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PSPINC CEO Kenichi Uchikura's Blog


Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (AKA PSPINC)
1404 140th PL NE, Bellevue, WA 98007, USA
425-957-0808 or 800-232-3989

Unlikely Weather in Seattle

Unlikely Weather in Seattle
This is not a Seattle I know. No clouds in the sky. Temperature is hitting almost 60 degree. What a nice place?

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Mobile Me

Mobile Me
To keep both of my Macintosh synchronized, I started using Mobile My by Apple. It is a basically a email program with

- IMAP Email
- Sync. and keep my contacts on the net
- Sync. and keep my calendar on the net
- 10GB of private and public storage

All of above is $99 per year. With $99 you can register a domain, create and maintain 10 email accounts, get 10GB of Web space. This is at PSPINC.

$99 is very expensive for the things it is offering.
#Computer #Internet

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Unsupported Browser

Unsupported Browser
I have been having little problem with Gmail. It does not open first time saying the browser I am using is not compatible. I usually use Safari as my browser.

So to test the system, I downloaded Chrome browser. Chrome is by Google. I figured Chrome should be compatible with Gmail.

This is what I got. What is going on?
#Computer #Internet

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Painting (DIY)

Painting (DIY)
I spend sometime painting outdoor fence this weekend. I have paint all over. I need to take a shower.
#Life #Politics #Society

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Installing Ventilation Pipes for Gen.

Installing Ventilation Pipes for ...

Puget Sound Refrigeration is fabricating and installing the ventilation pipes to the generators.

#Business #Marketing

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My weekend job ???

My weekend job ???
I am painting this fence this week end. Actually, my daughter is the who took this job. I will help her.
#Life #Politics #Society

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Twitter Post Feature is Available


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Bloguru to Twitter Feature

Bloguru to Twitter Feature
Isn't it nice if every time you post blog, the article also appears in Twitter?

We are releasing this feature today. You must select the skin that has this feature.

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Semi-Professional version of photo management software Aperture 3 was released few days ago. I was using Aperture 2 until the new version of iPhoto came out. iPhoto is a wonderful software enabling me to manage over 45,000 photos.

So when I heard about Aperture 3, I had to have it. I order it to Apple and it arrived yesterday. I installed and started to import iPhoto library to Aperture 3. It took about two hours to copy all 45000 photos. I thought it was really fast considering the total data size was over 30 Giga Byte.

Then it started the indexing process (I think) ... it went on and on. I left the computer on all night and I came back this morning. The process was still going on. So I quit Aperture 3. Actually, it took more than 20 minuets to quit Aperture 3 because of the process being done. When I restarted Aperture, it did not start on the first try. It actually took several tries to start the software.

After it started, problem was there. The system got really slow. So slow that I had to delete Aperture Library. I read on the net that Aperture 3 is having memory leak problem. Well, I do know if it was the same problem, but I know Aperture 3 is not a usable at this point. I will wait for the update and fixes. I will let you know as soon as I make Aperture 3 work.
#Computer #Internet

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Do you think you can design a logo for BLOGURU? If so, post it on this blog. If we select your design, we will have a banner for your bloguru on the BLOGURU top page for a year.

You can also send logo design to my email address by clicking here,

Thank you in advance.


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