Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 262 日本語を学んでアニメをもっと楽しもう!(にほんごをまなんでアニメをもっとたのしもう!)

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1. ()きなアニメを(えら)んで「(みみ)(きた)える」


2. フレーズを「真似(まね)する」



3. 字幕(じまく)を「(はず)して挑戦(ちょうせん)する」









アニメを日本語(にほんご)()ることで(たの)しく効果的(こうかてき)日本語(にほんご)(まな)ぶことができます。 さあ、あなたもお()()りのアニメで日本語(にほんご)学習(がくしゅう)冒険(ぼうけん)(はじ)めましょう!

Let’s Learn Japanese and Enjoy Anime Even More!
To all of you studying Japanese, have you ever wanted to enjoy Japanese anime on a deeper level? Anime is an excellent source for learning Japanese expressions and culture. In this article, we will introduce a study method for enjoying anime in Japanese.
How to Learn Japanese While Enjoying Anime
1. Train your ears
First, pick an anime you love and watch it with subtitles. While checking the meaning with subtitles, “listen with your ears” to the characters’ lines. Pay attention to the following points:
- Frequently used everyday expressions: Phrases like “thank you,” “good job,” and others that you can use right away!
- Pronunciation and intonation: The speed and inflection of native speakers are important to get used to.
2. Imitate the phrases
Try imitating your favorite characters’ lines. They often speak at a natural conversational speed in anime, so try following the below methods:
- Write the lines down and say them out loud.
- Record yourself and compare it to the anime’s pronunciation.
For example, here are some great phrases you can use to practice: 
- “Give your heart!” from Attack on Titan
- “Total concentration!” from Demon Slayer. 
3. Try watching without subtitles
Once you’re comfortable with subtitles, try watching anime without them. It’s okay if you can’t understand some parts at first. The important thing is to develop your ability to guess what the words mean from context. And by watching it repeatedly, your comprehension will naturally improve.
The Appeal of Japanese You Can Learn Through Anime
In addition to improving your language skills, other benefits of watching anime include: 
- Understand Japanese culture and ways of thinking.
- Enjoy dialects and differences in how each character speaks.
- Get emotionally involved in the story, which can motivate you to learn more.
For example, in "slice-of-life anime," you can learn modern conversations of young people, while in “historical anime,” you can learn old-fashioned expressions. The range of language you can learn varies depending on the genre.
Recommended Anime Genres and Learning Points
Slice-of-life anime (e.g. K-On! and Lucky Star)
→ You can learn phrases used in daily conversation and school life.
Fantasy and action anime (e.g. Demon Slayer, Attack on Titan)
→ You can expand your range of expression through slightly difficult expressions and emotional lines.
Comedy anime (e.g. Gintama, Osomatsu-san)
→ Through wordplay and humor, you can become familiar with natural Japanese.
Why don’t you give it a try?
Watching anime in Japanese is a fun and effective way to learn the language. So, let’s start your Japanese learning adventure with your favorite anime!
Click here for recommended learning materials and study support. Let’s expand the world of Japanese language and anime together!

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 261 スキーに行こう(スキーにいこう)

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1. ニセコユナイテッド(北海道(ほっかいどう)虻田郡(あぶたぐん)倶知安町(くっちゃんちょう)
- 特徴(とくちょう): 世界的(せかいてき)有名(ゆうめい)なパウダースノー。外国人(がいこくじん)観光客(かんこうきゃく)にも人気(にんき)で、リゾート全体(ぜんたい)国際的(こくさいてき)
- 魅力(みりょく): 温泉(おんせん)、ナイトスキー、豊富(ほうふ)なアクティビティ。

2. ルスツリゾート(北海道(ほっかいどう)留寿都村(るすつむら)
- 特徴(とくちょう): 3つの(やま)(ひろ)がるコース。家族(かぞく)()れや初心者(しょしんしゃ)にも最適(さいてき)
- 魅力(みりょく): 豊富(ほうふ)なリゾート施設(しせつ)、アミューズメントパーク()き。

3. 富良野(ふらの)スキー(じょう)北海道(ほっかいどう)富良野市(ふらのし)
- 特徴(とくちょう): 見晴(みは)らしの()いロングコースとパウダースノー。
- 魅力(みりょく): ドラマ「(きた)(くに)から」の舞台(ぶたい)としても有名(ゆうめい)

