Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 240 和牛の魅力とその海外展開(わぎゅうのみりょくとそのかいがいてんかい)

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1. 黒毛(くろげ)和種(わしゅ)(くろげわしゅ)


2. 褐毛(あかげ)和種(わしゅ)(あかげわしゅ)


3. 無角(むかく)和種(わしゅ)(むかくわしゅ)


4. 日本(にほん)短角(たんかく)(しゅ)(にほんたんかくしゅ)


5. 海外(かいがい)での和牛(わぎゅう)生産(せいさん)について

和牛(わぎゅう)魅力(みりょく)世界(せかい)(じゅう)(ひろ)まる(なか)海外(かいがい)でも和牛(わぎゅう)生産(せいさん)(おこな)われるようになりました。これらは「American Wagyu」や「Australian Wagyu」として()られています。海外(かいがい)生産(せいさん)される和牛(わぎゅう)は、日本(にほん)和牛(わぎゅう)多少(たしょう)(こと)なる特徴(とくちょう)()つことが(おお)いですが、それでも(こう)品質(ひんしつ)牛肉(ぎゅうにく)として人気(にんき)があります。


The Appeal of Wagyu Beef and Its Overseas Development
What is Wagyu?

Wagyu is Japan's high-quality beef, highly valued worldwide for its rich flavor and beautiful marbling. There are several major breeds of Wagyu, each with different characteristics and raised in specific regions. In this issue, we will introduce some of the major Wagyu breeds.

1. Kurogegawa Breed

The Kurogewaza breed is the most common Wagyu breed in Japan, accounting for more than 90% of Wagyu production. It has superior meat quality, with beautifully fine sashi (fat), a characteristic known as “marbling”. World-famous beef brands like Matsusaka Beef, Kobe Beef, and Omi Beef also belong to this breed.

2. Akagewa Breed (Japanese Brown Cattle Breed)

Raised mainly in Kumamoto and Kochi prefectures, this brown Japanese breed is known for its lean meat and good fat quality. As a result, it is characterized by its rich flavor and healthy meat quality. Representative brands include Kumamoto Wagyu Beef and Tosa Wagyu Beef.

3. Mukakuwa Breed (Japanese Polled) 

As the name suggests, the Mukakuwasyu breed, raised in Yamaguchi Prefecture, is characterized by its lack of horns. It is popular among health-conscious consumers because it produces lean meat with a firm texture and low fat content. The hornless Japanese breed is extremely rare and precious, as only a few exist in Japan.

4. Nihon Tankaku Breed (Japanese Shorthorn)

The Japanese Shorthorn is bred mainly in Iwate Prefecture in the Tohoku region and is characterized by its lean meat. It is low in fat and has a robust flavor, and is favored by health-conscious consumers. Iwate Shorthorn Beef is a representative brand.

5. Wagyu Beef Production Overseas

As the appeal of Wagyu has spread around the world, Wagyu beef is now being produced overseas as well. These are known as “American Wagyu” and “Australian Wagyu. Wagyu produced overseas often has characteristics that differ slightly from those of Japanese Wagyu, but it is still popular as high-quality beef.

However, it is not easy to reproduce the same quality of Japanese Wagyu beef in other countries. To reproduce the unique flavor and beautiful marbling of Wagyu, various factors must be closely controlled, including genetic resources, breeding methods, environment, and feed. Nonetheless, Wagyu beef produced overseas has established itself as a premium beef and people enjoy it on tables around the world.

The unique and distinctive flavor of each breed of Wagyu beef is truly a fascinating experience. This is also why people continue to appreciate and love Wagyu beef, not only in Japan, but around the world.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 239 日本での簡単な場所の尋ね方(にほんでのかんたんなばしょのたずねかた)

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How to Ask for Directions in Japan
Whether you're visiting or living in Japan, there will be many times when you'll need to ask for directions. For example, if you want to go to Shibuya Station, saying "Sumimasen, Shibuya eki wa dou yatte ikeba ii no desu ka?" (Excuse me, how can I get to Shibuya Station?) would be the correct Japanese phrase to use. However, there's a much simpler and more natural way to ask.

How Japanese People Ask for Directions

Many Japanese people use a much simpler and friendlier expression in everyday situations: "Ano, Shibuya eki wa”. With this phrase, the other person will understand you’re asking for directions to Shibuya Station and give you the appropriate answer. This expression also sounds polite, so it can be used with anyone, making it very convenient.

