平和継続事業講演会「オレゴンから愛レター」OBON Presentation: From Oregon with Love Letters

講演会には、杉山 址命(祖父)の日章旗を受領された杉山穣さまが名古屋から、また天川清三郎命(叔父)の日章旗を受領された畑中綾子さま(93歳)も応援に駆けつけてくださいました。また、OBONアドバイザーの國松先生(元滋賀県知事)や京都市遺族会連合会、京都府遺族会関係者、京都市関係者、山梨県遺族会事務局長、空援隊理事・事務局長、関西プレスクラブ事務局長、関西テレビ、時事通信社、読売新聞、そして長年の親友など、多くの皆様に貴重なお時間を割いてご来場いただきましたこと、心より感謝申し上げます。
Thanks to everyone's support, I was able to successfully conclude the lecture "From Oregon with Love Letters" for the Kyoto City Peace Legacy Program on January 31st, 2025. Originally, the lecture was planned to be given by both Rex and myself, but due to Rex's health condition and his need for rest, I ended up delivering the lecture on my own.
At the event, Mr. Sugiyama Minoru, who received Yosegaki Hinomaru flag of his grandfather, Mr. Sugiyama Hajime, traveled from Nagoya to attend, and Ms. Ayako Hatanaka (93 years old), who received Yosegaki Hinomaru flag of her uncle, Mr. Amakawa Seisaburo, also came to offer support. Additionally, many people attended, I am deeply grateful to all who took the time to attend.
For me, Keiko, this was my very first presentation, and I regret that it went significantly over the scheduled time. However, I am truly thankful for the connections I’ve made with so many people, and I will continue to do my best to fulfill my mission going forward.
Thank you very much.