Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 258 食事の注文の仕方(しょくじのちゅうもんのしかた)

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昼食(ちゅうしょく)時間帯(じかんたい)になると、(おお)くの店舗(てんぽ)で「ランチメニュー」と()ばれるお(とく)なセットメニューが提供(ていきょう)されます。(とく)にサラリーマン()けに手頃(てごろ)価格(かかく)販売(はんばい)されていることが(おお)く、(そと)にサンプルが展示(てんじ)されている場合(ばあい)もあります。一般的(いっぱんてき)に、2~3種類(しゅるい)のランチメニューがあり、これらは割安(わりやす)美味(おい)しい料理(りょうり)(たの)しむことができます。 また、喫茶店(きっさてん)などでは「モーニング」と()ばれる朝食(ちょうしょく)セットも手頃(てごろ)価格(かかく)提供(ていきょう)されています。(たと)えば、サラダ、トースト、ゆで(たまご)、コーヒーのセットが500(えん)以下(いか)(たの)しめるお(みせ)(おお)いです。



How to Order Food
No matter which country you visit, the first thing you want to know is how to order food at a restaurant. In this post, we’ll explain how to order a meal in Japan with some examples.
Menus and Food Samples
Restaurants in Japan often display not only menus but also food samples outside the restaurant. This lets you glance at the kind of food they serve and its price. If you don’t speak any Japanese, you can take the staff member with the sample display and point to the item you want and say, “I would like this please,” and they’ll most likely be able to accommodate you. However, please note that food samples are only for decoration and not for actual eating.
Lunch and Morning Sets
During lunch, many restaurants offer a special set menu called a lunch menu. They’re often reasonably priced, especially for office workers, and restaurants may display samples outside. Typically, there are two or three different lunch menus that offer good food at a discount. Coffee shops also offer breakfast sets, called “mornings,” at reasonable prices. For example, many stores offer a set of salads, toast, boiled eggs, and coffee for less than 500 yen.
The Latest Ordering Methods
In recent years, many restaurants have introduced menu ordering using tablet terminals. Customers can easily order on a tablet while looking at a menu with pictures, allowing them to check the appearance of the food before placing an order with confidence. On the other hand, some restaurants still mainly use printed menus, especially those with only text, which may be a bit difficult for foreign customers.
All-you-can-eat and Robata-yaki
The “all-you-can-eat” style is especially recommended for overseas visitors. They have a variety of dishes available, and since this style lets you choose what you want and take it back to your seat, there’s no need to worry about making an ordering mistake. Additionally, in "robata-yaki" style restaurants, you can point to the food you want and have them cook it for you, which is another easy-to-understand option.
The Importance of a Guide
The safest way to enjoy your meal is to have someone familiar with Japan guide you. Especially if you are visiting for the first time, it’s a good idea to take advantage of local support to help you enjoy your meal smoothly across language and cultural barriers.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 257 日本のクリスマスについて(にほんのくりすますについて)

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1. クリスマスは恋人(こいびと)たちの()

日本(にほん)ではクリスマスは、家族(かぞく)()ごす伝統的(でんとうてき)()というよりも恋人(こいびと)やパートナーと()ごす()として(とら)えられています。イルミネーションやクリスマスディナーを(たの)しむカップルが(おお)く、(とく)に**クリスマスイブ(12(がつ)24(にち))**はデートの()として定着(ていちゃく)しています。 高級(こうきゅう)レストランやホテルはクリスマスイブに()わせて特別(とくべつ)なプランを提供(ていきょう)し、(おお)くのカップルが予約(よやく)をします。

2. 家族(かぞく)友達(ともだち)(たの)しむパーティー文化(ぶんか)



3. クリスマスイルミネーションと装飾(そうしょく)


4. ギフト文化(ぶんか)(ひか)えめ


5. 商業的(しょうぎょうてき)なクリスマス


6. 宗教的(しゅうきょうてき)意味合(いみあ)いは(うす)