The Convenience of This Expression

If you remember the phrase, "Ano, XXXX wa…", you can easily ask for directions anywhere in Japan. For example, if you say, "Ano, toire wa...", you'll definitely get a response like, "The restroom is XXXX." Similarly, if you ask, "Ano, kippu wa...", the other person will guide you to the ticket counter or tell you how to purchase a ticket. 


Even if your Japanese isn't perfect, remembering this simple phrase will be incredibly useful during your travels or daily life in Japan. To make your time in Japan more enjoyable and stress-free, be sure to memorize this expression. As you continue studying Japanese, incorporating simple phrases like this one will help you get more out of your experience in Japan!

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 238 旅行先の名物料理(りょこうさきのめいぶつりょうり)

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- 寿司(すし)(とく)築地市場(つきじしじょう)現在(げんざい)豊洲(とよす)市場(しじょう))で新鮮(しんせん)魚介類(ぎょかいるい)使(つか)った寿司(すし)有名(ゆうめい)です。江戸(えど)(まえ)寿司(ずし)()ばれるスタイルが特徴(とくちょう)です。
- (てん)ぷら:江戸時代(えどじだい)からの伝統(でんとう)料理(りょうり)で、新鮮(しんせん)海老(えび)野菜(やさい)をサクサクの(ころも)()げたものです。専門店(せんもんてん)では、(こう)品質(ひんしつ)食材(しょくざい)()(かた)にこだわった(てん)ぷらを(たの)しめます。
- そば:日本(にほん)全国(ぜんこく)人気(にんき)のあるそばですが、東京(とうきょう)では「江戸(えど)(まえ)そば」が(とく)有名(ゆうめい)です。シンプルなかけそばやもりそばから、(てん)ぷらそばなどバリエーションが豊富(ほうふ)です。
- うなぎの蒲焼(かばや)き:東京(とうきょう)のうなぎは、タレで(こう)ばしく()かれた蒲焼(かばや)きが定番(ていばん)です。(なつ)のスタミナ(しょく)として(した)しまれています。
- もんじゃ()き:浅草(あさくさ)月島(つきしま)(とく)有名(ゆうめい)なもんじゃ()きは、鉄板(てっぱん)()いて()べる東京(とうきょう)独特(どくとく)のお(この)()きのような料理(りょうり)です。キャベツ、海鮮(かいせん)、もちなど様々(さまざま)具材(ぐざい)使(つか)われます。
- どじょう(なべ):どじょうを使(つか)った鍋料理(なべりょうり)で、(とく)江戸時代(えどじだい)から(つづ)老舗(しにせ)のどじょう鍋店(なべだな)有名(ゆうめい)です。
- 洋食(ようしょく)明治時代(めいじじだい)以降(いこう)西洋料理(せいようりょうり)()()れられ、東京(とうきょう)では独自(どくじ)進化(しんか)()げました。カレーライス、ハヤシライス、オムライスなどが代表的(だいひょうてき)です。
- たい()き:(あま)(あん)()れた(さかな)(かたち)をした()菓子(がし)で、浅草(あさくさ)などの下町(したまち)(とく)人気(にんき)があります。
- 和菓子(わがし)浅草(あさくさ)などの伝統的(でんとうてき)和菓子店(わがしてん)では、あんみつ、だんご、どら()きなどが(たの)しめます。


- たこ()き:大阪(おおさか)代表(だいひょう)するB(きゅう)グルメで、小麦粉(こむぎこ)生地(きじ)にタコの()()れ、鉄板(てっぱん)(まる)()()げます。(そと)はカリッと、(なか)はとろっとした食感(しょっかん)特徴(とくちょう)です。
- お(この)()き:キャベツや豚肉(ぶたにく)、シーフードなどの具材(ぐざい)小麦粉(こむぎこ)生地(きじ)()ぜて鉄板(てっぱん)()き、ソースやマヨネーズ、かつお(ぶし)(あお)のりをかけて()べます。
- (くし)カツ:様々(さまざま)具材(ぐざい)(にく)野菜(やさい)魚介(ぎょかい)など)を(くし)()し、パン()をつけて()げた料理(りょうり)です。特製(とくせい)のソースにつけて()べます。
- うどん:(とく)に「かすうどん」が有名(ゆうめい)で、(うし)小腸(しょうちょう)()げた「かす」をトッピングしたうどんです。独特(どくとく)のコクと(うま)()があります。
- (ぶた)まん:551蓬莱(ほうらい)(ぶた)まんが有名(ゆうめい)で、(おお)きなサイズとジューシーな()特徴(とくちょう)です。
- たこせん:たこ()きをせんべいで(はさ)んだ軽食(けいしょく)で、子供(こども)から大人(おとな)まで人気(にんき)があります。
- きつねうどん:(あま)()()げ(油揚(あぶらあ)げ)が()ったうどんで、大阪(おおさか)では定番(ていばん)の一(ぴん)です。
- いか()き:いかを使(つか)った鉄板焼(てっぱんや)きで、小麦粉(こむぎこ)生地(きじ)にいかを()れ、(うす)()()げたものです。