1. 安比高原(あっぴこうげん)スキー(じょう)岩手県(いわてけん)八幡平市(はちまんたいし)
- 特徴(とくちょう): 粉雪(こなゆき)(ひろ)いゲレンデ。(しつ)(たか)(ゆき)整備(せいび)されたコースで有名(ゆうめい)
- 魅力(みりょく): 初心者(しょしんしゃ)から上級者(じょうきゅうしゃ)まで(たの)しめる多彩(たさい)なコース。

2. 蔵王温泉(ざおうおんせん)スキー(じょう)山形県(やまがたけん)山形市(やまがたし)
- 特徴(とくちょう): 樹氷(じゅひょう)(スノーモンスター)で有名(ゆうめい)
- 魅力(みりょく): スキーと温泉(おんせん)同時(どうじ)(たの)しめる。

3. 八甲田(はっこうだ)スキー(じょう)青森県(あおもりけん)青森市(あおもりし)
- 特徴(とくちょう): 豪雪(ごうせつ)地帯(ちたい)ならではの(ふか)いパウダー。
- 魅力(みりょく): 上級者(じょうきゅうしゃ)()けのバックカントリーエリアが人気(にんき)

1. 白馬八方尾根(はくばはっぽうおね)スキー(じょう)長野県(ながのけん)白馬村(はくばむら)
- 特徴(とくちょう): 1998(ねん)長野(ながの)冬季(とうき)オリンピックの舞台(ぶたい)変化(へんか)()んだコース。
- 魅力(みりょく): 山々(やまやま)絶景(ぜっけい)国際(こくさい)(しょく)(ゆた)かなエリア。

2. 志賀(しが)高原(こうげん)スキー(じょう)長野県(ながのけん)(やま)()内町(うちまち)
- 特徴(とくちょう): 日本(にほん)最大級(さいだいきゅう)のスキー(じょう)。18のスキー(じょう)結合(けつごう)
- 魅力(みりょく): 標高(ひょうこう)(たか)く、雪質(ゆきしつ)非常(ひじょう)()い。

3. 苗場(なえば)スキー(じょう)新潟県(にいがたけん)湯沢町(ゆざわまち)
- 特徴(とくちょう): 世界(せかい)最大級(さいだいきゅう)のゴンドラ「ドラゴンドラ」で(ほか)エリアと連結(れんけつ)
- 魅力(みりょく): 首都圏(しゅとけん)からのアクセスが良好(りょうこう)広大(こうだい)なスキーリゾート。

4. 軽井沢(かるいざわ)プリンスホテルスキー(じょう)長野県(ながのけん)軽井沢町(かるいざわまち)
- 特徴(とくちょう): シーズンの(はや)時期(じき)から滑走(かっそう)可能(かのう)家族(かぞく)()け。
- 魅力(みりょく): ショッピングモールと温泉(おんせん)(ちか)く、観光(かんこう)(たの)しめる。

1. 野沢温泉(のざわおんせん)スキー(じょう)長野県(ながのけん)野沢温泉村(のざわおんせんむら)
- 特徴(とくちょう): 歴史(れきし)ある温泉街(おんせんがい)一体化(いったいか)したスキー(じょう)
- 魅力(みりょく): 多彩(たさい)なコースと地元(じもと)温泉(おんせん)

2. 高鷲(たかす)スノーパーク(岐阜県(ぎふけん)郡上市(ぐじょうし)
- 特徴(とくちょう): 西日本(にしにっぽん)最大級(さいだいきゅう)のスキー(じょう)
- 魅力(みりょく): 名古屋(なごや)関西圏(かんさいけん)からのアクセスが()い。

1. びわ()バレイスキー(じょう)滋賀県(しがけん)大津市(おおつし)
- 特徴(とくちょう): 琵琶湖(びわこ)見下(みお)ろす絶景(ぜっけい)(たの)しめる。
- 魅力(みりょく): 初心者(しょしんしゃ)にもやさしいコースも充実(じゅうじつ)

2. 芸北国際(げいほくこくさい)スキー(じょう)広島県(ひろしまけん)北広島町(きたひろしまちょう)
- 特徴(とくちょう): 西日本(にしにっぽん)最大級(さいだいきゅう)規模(きぼ)
- 魅力(みりょく): 積雪(せきせつ)(りょう)豊富(ほうふ)で、初心者(しょしんしゃ)から上級者(じょうきゅうしゃ)まで(たの)しめる。

