心地(ごこち)()さが特徴(とくちょう)です。(とく)にファッション(せい)(たか)いスニーカーとして、世界(せかい)(じゅう)人気(にんき)がありますが、日本(にほん)限定(げんてい)のモデルもあり、コレクターにとって魅力的(みりょくてき)です。

5. ZETT(ゼット)
- 概要(がいよう) :ZETTは、日本(にほん)のスポーツ用品(ようひん)メーカーで、(とく)野球(やきゅう)用品(ようひん)(つよ)みがあります。プロ野球(やきゅう)選手(せんしゅ)からアマチュアまで幅広(はばひろ)使用(しよう)されるグローブやバットが有名(ゆうめい)です。耐久性(たいきゅうせい)とパフォーマンスの(たか)さが評価(ひょうか)され、日本(にほん)野球(やきゅう)文化(ぶんか)(ささ)える重要(じゅうよう)なブランドです。

6. アンリ・シャルパンティエ(Henri Charpentier)
- 概要(がいよう) :アンリ・シャルパンティエは、日本(にほん)(はつ)高級(こうきゅう)洋菓子(ようがし)ブランドで、(とく)にフィナンシェやタルトが人気(にんき)です。フランス菓子(かし)技術(ぎじゅつ)()()れつつも、日本人(にほんじん)繊細(せんさい)味覚(みかく)()わせたスイーツが特徴(とくちょう)です。(とく)にフィナンシェは世界一(せかいいち)()れているとされ、上品(じょうひん)(あま)さと(くち)どけが評価(ひょうか)されています。日本(にほん)国内(こくない)でしか()(はい)らない限定(げんてい)商品(しょうひん)(おお)く、ギフトとしても人気(にんき)があります。

7. ガトーフェスタ ハラダ(GATEAU FESTA HARADA)
- 概要(がいよう)群馬県(ぐんまけん)(はつ)洋菓子(ようがし)ブランドで、(とく)に「グーテ・デ・ロワ」というラスクが非常(ひじょう)有名(ゆうめい)です。サクサクとした食感(しょっかん)上品(じょうひん)なバターの風味(ふうみ)特徴(とくちょう)で、日本(にほん)全国(ぜんこく)にファンがいます。ラスクはプレーンからホワイトチョコレートがけ、期間(きかん)限定(げんてい)のフレーバーまで様々(さまざま)なバリエーションがあり、贈答(ぞうとう)(よう)としても人気(にんき)があります。日本(にほん)各地(かくち)()(はい)るものの、地域(ちいき)限定(げんてい)商品(しょうひん)(おお)く、(とく)人気(にんき)(たか)いブランドです。

日本(にほん)独自(どくじ)のブランドや商品(しょうひん)は、(しつ)(たか)さと独自(どくじ)のデザイン(せい)魅力(みりょく)で、国内外(こくないがい)(おお)くのファンを()っています。モンベルの洗練(せんれん)されたアクセサリーや、ニトリの実用的(じつようてき)なインテリア用品(ようひん)、LOGOSのアウトドアグッズ、アンリ・シャルパンティエやガトーフェスタ ハラダの美味(おい)しい洋菓子(ようがし)など、幅広(はばひろ)いジャンルで(えら)べるのが日本(にほん)(つよ)みです。(とく)に、日本(にほん)でしか()(はい)らない限定(げんてい)アイテムや地域(ちいき)限定(げんてい)商品(しょうひん)(おお)く、お土産(みやげ)としても非常(ひじょう)(よろこ)ばれることでしょう。ぜひ、これらのブランドの商品(しょうひん)をお土産(みやげ)(えら)んで、日本(にほん)らしさと(こう)品質(ひんしつ)(かん)じていただければと(おも)います。
Unique Japanese Brands and Products
Japan has many unique brands, ranging from regional brands to domestically and internationally popular brands. These brands reflect traditional Japanese craftsmanship, design, and aesthetics, especially the many limited edition products and unique items available only in Japan. Below are a few of Japan's leading brands.

1. Montbell
- Overview: Montbell is a fashion accessory brand from Japan that offers a wide range of products including bags, wallets, and jewelry. Simple yet luxurious designs characterize it, and its leather goods are particularly popular. They mainly sell in Japan and are highly regarded for their high quality and unique design.

2. Nitori  
- Overview: Nitori is a furniture and household goods brand widely distributed in Japan. Under the catchphrase “More than your price,” Nitori offers a wide range of products at affordable prices. Nitori offers stylish and practical products. Nitori's furniture, interior items, and bedding are especially popular and well-loved in Japanese households. Simple, easy-to-use designs characterize the brand, making everyday life more comfortable.

3. LOGOS  
- Overview: LOGOS is a Japanese outdoor brand that offers a wide range of camping equipment and leisure goods. Supported by a wide range of people, from beginners to seasoned veterans, the company offers a complete lineup of items necessary for camping, including tents and cooking utensils. People find the products particularly appealing because they combine functionality and design.

4. Onitsuka Tiger  
- Overview: Onitsuka Tiger is a leading Japanese sneaker brand, characterized by its classic design and comfort. The brand's fashionable sneakers are particularly popular around the world, and some models are available only in Japan, making them attractive to collectors.

5. ZETT  
- Overview: ZETT is a Japanese sporting goods manufacturer with particular strength in baseball equipment. Their gloves and bats garner their fame, as professional baseball players and amateurs alike use them often. Recognized for its durability and high performance, ZETT is an important brand that supports Japanese baseball culture.

6. Henri Charpentier
- Overview: Henri Charpentier is a high-end confectionery brand from Japan, especially popular for its financiers and tarts. While incorporating French confectionery techniques, their suitability for the delicate Japanese palate characterizes them. People even say the financier in particular is the world’s best-selling product, and people highly regard it for its elegant sweetness and melt-in-your-mouth texture. Many of their limited edition products are only available in Japan and are popular as gifts.

- Overview: GATEAU FESTA HARADA is a confectionary brand from the Gunma Prefecture, especially famous for its “Goutte des Rois” rusks. Their crispy texture and elegantly buttery flavor characterize them, giving them fans all over Japan. The rusks come in a variety of flavors, from plain to white chocolate-covered and limited-time-only flavors, making them popular as gifts. Although available throughout Japan, many products are limited only to regional markets, making this brand especially popular.

Japan's unique brands and products have a large number of fans both in Japan and abroad because of their high quality and unique design. Japan's strength lies in its wide range of choices, including sophisticated accessories from Montbell, practical interior goods from Nitori, outdoor goods from LOGOS, and delicious confections from Henri Charpentier and GATEAU FESTA HARADA. In particular, there are many limited items and regional products available only in Japan, which foreigners especially appreciate as souvenirs.

We hope you’ll hoose products from these brands as your souvenirs and experience the uniqueness and high quality of Japan.

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