Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 245 アニメでしか使われない言葉や言い回し(アニメでしかつかわれないことばやいいまわし)

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1. 「なん…だと?」

2. 「〇〇だぜ!」「〇〇じゃねぇ!」

3. 「これが…(おれ)本気(ほんき)だ!」

4. 「フフフ、面白(おもしろ)い…」

5. 「覚悟(かくご)しろ!」

6. 「お(まえ)はもう()んでいる」

7. 「(しん)じてたよ、裏切(うらぎ)らないって!」

8. 「バカな!」

9. 「やれやれだぜ」

10. 「(おれ)のターン!」

11. 「ついにこの(とき)()た!」

12. 「わたし、()けない!」

13. 「〇〇(キャラクター(めい))!お(まえ)(ちから)()せてやれ!」

14. 「覚醒(かくせい)した」 

Words and phrases used only in anime
Unique words and phrases used in anime are often not used in everyday life and are used to emphasize the world of anime and the characters' personalities. The following are examples of such anime-specific words and phrases.

1. “What...you mean?”
This is a common line in anime and is used when you are faced with a surprising or unbelievable situation. It is not often used in everyday conversation and is used to convey a sense of urgency. 

2. "It's a ○○!" / "It ain't a ○○!"
These are crude phrases often used by male characters and are casual, slightly rough versions of "It's a ○○" and "It's not a ○○". Few people speak this way in real conversation, but it is used to emphasize the personality of an anime character.

3. “This...is my real intention!”
This line is mainly used in battle-based anime and is often said at the moment a character gives his/her all or when they release their final power. It is rarely used in everyday life.

4. “Hmph, interesting...”
This is used when an enemy or enigmatic character shows interest in something with an eerie laugh. It is a phrase unique to anime, as it seems quite exaggerated in everyday speech. 

5. “Brace yourselves!”
A provocative phrase used to address an enemy or opponent. It frequently appears in battle anime but is rarely used in everyday conversation. 

6. “You are already dead.”
This is a line from the famous anime "Fist of the North Star," meaning that the enemy has already suffered a fatal attack before realizing their fate. Such overly dramatic phrases are unique to anime.

7. “I believed you, you would not betray me!”
This phrase emphasizes the sentiment of believing in one's friends and comrades. It is often used to heighten the dramatic and emotional scenes in anime.

8. “Bakana!”
This short phrase expresses surprise or confusion when a character is confronted with something unexpected. It is especially frequently used when an enemy witnesses an unexpected force.

9. “Oh dear, man!”
This line is mainly used by cool characters when they are bewildered or in trouble. It is a famous line from Jotaro Sorajo, a character in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. 

10. “My turn!”
This phrase is used in card games and battle scenes to start your action. It became especially famous in the “Yu-Gi-Oh!

11. “The time has finally come!”
This phrase is used at the climax of a story or just before an important event, to build up a sense of anticipation and tension. 

12. “I will not be defeated!”
This phrase is mainly used by female characters to express their determination to face difficulties. It is frequently used in battle or challenge scenes. 

13. “00 (character's name)! Show them what you can do!”
A line used in battle and sports anime to send support and encouragement to friends and allies. It is a standard phrase to enliven a heated development.

14. “Awakened”
The phrase “awakened” is another common phrase used in anime, and appears frequently, especially in battle-based anime and fantasy works. This phrase is used in scenes where a character awakens to a powerful or hidden ability and displays overwhelming power.

These words and phrases are often used to emphasize the exaggerated expressions and dramatic developments in anime and are unique expressions not usually heard in the real world. Depending on the anime genre and character, these phrases further describe the character's personality and develop the story.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 244 日本の交通手段とマナーに関して(にほんのこうつうしゅだんとマナーにかんして)

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On Japanese Transportation and Manners
After a recent business trip to Japan, I took the Keihin Express bus from Tokyo Station to Narita Airport. The bus only costs 1,500 yen and takes about one hour from Tokyo Station to Narita Airport nonstop. Other means of getting to Narita Airport include JR's Narita Express, which departs from Shinagawa and Tokyo, and Keikyu's Skyliner, which departs from Ueno, both for about 3,000 yen. The Tokyo Airport Transport also provides limousine buses, which also charge around 3,000 yen. In contrast, the Keihin Kyuko Bus is very economical at 1,500 yen and very convenient in terms of time.

However, one incident on the Keihin Kyuko bus I used this time bothered me a little. The Chinese-speaking passenger seated behind me was talking on the phone almost the entire time from departure from Tokyo Station until arrival at Narita Airport. The bus should maintain a quiet place, and prolonged talking is offensive to other passengers. Public transportation requires consideration for those around you. The general rule on public transportation in Japan, especially on buses and trains, is to set your phone to “manner mode” and refrain from using it.

