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Olympics Update

Olympics Update
Have you been watching the Olympics? Japan has been performing well in various events such as softball, soccer, and table-tennis. I especially enjoyed the table-tennis mixed doubles final. Of course I was pleased that Japan got the gold medal. Have you ever been awarded a gold medal? I got one for swimming when I was in elementary school.

- Have you been ___ing = __していましたか
- Have you (ever) been + 過去分詞 = ___された事はありますか (受動態)
- WRONG: 'Have you been watched the Olympics?'

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Cupboard Keyboard

Cupboard Keyboard
On Tuesday my keyboard started playing up (狂う), so I for the time being (とりあえず) I replaced it with an old one (20 years?) that I found in a storage room. Today a new keyboard arrived, so I returned the old one to the cupboard (戸棚 / 食器棚) in the storage room. It`s big, heavy, and the keys were hard to see & use, but it got me out of a tight spot.

- 'be in a tight spot' = be in a difficult situation
- 'get + 誰か + out of a tight spot' = save someone from a difficult situation

- 'cupboard' = カバッド (not カップボード)

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Sri Racha Sauce Source

Sri Racha Sauce Source
Do you know SriRacha sauce? This factory was recently built near Hashima Costco, so on Monday, after shopping at Costco, I popped in to buy a bottle of sauce from a vending machine outside the factory.

So, what does 'Sri Racha' mean? Well, 'Sri Racha' is the name of a coastal town about 2 hours from Bangkok, in Thailand. This kind of sauce was first made there. When I lived in Thailand about 20 years ago, I visited Sri Racha several times to fish, swim, & explore.

OK: I`ve been there.
OK: When I was young/lived in Tokyo, I went there.
WRONG: When I was young/lived in Tokyo, I`ve been there.

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Chicken Dinner

Chicken Dinner
In summer I catch crayfish (ザリガニ) near my house and feed them to my pet chicken. She loves them. In some countries such as Sweden, Finland, & France, people eat crayfish, but most Japanese aren`t prepared to eat them. Why not? もったいない! What a waste! How about you? Would you be prepared to eat one?

prepare + 名詞 (object) e.g. 'Prepare clothes'
prepare for + 名詞 (event) e.g. 'Prepare for an interview`
prepare to + 動詞 (future action) e.g. 'Prepare to meet the boss'
be prepared to + 動詞 (action you are willing to do) e.g. 'I`m prepared to give a discount'

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Shall we Eat Shells?

Shall we Eat Shells?
I found this unusual pasta at a Liquor Mountain store. I`ve seen small shell-shaped pasta before, but not large ones like this. I asked my kids*, "Shall we try them?" and they said, "Yeh!!!"

As you can see, they are similar in size & appearance to golden apple snails (スクミリンゴガイ), which are common in waterways around here.

* Yes, I took my 3 kids to Liquor Mountain with me. Am I a bad father...?

- 'shell' と 'shall' は同じ発音です
#グルメ #動物

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I started picking* ripe black raspberries from my bush. Some had already fallen to the ground, but I didn`t pick up** those ones. I let the chicken eat them. It seems to like them.

While I was doing that, I saw a Mycalesis madjicosa butterfly (ヒメジャノメ in Japanese, I don`t know in English).

Later, I made jam. I will make more when the other berries have ripened.

* pick = 植物から取る
** pick up = 地表面/床面から取る
Ripe`n`Ready = Ripe and Ready

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Compact Camping Companion

Compact Camping Companion
I like camping, so my wife bought this for me. At first I didn`t know what it was, but then it clicked (= I suddenly understood).

Hints: It`s hollow (くうどう 空洞) You can shorten & lengthen it.

The answer is in comments.

the suffix (接尾語) or prefix (接頭語) 'en' often means 'to make' e.g. enlarge = make larger, encourage (励ます) = make courageous/brave, strengthen = make stronger, sadden = make sad

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