Christmas in Japan
People in Japan widely accept that Christmas is not a “religious holiday” as it is in Western or Christian culture, and instead as a “fun event” that has evolved uniquely. The following are some of the unique characteristics of how people spend Christmas in Japan.
1. A Day for Lovers
In Japan, people see Christmas as a day to spend with lovers and partners rather than a traditional day with family. Many couples enjoy Christmas dinner and lights, and Christmas Eve (December 24) in particular has become a date day. Fine restaurants and hotels offer special plans for Christmas Eve, and many couples make reservations.
2. Party Culture with Family and Friends
Since Christmas isn’t a national holiday in Japan, many people spend Christmas as an event to enjoy with friends and family after work or school.
Christmas Cake: An essential part of the celebration includes being surrounded by friends and family. Strawberry sponge cake is especially popular.
Chicken: Fried chicken is very popular in Japan as an alternative to turkey. KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) is particularly flooded with reservations during the Christmas season, and stores are crowded.
3. Christmas Lights and Decorations
During the Christmas season, they decorate the streets with gorgeous illuminations and decorations. In large cities, they hold Christmas events at shopping malls, train stations, and tourist attractions, attracting many people. In homes, they often decorate small trees and wreaths.
4. Modest Gift Culture
In Japan, the gift exchange culture is not as strong as it is in Western culture. People mainly tend to give gifts to lovers, close friends, and children. The “otoshidama” (New Year’s money gifts) tradition is more highly valued during the year-end and New Year period, so Christmas gifts tend to be relatively simple.
5. Commercial Christmas
Christmas is very much a commercial event in Japan. Department stores and shopping malls conduct Christmas sales, especially in December, which is the most festive season of the year. Businesses and restaurants offer Christmas-only products and special menus to entice consumers to buy.
6. Little Religious Significance
In Japan, a portion of the population has a Buddhist or Shinto cultural background, so they accept Christmas as a fun and seasonal event and tradition rather than a religious event.
Christmas in Japan has become a well-established event for having a joyful time with family, lovers, and friends. Illuminations, cake, and chicken symbolize this event, and it’s especially popular for lovers as a dating event. Christmas in Japan, so to speak, is a day to share love and fun. It’s a little different from Christmas in other countries, but it’s also a uniquely Japanese charm.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 256 日本で外国人が合法的に働く方法(にほんでがいこくじんがごうほうてきにはたらくほうほう)

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1. 就労(しゅうろう)ビザの取得(しゅとく)

- 技術(ぎじゅつ)人文(じんぶん)知識(ちしき)国際(こくさい)業務(ぎょうむ)ビザ:エンジニア、通訳(つうやく)、マーケティングなどの専門(せんもん)(しょく)
- 技能(ぎのう)ビザ:料理人(りょうりにん)建築(けんちく)職人(しょくにん)など特定(とくてい)技能(ぎのう)(しょく)
- 特定(とくてい)技能(ぎのう)ビザ:介護(かいご)建設(けんせつ)農業(のうぎょう)などの分野(ぶんや)での労働(ろうどう)特定(とくてい)分野(ぶんや)限定(げんてい)
- 高度(こうど)専門(せんもん)(しょく)ビザ:研究者(けんきゅうしゃ)大学(だいがく)教授(きょうじゅ)高度(こうど)なスキルを()技術者(ぎじゅつしゃ)など
- 企業(きぎょう)(ない)転勤(てんきん)ビザ:海外(かいがい)親会社(おやがいしゃ)関連(かんれん)会社(がいしゃ)からの転勤(てんきん)
- 興行(こうぎょう)ビザ:芸能(げいのう)活動(かつどう)やスポーツ選手(せんしゅ)
- 特定(とくてい)活動(かつどう)ビザ:特定(とくてい)活動(かつどう)(みと)められた場合(ばあい)

ポイント: 就労(しゅうろう)ビザを取得(しゅとく)するには、事前(じぜん)雇用(こよう)(さき)()まっている必要(ひつよう)があります。雇用(こよう)(さき)が「在留(ざいりゅう)資格(しかく)認定(にんてい)証明書(しょうめいしょ)」の申請(しんせい)をサポートするのが一般的(いっぱんてき)です。

2. 雇用(こよう)契約(けいやく)締結(ていけつ)
- 雇用(こよう)期間(きかん)
- 給与(きゅうよ)
- 勤務(きんむ)条件(じょうけん)業務(ぎょうむ)内容(ないよう)労働(ろうどう)時間(じかん)など)
- 福利(ふくり)厚生(こうせい)

3. 就労(しゅうろう)可能(かのう)在留(ざいりゅう)資格(しかく)確認(かくにん)


4. 税金(ぜいきん)社会(しゃかい)保険(ほけん)への加入(かにゅう)

- 所得(しょとく)(ぜい)住民(じゅうみん)(ぜい)給与(きゅうよ)から源泉徴収(げんせんちょうしゅう)されます。
- 社会(しゃかい)保険(ほけん)健康保険(けんこうほけん)厚生年金(こうせいねんきん)保険(ほけん)雇用(こよう)保険(ほけん)加入(かにゅう)することになります。
- マイナンバー制度(せいど)税金(ぜいきん)社会(しゃかい)保険(ほけん)管理(かんり)のため、マイナンバーが必要(ひつよう)です。