In Japan, people highly value manners in public places, so they strongly expect others to not bother them. Particularly, in quietly maintained environments, it’s necessary to refrain from talking and to use earphones to prevent sound leakage. By observing these manners, you will not only have a comfortable trip but also make other people feel at ease.

The Keihin Kyuko Bus is a very attractive means of transportation to Narita Airport, as it is both cost-effective and time-saving. However, it is also important to behave with good manners when using public transportation. Next time you visit Japan, please consider this while enjoying a pleasant trip.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 243 観光バス(かんこうバス)

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1. 東京(とうきょう)
- 東京(とうきょう)タワー、浅草寺(せんそうじ)皇居(こうきょ)明治神宮(めいじじんぐう)渋谷(しぶや)原宿(はらじゅく)などの都市(とし)観光地(かんこうち)
- 東京(とうきょう)ディズニーリゾート、お台場(だいば)などのテーマパークエリア

2. 京都(きょうと)
- 清水寺(きよみずでら)金閣寺(きんかくじ)鹿苑寺(ろくおんじ))、銀閣寺(ぎんかくじ)慈照寺(じしょうじ))、伏見稲荷大社(ふしみいなりたいしゃ)嵐山(あらしやま)などの歴史的(れきしてき)文化的(ぶんかてき)観光(かんこう)名所(めいしょ)
- 祇園(ぎおん)二条城(にじょうじょう)などの伝統的(でんとうてき)町並(まちな)みや城郭(じょうかく)

3. 大阪(おおさか)
- 大阪城(おおさかじょう)道頓堀(どうとんぼり)通天閣(つうてんかく)天保山(てんぽうざん)などの観光(かんこう)スポット
- ユニバーサル・スタジオ・ジャパン(USJ)などのテーマパーク

4. 北海道(ほっかいどう)
- 札幌(さっぽろ)市内(しない)観光(かんこう)大通(おおどおり)公園(こうえん)時計(とけい)(だい)北海道(ほっかいどう)(ちょう)(きゅう)本庁舎(ほんちょうしゃ)など)
- 富良野(ふらの)美瑛(びえい)のラベンダー(はたけ)小樽(おたる)運河(うんが)やガラス工房(こうぼう)

5. その(ほか)地域(ちいき)
- 広島(ひろしま)平和(へいわ)記念(きねん)公園(こうえん)宮島(みやじま)厳島神社(いつくしまじんじゃ)
- 沖縄(おきなわ)首里城(しゅりじょう)(ちゅ)(うみ)水族館(すいぞくかん)石垣島(いしがきじま)宮古島(みやこじま)



- 半日(はんにち)ツアー: 5,000(えん)から10,000(えん)程度(ていど)

- 1(にち)ツアー: 10,000(えん)から20,000(えん)程度(ていど)

- (ふく)数日(すうじつ)ツアー: 30,000(えん)から100,000(えん)以上(いじょう)












Willer Express(ウィラーエクスプレス)

Willer Expressは、(おも)長距離(ちょうきょり)バスで()られる会社(かいしゃ)ですが、観光(かんこう)バスツアーも運営(うんえい)しています。(おも)関西(かんさい)関東(かんとう)東海(とうかい)地方(ちほう)での観光地(かんこうち)(めぐ)日帰(ひがえ)りツアーを提供(ていきょう)しており、リーズナブルな価格(かかく)利用(りよう)できる(てん)魅力(みりょく)です。



Sightseeing Buses
Sightseeing buses in Japan are a popular, convenient, and efficient means of transportation for both domestic and international travelers. Sightseeing buses offer tours to major sightseeing spots and cities throughout Japan, allowing passengers to visit local points of interest with a guide.

Places You Can Go

Sightseeing bus tours in Japan offer access to a wide variety of regions and sights. Major tourist destinations include:

1. Tokyo
- Tokyo Tower, Sensoji Temple, Imperial Palace, Meiji Shrine, Shibuya, Harajuku, and other city sightseeing spots
- Theme park areas such as Tokyo Disney Resort and Odaiba

2. Kyoto
- Historical and cultural tourist attractions such as Kiyomizu Temple, Kinkakuji Temple (Rokuonji Temple), Ginkakuji Temple (Jishoji Temple), Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine, Arashiyama
- Traditional townscapes and castles such as Gion and Nijo Castle

3. Osaka
- Osaka Castle, Dotonbori, Tsutenkaku Tower, Tempozan, and other tourist attractions
- Theme parks such as Universal Studios Japan (USJ)

