Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 25

Sensoji Asakusa
日本人と宗教[にほんじん と しゅうきょう・nihonjin to shūkyō]
Japanese and Religion




In Japan, people go to shrines for New Year's holidays, temples during Obon (Summer) and churches for Christmas. Many Japanese people don't have the same view of religion as those in the West. When asked about religion they may say "the funeral is Buddhist style" or "the wedding is Shinto or Christian style." People observe certain rituals and traditions but do not follow the religion behind it.

So don't feel strange if you go to Japan and see people worship at a temple and/or a shrine. I think that it is not that Japanese people don’t believe in God, but rather they believe God is in everything.

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Rain (Line) Oshiete Kuremasuka.
Can you'll your LINE?

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Sumahio o Jyuden Shitaino desuga.
I would like to charge my Smartphone.

スマートフォン = スマホ = SmartPhone
充電 = じゅうでん = Charge

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Watashi wa ___________ kara Kimashita.
I came from _______________.


If you need t tell people where you are from. This is how you say it.

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うま Uma
ぶた Buta
うし Ushi
うさぎ Usagi
にわとり Niwatori
いぬ Inu
ねこ Neko
さる Saru
ぞう Zou
We are learning about animal names.

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Donna Eiga Ga Suki Desuka.
What kind of movie do you like.

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Photo by Acharaporn Kamornboonyarush from Pexels
きのう は よく ねむれません でした。
Kinou wa Yoku nemuremasen Deshita.
I did not sleep well last night.

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Japanese-Online Newsletter Vol 24 名前と画数

Japanese-Online Newsletter

名前と画数[なまえとかくすう・namae to kakusuu]
Name and Number of Strokes

日本人 (にほんじん) は子供 (こども) が生 (う) まれたときに子供 (こども) の将来 (しょうらい) を考 (かんが) えた意味 (いみ) のある名前 (なまえ) をつけることが多 (おお) くあリます。幸 (しあわ) せになってほしい場合 (ばあい) は「幸 (さち) 」という言葉 (ことば) を名前 (なまえ) に入 (い) れたり、強 (つよ) くなってほしいときは「力 (りき) 」といった漢字 (かんじ) を使 (つか) います。

また、同 (おな) じ文字 (もじ) でもどの読 (よ) み方 (かた) を使 (つか) うかは大切 (たいせつ) な判断材料 (はんだんざいりょう) になります。2019年 (ねん) 日本 (にほん) で最 (もっと) も多 (おお) くつけられ た 名前 (なまえ) は男 (おとこ) の子 (こ) の場合 (ばあい) 「蓮 (れん) Renn」で女 (おんな) の子 (こ) は「蓮 (りん) Rinn」なのだそうです。

画数 (かくすう) とは、例 (たと) えば「大 (だい) 」という漢字 (かんじ) は3つの筆数 (ひっすう) (画数 (かくすう) )でできています。画数 (かくすう) とは文字 (もじ) を作 (つく) り上 (あ) げる点 (てん) と線 (せん) の数 (かず) を意味 (いみ) します。画数 (かくすう) で名前 (なまえ) を考 (かんが) える場合 (ばあい) は、苗字 (みょうじ) と名前 (なまえ) すべての文字 (もじ) の画数 (かくすう) を足 (た) した数字 (すうじ) が意味 (いみ) を持 (も) ちます。この計算 (けいさん) のための本 (ほん) が本屋 (ほんや) でいつも棚 (たな) をいっぱいにするぐらいなのです。

日本人 (にほんじん) は名前 (なまえ) に意味 (いみ) を 持( も ) たせるだけではなく、画数 (かくすう) も気 (き) にします。日本人 (にほんじん) にとってそれだけ名前 (なまえ) とは大切 (たいせつ) なものなのです。

When Japanese children are born, they are often given meaningful names that reflect their future. If you want to be happy, put the word “幸 Happiness" in your name, and if you want to be strong, use kanji such as “力 power”.

Another important consideration, even when the character is the same, is which pronunciation to use. In 2019, the names most often given in Japan were "蓮 Renn" for boys and "蓮 Rinn" for girls.

The number of strokes is also important. For example, the kanji “大" is made up of three Kaku (strokes). The number of strokes means the number of dots and lines that make up a character. The stroke count is the total number of strokes within the surname and given name. Books for this calculation fill shelves in bookstores.

The Japanese not only make names meaningful, but they also care about the stroke count. Name are so important in Japanese culture.

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__..-・**・-..__..-・**・-.._ あいうえお かきくけこ さしすせそ たちつてと なにぬねの はひふへほ まみむめも やいゆえよ らりるれろ わゐうゑを ん __..-・**・-..__..-・**・-.._

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Kyou wa Atsui Desu
It is hot/ warm today.

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Kaedama Kudasai
Another Ramen Noodle Please.

In many Japanese ramen shop, you can order extra noodle called (Kaedama).
You need to make sure you do not finish your soup before you ordering Kaedama.

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__..-・**・-..__..-・**・-.._ あいうえお かきくけこ さしすせそ たちつてと なにぬねの はひふへほ まみむめも やいゆえよ らりるれろ わゐうゑを ん __..-・**・-..__..-・**・-.._

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