1. 五ヶ瀬(ごかせ)ハイランドスキー(じょう)宮崎県(みやざきけん)五ヶ瀬町(ごかせちょう)
- 特徴(とくちょう): 九州(きゅうしゅう)唯一(ゆいいつ)のスキー(じょう)
- 魅力(みりょく): 温暖(おんだん)九州(きゅうしゅう)でスキーが(たの)しめる希少(きしょう)なスポット。

Let's Go Skiing!
Many famous ski resorts in Japan attract many skiers and snowboards from Japan and abroad with their excellent snow quality and facilities. Below are some of the most renowned ski resorts in Japan by region:
1. Niseko United (Kutchan, Abuta-gun, Hokkaido)
- Features: World-famous powder snow, popular with foreign tourists, and an international resort.
- Attractions: Hot springs, night skiing, and various activities.
2. Rusutsu Resort (Rusutsu Village, Hokkaido)
- Features: Courses spread over three mountains and ideal for families and beginners.
- Attractions: Abundant resort facilities and an amusement park.
3. Furano Ski Resort (Furano City, Hokkaido)
- Features: Long courses with great views and powder snow.
- Attraction: Famous as the setting for the TV drama “Kita no Kuni Kara” (From the North).
Tohoku Region
1. Appi Kogen Ski Resort (Hachimantai City, Iwate Prefecture)
- Features: Powder snow and wide slopes. Famous for its high-quality snow and well-maintained courses.
- Attractions: Beginners and advanced skiers alike can enjoy various courses.
2. Zao Onsen Ski Resort (Yamagata City, Yamagata Prefecture)
- Features: Famous for its snow monsters.
- Attractions: You can enjoy skiing and hot springs at the same time. 
3. Hakkoda Ski Resort (Aomori City, Aomori Prefecture)
- Features: Deep powder in an area with heavy snowfall.
- Attractions: The backcountry area is popular for advanced skiers.
Kanto/Koshinetsu Region
1. Hakuba Happo One Ski Resort (Hakuba Village, Nagano Prefecture)
- Features: The site of the 1998 Nagano Winter Olympics. The course is rich in variety.
- Attractions: Spectacular mountain views and international flavor.
2. Shiga Kogen Ski Resort (Yamanouchi, Nagano Prefecture)
- Features: One of the largest ski resorts in Japan, with 18 ski slopes.
- Attractions: High elevation and superior snow quality.
3. Naeba Ski Resort (Yuzawa, Niigata Prefecture)
- Features: Connected to other areas by one of the world's largest gondolas, the “Dragondola”.
- Attractions: Easy access from the Tokyo metropolitan area and a spacious ski resort. 
4. Karuizawa Prince Hotel Ski Resort (Karuizawa, Nagano Prefecture)
- Features: People can ski here early in the season and the resort is very family-oriented.
- Attractions: Sightseeing with shopping malls and hot springs nearby.
Chubu Region
1. Nozawa Onsen Ski Resort (Nozawa Onsen Village, Nagano Prefecture)
- Features: A ski resort integrated with a historic hot spring resort town.
- Attractions: Various courses and local hot springs.
2. Takawashi Snow Park (Gujo City, Gifu Prefecture)
- Features: One of the largest ski resorts in western Japan.
- Attractions: Easy access from the Nagoya and Kansai areas.
Kansai/Chugoku/Shikoku Region
1. Biwako Valley Ski Resort (Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture)
- Features: A spectacular view overlooking Lake Biwa.
- Attractions: Various courses that are easy for beginners.
2. Geihoku International Ski Resort (Kitahiroshima, Hiroshima Prefecture)
- Feature: One of the largest ski resorts in western Japan.
- Attractive: Abundant snowfall, suitable for both beginners and advanced skiers.
1. Gokase Highland Ski Resort (Gokase, Miyazaki Prefecture)
- Features: The only ski resort in Kyushu.
- Attraction: A rare spot to enjoy skiing in the warm Kyushu region.
Each of these ski resorts has unique charm and features, and you can choose according to your objectives and skill level. We hope you will find them useful in your planning!