- 湯豆腐(ゆどうふ)(きよ)らかな(みず)使(つか)って(つく)られた豆腐(とうふ)を、昆布(こんぶ)だしで(かる)(あたた)めていただくシンプルな料理(りょうり)です。(とく)南禅寺(なんぜんじ)周辺(しゅうへん)湯豆腐(ゆどうふ)有名(ゆうめい)です。
- (きょう)漬物(つけもの):しば()け、千枚漬(せんまいづ)け、すぐき()けなど、京都(きょうと)ならではの風味(ふうみ)(ゆた)かな漬物(つけもの)があります。お茶漬(ちゃづ)けやおにぎりの()としても(した)しまれています。
- 京懐石(きょうかいせき)季節(きせつ)食材(しょくざい)使(つか)った(うつく)しい料理(りょうり)少量(しょうりょう)ずつ提供(ていきょう)される形式(けいしき)で、()()(あじ)同時(どうじ)(たの)しむことができます。茶懐石(ちゃかいせき)から発展(はってん)したもので、(ちゃ)()(こころ)(かん)じさせます。
- ()(はし):ニッキ風味(ふうみ)生地(きじ)であんこを(つつ)んだ和菓子(わがし)で、()()(はし)(なま)()(はし)があります。お土産(みやげ)としても人気(にんき)です。
- (はも)料理(りょうり)(なつ)京都(きょうと)代表(だいひょう)する料理(りょうり)で、骨切(ほねき)りされた(はも)使(つか)った(てん)ぷらやしゃぶしゃぶが有名(ゆうめい)です。
- 抹茶(まっちゃ)スイーツ:京都(きょうと)宇治(うじ)抹茶(まっちゃ)産地(さんち)としても()られ、抹茶(まっちゃ)使(つか)ったパフェやアイスクリーム、ケーキなどのスイーツが豊富(ほうふ)です。
- にしんそば:(あま)()たにしん((にしん))を()せた(あたた)かいそばで、伝統的(でんとうてき)京都(きょうと)(ふゆ)味覚(みかく)です。
- 豆腐(とうふ)料理(りょうり)湯豆腐(ゆどうふ)以外(いがい)にも、()()豆腐(どうふ)豆腐(とうふ)ステーキなど、さまざまな豆腐(とうふ)料理(りょうり)(たの)しめます。
- おばんざい:京都(きょうと)家庭(かてい)料理(りょうり)で、季節(きせつ)野菜(やさい)中心(ちゅうしん)とした素朴(そぼく)栄養(えいよう)豊富(ほうふ)なおかずが特徴(とくちょう)です。小鉢(こばち)()られて提供(ていきょう)されることが(おお)いです。

Specialty Dishes of Travel Destinations
Specialties of Tokyo
  • Sushi: Sushi made with fresh seafood from the Tsukiji Market (now Toyosu Market) is especially famous. The style of sushi is called Edomae Sushi.
  • Tempura: Tempura, a traditional dish from the Edo period, consists of fresh shrimp and vegetables deep-fried in a crispy batter. At specialty restaurants, you can enjoy tempura made with high-quality ingredients that’s also fried in a specific way. 
  • Soba: Soba is popular throughout Japan, but "edomae-soba" is especially famous in Tokyo. There are many variations of soba, from simple kakesoba and morisoba to tempura soba.
  • Kabayaki eel: The standard Tokyo eel is kabayaki, perfectly grilled and paired with a sauce. It is a popular summer stamina food.
  • Monjayaki: Monjayaki, especially famous in Asakusa and Tsukishima, is a unique okonomiyaki-like dish served on a teppan grill. They use a variety of ingredients, including cabbage, seafood, and rice cake.
  • Dojo-nabe: A hot pot dish using loach, especially famous at long-established loach hot pot restaurants that have been in business since the Edo period.
  • Western food: People introduced Western cuisine to Tokyo during the Meiji era (1868-1912) and has since evolved uniquely since then. Typical examples include curry rice, hashed rice, and omelet rice.
  • Taiyaki: Fish-shaped baked sweets filled with sweet red bean paste, especially popular in downtown areas such as Asakusa.
  • Wagashi: Stores in Asakusa and other areas feature anmitsu, dango, dorayaki, and other traditional Japanese sweets.