5. 日本語(にほんご)スキルの向上(こうじょう)推奨(すいしょう)

6. 違法(いほう)労働(ろうどう)()ける

- 強制(きょうせい)退去(たいきょ)
- (さい)入国(にゅうこく)禁止(きんし)
- 雇用主(こようぬし)罰則(ばっそく)()ける


How to Work Legally in Japan
For a foreigner to work legally in Japan, you must follow the following procedures and conditions:

1. Obtain a work visa

Japan requires foreigners to have an appropriate work visa. The visa type depends on the nature of the job and work you do, which is mainly divided into the following categories:
  • Technical/Humanities/International Services Visa: Engineers, interpreters, marketing and other professionals
  • Technical Visa: Specific-skill occupations like chefs, construction craftsmen, etc.
  • Specified Skills Visa: Work in fields like nursing care, construction, agriculture, etc. (limited to specific fields)
  • Highly-Skilled Professional Visa: Researchers, university professors, highly-skilled engineers, etc.
  • Intra-company Transfer Visa: Transfer from an overseas parent company or an affiliated company
  • Entertainer Visa: Entertainers and athletes
  • Specially-Designated Activities Visa: This visa permits specific activities

Overall, they must determine an employer in advance for a foreigner to obtain a work visa. Commonly, the employer supports the “Certificate of Eligibility” certificate for this to happen.

2. An employment contract conclusion

To work legally in Japan, you must conclude a formal employment contract with your employer. An employment contract generally includes:

  • Employment period
  • Salary
  • Working conditions (job description, working hours, etc.)
  • Benefits and welfare

3. Residence to work status confirmation

If you’re already in Japan, you must confirm whether your residence status lets you work there. Some resident statuses (e.g. student visa, family stay visa, etc.) may let you work with some restrictions, like working part-time or obtaining a permit.

For example, if a foreign student or family visitor wishes to work part-time, he/she must get “permission to engage in activities other than those permitted under the residence status” in advance (in principle: the work week shouldn’t exceed 28 hours). 

4. Tax and social insurance

Even as a foreigner, Japan requires you to pay the appropriate taxes if you work in Japan:

  • Income and inhabitant taxes: Taxes withheld at source from wages
  • Social insurance: Health insurance, employee pension insurance, and unemployment insurance
  • My Numbers system: In Japan, My Numbers is Japan’s version of social security numbers, which are required to manage taxes and social insurance
5. Japanese language skill improvement (recommended)

Many workplaces require strong Japanese language skills, so we recommend you aim for a level of N2 or higher on the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT). In customer service and sales positions, communication skills are critical.

6. Avoid illegal labor

Without a work visa, working in Japan as a foreigner is illegal and carries the following risks:

  • Deportation
  • Re-entry ban
  • Employer penalty liability
To work legally in Japan, foreigners must obtain an appropriate work visa, sign an employment contract, and join Japan’s tax and social insurance programs. In addition, you’ll have more possibilities to work in more job types if you improve your Japanese language skills. 

Make sure you follow these procedures carefully and plan accordingly to work in Japan!

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 255 ZIPAIR体験記(ZIPAIRたいけんき)

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海外(かいがい)から日本(にほん)()航空(こうくう)会社(がいしゃ)数多(かずおお)くありますが、日本(にほん)航空(こうくう)()がける国際(こくさい)LCC(ローコストキャリア)航空(こうくう)会社(がいしゃ)「ZIPAIR」をご(ぞん)じですか?ZIPAIRは以下(いか)路線(ろせん)運航(うんこう)しており、すべての路線(ろせん)でBoeing 787-8を使用(しよう)して快適(かいてき)(たび)提供(ていきょう)しています。

- 東京(とうきょう)成田(なりた)国際空港(こくさいくうこう)
- ソウル(仁川(いんちょん)国際空港(こくさいくうこう)
- マニラ(ニノイ・アキノ)国際空港(こくさいくうこう)
- バンコク(スワンナプーム)国際空港(こくさいくうこう)
- シンガポール(チャンギ)国際空港(こくさいくうこう)
- ホノルル(ダニエル・K・イノウエ)国際空港(こくさいくうこう)
- バンクーバー国際空港(こくさいくうこう)
- サンフランシスコ国際空港(こくさいくうこう)
- サンノゼ国際空港(こくさいくうこう)
- ロサンゼルス国際空港(こくさいくうこう)
- ヒューストン国際空港(こくさいくうこう)(2025(ねん)3(がつ)4(にち)より運航(うんこう)開始(かいし)





