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PSPINC CEO Kenichi Uchikura's Blog
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Day 18 with Pompom

Day 18 with Pompom
He seems little more tired than usual today. He has been sleeping all morning. Because it is Saturday, his friends (almost a family) Tiny and Nano are not at the office. That might be the reason why he is not as energhetic today.
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Day 17 with Pompom

Day 17 with Pompom
Pompom is recovering from his chemotheraphy ... It takes at leaset 4 ~ 5 days to recover from the treatment. Then Monday again when he gets another chemo. But the fact is without those treatments, Pompom would not have been here. It is amazing that three pingpong ball size of tumors has just disappeard (at leaset for now).

it is not cheap to treat Pompom. I know for for sure many families would not be able to afford this. I am very happy for Pompom but the fact is this treatments cannot be everyone. I am sad and sorry for pets and families who have to make difficult decisions.
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Day 16 with Pompom

Day 16 with Pompom
Our babies are getting old. Both Tiny and Pompom are over 15 years old. Tiny's legs are getting weak and Pompom is fighting with cancer. But I am happy to see bothing being able to walk, although they walk slower now.

Pompom torrarated this round of Chemo well and he is showing ore energy after three days. I will take him to next Chemo next monday.
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Day 15 with Pompom

Day 15 with Pompom
He is geeting Chemo every Monday and few days after the Chemo seem hard for him. But dogs really does not complain. Pompom lost his apetite but still eating 2/3 of what I serve him. He also starting to beg for treats. That is a good sign.

It is amazing that his lymp nodes are normal size now. I do not know the chemotherapy is, but it ios working for him. I am concerned about his wind pipe. That is a totally differene issue.

When dog gets to be 15 ... there are many things that go wrong. I just hope we can keep him healther for little longer.
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Day 14 with Pompom ... It's His Birthday

Day 14 with Pompom ... It's H... Circle Plate is Pompom's Blac... Circle Plate is Pompom's
Black one is Tiny's
Pink one is for Nano
Day 14 with Pompom ... It's H... Day 14 with Pompom ... It's H... Day 14 with Pompom ... It's H...
Today is Pompom's birthday. He made it!!!

I cooked him rare steaks ... Even with his decreased appetite due to the treatment, he was able to finish almost everything in his plate. Of cause, Tiny and Nano got to share steak too.
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Day 13 with Pompom Chemotherapy #3

Day 13 with Pompom Chemothe...
He got his thord Chemotherapy today. This is his third one. According to a doctor, his Lymp Nodes are almost at the normal size but his gagging and caughing is due to the flatness of his wind pipe ... which as nothing to do with his cancer.

He is also shopwing some disconfort in bowel movements. When your dog is sick, you areconverned about everything. But good news is he is alive and tomorrow is his 15th birthday. ;)
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Day 12 with Pompom

Day 12 with Pompom
He got groomed today. (I groomed Tiny as well today.) Hopefully he will cool down esily. He had diarrhea last night agter having steak for dinner. He is back to usual chicken diet today.

Tomorrow morning he wil have thirs chemotheraphy. His lymph nodes are undetectable. I hope that is agood sign. It is amazing just 12 days ago, his lymph nodes were as big as three pingpong balls.

He sometime still caugh and gets choked ... We will find out what might be causing those symptoms. Thank you all for your support and prayers. Pompom is fingthing.
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Day 11 with Pompom

Day 11 with Pompom
He ate 5oz steak ... Little too much but he was happy.
He will have another Chemo on Monday ... He may not be able to eat well then.
It takes about a week for Pompom to ecover from the Chemo.

His lymph nodes are almost impossible to feel. He is stil caughing sometime and breathing hard sometime. I really hope he get well as long as possible. I cannot believe it has been only 11 days since he started his therapy.
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Day 10 with Pompom

Day 10 with Pompom
We walked Kelsey Creek Park in Bellevue this morning. I did some shopping with Pompom this afternoon. Pompom is doing well and I gave him a raw steak for dinner. He liked it. I am happy to see pompom seating.

Right now, he is sleeping next to me.
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Day 9 with Pompom / Thanksgiving

Day 9 with Pompom / Thanksgi...
Pompom slept well last night and had morning walk at Medina Park. He is not been very active and sleeps a lot. He is not caughing much but I think he might stll have some fever. His appetite is not as much as used to but still eating.

I hope he gets well and recover from chemo. Next chemo is planned on Monday. I am very thankful that Popom is still well. Happy thaksgiving everyone!!!
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