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 260 喫茶店のメニューの魅力(きっさてんのメニューのみりょく)

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The Appeal of Kissaten Menus
In Japan, many stores called "kissaten" (coffee shops) that specialize in serving coffee existed before Starbucks came on the scene.These coffee shops are characterized by coffee prepared through careful methods like siphon brewing or drip brewing, rather than the café-style drinks such as espresso or lattes that are common today. In addition, Japanese coffee shops charge extra for coffee refills, and the culture of carefully savoring each cup of coffee is deeply rooted. Kissaten (coffee shops) often serve not only coffee but also food. However, instead of being able to freely choose from an extensive menu as in a restaurant, the menu is mainly limited to what is available only at a coffee shop. For this reason, they are popular as places to enjoy a light meal in a casual atmosphere.
Breakfast Menu
The standard menu offered at coffee shops during breakfast hours is called the “morning set.” This set often includes boiled eggs and toast, plus a small salad, and of course coffee is included in the set. These morning sets are reasonably priced and are a popular choice for busy mornings.
Light Meal Menu After Lunch Time
After breakfast time, coffee shops offer light meals such as sandwiches, pancakes, spaghetti, and omelettes. These menus are hearty yet casual, perfect for lunch or a light dinner. In particular, the old-fashioned Neapolitan spaghetti with a Showa-era atmosphere and the omelette rice with fluffy eggs are much loved by many.
The Appeal of Kissaten
Kissaten are not just places to enjoy a meal or a cup of coffee, but also offer a relaxing space along with a unique atmosphere. Visiting a Kissaten for a light meal or a moment to catch your breath is part of Japanese culture. Their friendliness and attentive service make them a place that offers a special time for many people.

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__..-・**・-..__..-・**・-.._ あいうえお かきくけこ さしすせそ たちつてと なにぬねの はひふへほ まみむめも やいゆえよ らりるれろ わゐうゑを ん __..-・**・-..__..-・**・-.._

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 259 日本のお正月(にほんのおしょうがつ)

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日本(にほん)のお正月(しょうがつ)には、(ふる)くから(つづ)伝統(でんとう)文化(ぶんか)()まっています。それぞれの行事(ぎょうじ)風習(ふうしゅう)には、家族(かぞく)友人(ゆうじん)、そして(あたら)しい(とし)への感謝(かんしゃ)(ねが)いが()められています。今年(ことし)のお正月(しょうがつ)には、ぜひ日本(にほん)伝統(でんとう)体験(たいけん)してみてください! それでは、()いお(とし)をお(むか)えください!
Japanese New Year

In this newsletter, we would like to introduce the traditions and culture that color the New Year in Japan. When we think of the Japanese New Year, various customs come to mind, like special family time, delicious Osechi cuisine, and Hatsumode (visits to shrines on New Year’s). Let’s explore these events together.
Osechi Cuisine: Wishing For a Year of Health and Happiness in the New Year
Osechi is a symbolic dish of the New Year. For example, black beans symbolize “working diligently and staying healthy,” kelp rolls represent “joy,” and herring roe signifies “prosperity of descendants.” Surrounding them with family members is a way of wishing for peace and prosperity in the new year.
Hatsumode: Prayers and Gratitude for the New Year
Hatsumode, or New Year's visit to shrines and temples, is essential to the New Year celebrations. It’s a time to express gratitude for the past year and pray for peace and happiness in the new year. Many people visit local shrines and famous shrines to draw omikuji (fortune slips) and write their wishes on ema (small wooden plaques). This is the perfect event to make new resolutions in the sacred air.
New Year's Decorations: Preparing to Welcome Good Fortune Into the Home
New Year's decorations such as kadomatsu (pine decorations), shimekazari (sacred straw decorations), and kagamimochi (mirror-shaped rice cakes) also play an important role in this event. These are symbols of preparation for welcoming the god of the year and praying for happiness and prosperity in the new year. Although they’re often simplified in modern times, with care allows us to cultivate special feelings for the occasion.
New Year's Greeting Cards: Reaffirming Connections with People
Speaking of New Year's, we must not forget the New Year's greeting cards, which people still send in Japan even in today's age of social media. It is an important custom to reaffirm ties with people you cannot easily see daily through New Year's greetings.
The Japanese New Year is filled with traditions and culture that have continued since ancient times. Each event and custom is filled with gratitude and wishes for family, friends, and the new year. We hope you will experience Japanese traditions this New Year's! Have a happy New Year!

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