4. Hokkaido
- Sightseeing in Sapporo (Odori Park, Clock Tower, Former Hokkaido Government Office Building, etc.)
- Lavender fields in Furano and Biei, canals and glass studios in Otaru

5. Other Areas
- Hiroshima (Peace Memorial Park, Miyajima, and Itsukushima shrines)
- Okinawa (Shurijo Castle, Churaumi Aquarium, Ishigaki Island, Miyako Island)

About Prices

Sightseeing bus prices vary depending on the type of tour, destination, time required, and season. Below is an example of a typical sightseeing bus tour price range:

- Half-day tour: 5,000 to 10,000 yen  

These tours mainly visit sightseeing spots within a city and last about three to four hours. For example, a tour that efficiently visits major sightseeing spots in Tokyo or Kyoto in a short time would fall under this category.

- One-day tour: 10,000 to 20,000 yen

This tour includes sightseeing from morning to evening and may include lunch. Examples include a full-day tour of Kyoto or Osaka or a one-day tour from Tokyo around Mount Fuji.

- Multi-day tours: 30,000 yen to 100,000 yen or more

Tours that take two or more days to visit tourist attractions often include lodging, meals, and entrance fees to tourist attractions. Some tours take time to visit distant sightseeing spots such as Hokkaido, Okinawa, and Kyushu.

Typical sightseeing tour bus companies

Hato Bus

Centered in Tokyo, Hato Bus offers day tours and overnight tours to Tokyo and its suburbs, as well as to other parts of Japan. English-speaking tours are also available and are popular among foreign tourists. A wide variety of plans are available, including courses to major sightseeing spots in Tokyo and special seasonal tours.

Nippon Travel Agency

A major travel agency that plans and operates domestic and international tours, Nippon Travel Agency also offers a wide range of sightseeing bus tours. Tours to Kyoto, Osaka, Hokkaido, and other sightseeing spots are particularly popular. It also offers plans to visit famous places with local guides, tours based on specific themes, and other services to meet various needs.

Japan Travel Bureau (JTB)

JTB is one of the largest travel agencies in Japan. JTB offers a wide variety of domestic and international tours, including a large selection of sightseeing bus tours that take visitors to various sightseeing spots throughout Japan. Tours that let visitors enjoy regional attractions and cultural experiences are particularly popular.

Hankyu Travel International

Hankyu Travel International is a major travel agency offering domestic and international sightseeing tours mainly in the Kansai region. Its sightseeing bus tours include one-day tours to famous sites in the Kansai area, as well as tours with overnight stays in Hokkaido, Kyushu, Okinawa, and other regions.

Club Tourism

Club Tourism is a travel agency that offers a wide variety of themed tours and a wide range of sightseeing bus tours. It offers a number of courses that cater to the interests of participants, including nature tours, tours based on historical and cultural themes, and tours tailored to seasonal events.

Willer Express

Willer Express is primarily known for its long-distance bus services, but also operates sightseeing bus tours. The company offers one-day tours to tourist destinations mainly in the Kansai, Kanto, and Tokai regions at reasonable prices.

Reservation Method

You can book sightseeing bus tours through travel agency websites, online reservation sites, or local tourist information centers. Just remember to confirm tour contents, schedules, and prices in advance.

Many travelers use sightseeing buses in Japan because they’re convenient and comfortable means of transportation and provide an efficient way to visit tourist attractions.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 242 自己紹介(じこしょうかい)

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例文(れいぶん) 1: ビジネスシーンでの自己(じこ)紹介(しょうかい)

例文(れいぶん) 2: カジュアルなシーンでの自己(じこ)紹介(しょうかい)

例文(れいぶん) 3: 学生(がくせい)自己(じこ)紹介(しょうかい)

例文(れいぶん) 4: ネットワーキングイベントでの自己(じこ)紹介(しょうかい)

例文(れいぶん) 5: 初対面(しょたいめん)()での自己(じこ)紹介(しょうかい)

Self-Introductions in Different Situations
Example 1: Introducing yourself in a business setting

“Nice to meet you, my name is (name). I am a (job title) at (company name). I am mainly in charge of (area of responsibility or specialty) and have been in this industry for (number of years). While using my experience, I am always looking for new challenges and strive every day to meet our clients’ expectations. I look forward to building a mutually fruitful relationship with you in the future. I look forward to working with you”.

Example 2: Introducing yourself in casual situations

“Hello, my name is (name). I'm (name) and I usually do (work/study). My hobbies are (hobby), for example, I enjoy (hobby-related activity) on weekends. I also like to try new things, and recently I have been interested in (new hobby or activity). I would be very happy to talk with you about our mutual hobbies and interests. Please do not hesitate to contact me”.