Specialties of Osaka
  • Takoyaki: Osaka's representative B gourmet food, they make takoyaki with a dough made of flour with an octopus filling before grilling in a round on a griddle, well-known for its crispy exterior and softer interior texture.
  • Okonomiyaki: Chefs mix cabbage, pork, and seafood with a flour batter before grilling it on a griddle and serving it with an okonomiyaki sauce, mayonnaise, bonito flakes, and green laver.
  • Kushikatsu: To make kushikatsu, they skewer various ingredients like meat, vegetables, seafood, or other ingredients, breadcrumbs and deep fry it. Then, people dip it in a special sauce before eating it.
  • Udon noodles: "Kasu udon", which is udon topped with “kasu”, or deep-fried beef small intestines, is especially famous in Osaka. It has a unique rich and delicious flavor.
  • Pork buns: 551 Hourai's pork buns are famous for their large size and juicy filling.
  • Takosen: A light snack consisting of takoyaki (octopus balls) sandwiched between rice crackers, popular among both children and adults.
  • Kitsune Udon: Udon noodles topped with sweetened deep-fried tofu (abura-age), a staple dish in Osaka.
  • Ika-yaki: Teppan-yaki using squid, squid is placed in a flour batter and baked thinly.

Specialties of Kyoto
  • Yudofu: A simple tofu dish made with pure water and served lightly heated in kombu (kelp) broth. Yudofu around Nanzenji Temple is especially famous.
  • Kyoto pickles: Kyoto is famous for its flavorful pickles, including Shibazuke, Senmaizuke, and Sugukizuke. They are also popular as ochazuke pickles.
  • Kyo-kaiseki: A form of kaiseki where they prepare dishes using seasonal ingredients served in small portions, letting diners enjoy both the appearance and taste of the food at the same time. Developed from chakaiseki, it evokes the spirit of chanoyu (tea ceremony).
  • Yatsuhashi: A Japanese sweet consisting of anko (sweet bean paste) wrapped in Nikki-flavored dough, available in baked and fresh forms. They’re especially popular as souvenirs.
  • Hamo (conger eel) cuisine: A typical summer dish in Kyoto, hamo tempura and shabu-shabu, where they cut hamo (conger eel) into small pieces, are very popular.
  • Matcha sweets: Kyoto is also known for its Uji green tea, so there’s a wide variety of sweets using matcha, such as parfaits, ice cream, and cakes.
  • Nishin-soba: Hot soba noodles topped with sweetened herring, nishin-soba is a traditional Kyoto winter delicacy.
  • Tofu Dishes: In addition to yudofu, you can enjoy a variety of tofu dishes such as deep-fried tofu and tofu steak.
  • Obanzai: Kyoto's home-style cuisine, characterized by simple yet nutritious side dishes made with seasonal vegetables. It is often served in small bowls.
Other regions also have their own local specialties. When you visit Japan, try to enjoy the local specialties of that region.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 237 日本に持ち込めない薬品(にほんにもちこめないやくひん)

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刺激(しげき)(やく)(Stimulant Drugs)


風邪薬(かぜぐすり)およびアレルギー(やく)(Over-the-Counter Cold and Allergy Medications)

タイレノールコールド(Tylenol Cold)
アドビルコールド&サイナス(Advil Cold & Sinus)
ヴィックスインヘラー(Vicks Inhaler)



Drugs that cannot be brought into Japan
Some drugs that are sold in pharmacies in the U.S. but are regulated as narcotics in Japan. Today we would like to introduce some of the drugs that are prohibited from being brought into Japan and require prior approval.

Stimulant Drugs

These drugs are completely banned in Japan.
They are used to treat Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) but are strictly regulated in Japan because their ingredients are classified as stimulants.

Over-the-counter Cold and Allergy Medications The following over-the-counter medications are illegal in Japan

Tylenol Cold
Advil Cold & Sinus
Vicks Inhaler

These drugs are regulated by the Methamphetamine Control Law in Japan because they contain ingredients such as ephedrine and codeine.


These powerful painkillers require special permission to be brought into Japan. Please note that it is illegal to bring these drugs into Japan without a permit.

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