The ZIPAIR Experience
Many airlines fly to Japan from overseas, but have you heard of ZIPAIR, an international LCC (Low-Cost Carrier) airline operated by Japan Airlines? With a Boeing 787-8 aircraft, ZIPAIR provides a comfortable travel experience and operates the following routes:

  • Tokyo (Narita) International Airport
  • Seoul (Incheon) International Airport
  • Manila (Ninoy Aquino) International Airport
  • Bangkok (Suvarnabhumi) International Airport
  • Singapore (Changi) International Airport
  • Honolulu (Daniel K. Inouye) International Airport
  • Vancouver International Airport
  • San Francisco International Airport
  • San Jose International Airport
  • Los Angeles International Airport
  • Houston International Airport (operations start on March 4, 2025)

ZIPAIR Features:

ZIPAIR offers economy and full-flat seats at reasonable fares by keeping service to a minimum. All in-flight services are fee-based, so customers must purchase water, soft drinks, and meals. Ordering meals online in advance is less expensive than after boarding. However, they only offer meal service once after takeoff, and there aren’t any other additional services available.

You must also buy an amenity kit that includes a blanket, pillow, slippers, eye mask, and ear plugs separately but you can take it home after purchase.

There is no display for in-flight entertainment; instead, they provide free W-Fi. However, when I used it, the Wi-Fi was unstable and unsuitable for internet browsing. There are movies and other entertainment options available via Wi-Fi, but it’s a limited selection.

Cost-Conscious Options:

As a low-cost airline service, ZIPAIR is very attractive to those who value cost-effectiveness. However, due to its popularity, you have to make reservations at least three months in advance in some cases. In the past, it wasn’t possible to cancel a reservation after making one, but now, you can at least change the itinerary, but it’s still not possible to cancel a reservation.

Why not consider ZIPAIR as one of your transportation options to Japan?

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 254 日本が誇る「おもてなし」の心を世界へ (にほんがほこる「おもてなし」のこころをせかいへ)

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1. 観光(かんこう)(ぎょう)

2. 飲食(いんしょく)(ぎょう)

3. ビジネスシーン


- 観察力(かんさつりょく)(みが)

- 予想(よそう)()える感動(かんどう)提供(ていきょう)する

- 感謝(かんしゃ)(わす)れない



Bringing Japan's Proud Spirit of Omotenashi to the World
Good afternoon!  
Today, I would like to introduce the spirit of Omotenashi, the pride of Japanese culture to the world.  

What is Omotenashi?  

Omotenashi means to sincerely care for others and to provide consideration and care that exceeds their expectations. It’s not just about providing physical services but also about the deep consideration of the other person's point of view.

As the word suggests, the spirit of “Omotenashi” goes beyond creating a spiritual value that gives the other person a sense of security and special feeling.  

Omotenashi Situations

1. The Tourism Industry

At Japanese inns and hotels, staff will pay special attention to detail, from the warm greeting at check-in to the seasonal decorations in your room. This kind of attention gives visitors a special emotional experience.

2. Food and Beverages  

The beautiful appearance when serving meals and the sense of seasonality through food are symbols of Omotenashi (hospitality). Incorporating the tastes and requests of every customer enriches the dining experience.  

3. In Business Situations

Careful preparation for meetings and consideration for business partners are parts of “Omotenashi” that build trust. It’s not just about advancing the transaction, but also about considering the success and satisfaction of the other party, which builds a good relationship.  

How to Practice Omotenashi  

- Improve your observational skills  

It’s important to perceive what the other party is looking for, even if they don’t say it. By noticing the smallest of gestures or hearing different nuances of language, you can take appropriate action.

- Provide more excitement than expected.  

By going above and beyond what they expect, you can provide an unforgettable experience. For example, when giving a gift, you can add a personal touch to the recipient's tastes and preferences.  

- Remember to be appreciative.  

Omotenashi is born out of gratitude. By tangibly expressing your gratitude, you can build a mutually comfortable relationship.  

The Future of Omotenashi  

In today's globalized world, the spirit of “Omotenashi” is a value not only Japan needs but around the world. Respectful and considerate responses to others have the power to connect people's hearts and minds across countries and cultures.  

Omotenashi is not about fancy actions or extravagant performances, but rather a series of small considerations that bring the other person closer and provide comfort. Let's try to make Omotenashi so natural that it goes unnoticed. Why not incorporate the spirit of Omotenashi into your daily life and work and spread a little excitement?

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