Example 3: Student Self-Introduction

“My name is (name), and I am a student in the (grade/faculty) at (school name). My specialty is (major), and I am particularly interested in (specific interest in your field of study). In the future, I would like to pursue (goal/occupation of interest), and I am working on (activities and studies) to achieve this. My hobbies are (hobbies), for example, I like to do (activities related to my hobbies). I hope to grow and enjoy both my studies and hobbies. Best regards”.

Example 4: Introducing yourself at a networking event

“Hello, my name is (name). I am currently a (title) at (company name) and work in (industry/field). I am particularly interested in (area of expertise or strength) and have gained (achievements and experience) in my career so far. At this event, I hope to learn a lot from you and further develop my own skills. I also hope to interact with people working in the same industry and build mutually beneficial relationships. I look forward to working with you”.

Example 5: Introducing yourself at a first meeting

“Nice to meet you, I am (name). I am from (place of birth) and currently live in (place of residence). I usually spend my time on (hobbies and interests) in addition to (work and study). I am especially into (new hobbies and activities) these days and enjoy (activities) on my days off. I value meeting new people and would be happy to talk with you about many things. Please do not hesitate to contact me”.

You can use these example sentences in many different situations and they can help you communicate with others by providing more detailed information.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 241 あるある

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1. 「XXネタ」


2. 「XXエピソード」


3. 「XX(ばなし)


4. 「XXの常識(じょうしき)




1. (みち)(まよ)って親切(しんせつ)日本人(にほんじん)(たす)けられる


2. コンビニの便利(べんり)さに(おどろ)


3. 日本語(にほんご)の「すみません」を多用(たよう)する


4. (くつ)()文化(ぶんか)(おどろ)


5. 自動販売機(じどうはんばいき)(おお)さに(おどろ)


6. お辞儀(じぎ)文化(ぶんか)戸惑(とまど)


The expression “XX Aru Aru” refers to an experience or phenomenon common to a particular situation or group, where “XX” is the name of a specific theme or group. For example, people can use it like “Gakusei (student) Aru Aru” or “Saralyman (businessman) Aru Aru”. People can use this expression to describe the phenomenon of people sharing the same experience that others can relate to. With this expression, people can introduce these types of episodes.

“Aru Aru” means ‘something common in a certain situation’ or ‘something that happens often,’ and Japanese people use it widely in everyday life. You’ll often see it on Japanese social media sites and variety shows.

Similar to “XX Aru Aru,” Japanese people use the following phrases to describe experiences or phenomena common to a particular situation or group.

1. “XX Neta”.  

A “neta” refers to a story or an interesting episode. For example, people use it to indicate a topic related to a particular group, such as “Gakusei neta” or “Saraly man neta”.

2. “XX Episode” 

An “episode” refers to a specific event or experience. It is a little more formal than “Aru Aru,” but people use it to indicate a similarly sympathetic topic. 

3. “XX Banashi” 

For example, “XX banashi” refers to a topic related to a specific theme, like “Bukatstu banashi” or “Juken banashi”. People often use it in everyday conversation.

4. “XX no joshiki”  

This refers to matters considered commonplace in the “XX” group or field. For example, “Gyokai no joshiki”.

Sometimes, people use these phrases in a similar context to “XX aru aru” and use them effectively in situations that evoke the same experience or sympathy.

Here are a few examples of “Gaikokujin Aru Aru” commonly experienced by foreigners who come to Japan:

1. Getting lost and a kind Japanese person helping you out

Even if you have a map or a smartphone, there are times when you get lost. In such cases, Japanese people may kindly call out to you and give you directions. 

2. Being surprised at the convenience of Japanese convenience stores

Convenience stores in Japan are open 24 hours a day and offer a wide variety of food and daily necessities. Many foreigners are impressed by this convenience.

3. Using the Japanese phrase, “Sumimasen” (sorry) frequently

Even if they’re not fluent in Japanese, many foreigners remember the word “Sumimasen” and use it frequently. It’s very useful when dealing with people in stores, asking for directions, or when you bump into something.

4.  Being surprised by the shoe-removal culture
Many foreigners are surprised at first that they have to take off their shoes when entering a house or at some restaurants and inns. However, many quickly get used to this custom.

5. Feeling surprised by the number of vending machines

Foreigners are often surprised at the number and variety of vending machines that can be found everywhere in Japan. In particular, some vending machines sell not only drinks, but also food, ice cream, and even fortunes.

6. Being bewildered at the bowing culture

You may feel bewildered by Japanese people bowing when greeting people for the first time or showing appreciation for their hospitality. However, this is another “aha” experience that you will soon get used to.

While there is some bewilderment due to the differences in culture and customs, there are also many moments when people are impressed by life in Japan and the kindness of the people.

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