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【洛タイ新報】80年の時を経て。。/"Returned to the Families of War Dead After 80 Years"

【洛タイ新報】80年の時を経て... 【洛タイ新報】80年の時を経て...
#army #flagreturn #friendship #japanesflag #nonbiologicalhumanremains #obonsociety #obonソサエティ #soldier #ussmissouri #ww2 #yosegakihinomaru #京都府 #大東亜戦争 #寄せ書き日の丸 #日章旗返還 #靖国神社

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OBON SOCIETY Newsletter October 2024

The curators from the USS Mi... The curators from the USS Missouri handle and fold the flags with the utmost respect and care.

#USSMissouri #flagreturn #obonsociety #ww2 #yosegakihinomaru

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MO-JOE A CUP OF HISTORY SERIES Announcement: (OBONプレゼンテーションのご案内)

Please join us for a special Zoom presentation on Thursday, October 24th hosted by the USS Missouri. We recently received three Yosegaki Hinomaru during a Flag Transfer Ceremony held in the Captain's cabin on board USS Missouri in October 3rd.
We hope to share our on going efforts to further deepen the people-to-people exchanges that form the unwavering foundation of the Japan-US relationship.
For more information and register the Zoom, please click below link:
We look forward to meeting you via Zoom!
#Missouri #Reconciliation #closure #flagreturn #friendship #nonbiologicalhumanremains #obonsociety #peace #ww2 #yosegakihinomaru #寄せ書き日の丸 #日章旗返還

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【NHK-WORLD】WWII Japanese flags given to group for return to soldiers' families

WWII Japanese flags given to group for return to soldiers' families
Three Japanese flags kept at the Battleship Missouri Memorial in Hawaii have been donated to a group working to return World War Two relics to families of Japanese servicemen.
The flags were entrusted to the memorial at Pearl Harbor by former US servicemen and their families. A ceremony to transfer the flags to the OBON SOCIETY, a US based organization that returns war relics to families, was held at the memorial on Thursday.
The Japanese flags were inscribed with signatures and messages by family and friends, then given to departing servicemen. Men carried such flags into battle as good luck amulets.
The president of the Battleship Missouri Memorial, Michael Carr, referred to next year as the 80th anniversary of the end of World War Two.
Carr said, "This flag transfer becomes a symbol of our continued commitment to ensuring that the lessons of World War Two are never forgotten, that we strive for a future built on peace, mutual respect and understanding."
The co-founder of OBON SOCIETY, Rex Ziak, said: "This is the ship that's going around the world as the vessel that brought Japan to its knees." He went on to say, "now their thoughts have changed their feelings, and it is a simple unconditional friendship, the unconditional peace between US and Japan."
#army #closure #flagreturn #friendship #japanesflag #missouri #nonbiologicalhumanremains #obonsociety #obonソサエティ #pacificwar #peace #soldier #ww2 #yosegakihinomaru #大東亜戦争 #寄せ書き日の丸 #日章旗返還 #靖国神社

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【NHK・動画】戦艦ミズーリ記念館の日章旗 米の団体に引き渡し 持ち主調査へ/Japanese flag at Battleship Missouri Memorial Museum handed over to U.S. organization to investigate its owner.

来年で第2次世界大戦の終結から80年となるのを前に、アメリカ ハワイの戦艦ミズーリ記念館に所蔵されていた日章旗3枚が3日、遺族に日章旗などを返還する活動をしている団体に引き渡されました。
別の旗には「祝入団 関野勇君」と読める名前が書かれています。
#army #closure #flagreturn #friendship #japanesflag #missouri #nonbiologicalhumanremains #obonsociety #obonソサエティ #pacificwar #peace #soldier #ww2 #yosegakihinomaru #大東亜戦争 #寄せ書き日の丸 #日章旗返還 #靖国神社

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