Learning how to Coach in English ("Brilliant Coaching", Day8), Questioning (1)

Questions should be 'simple'!
Hello everyone!

I am an executive coach supporting and encouraging people who work in companies or organizations.

While reading the book titled "Brilliant Coaching" by Julie Starr, I will continue to put some key points about coaching at work.

The topic today is "Effective Questioning" and let me divide it into two parts as follows.

In essence, effective questions in coaching provoke valuable thoughts and reflection and help surface insight, clarity, or even a decision to act.

Part 1: Good question in coaching conversation

Part 2: Questions with a clear sense of purpose

Effective Questioning, Part 1

1. In coaching, a well-timed, simply worded question can turn keys, unlock doors and provoke insight for the person you are coaching.

2. A good question in coaching:

(1) is simple
(2) has a clear sense of purpose
(3) influence someone's thought and understanding - without being controlling

3. Coach the person, not the issue

- Remember that your focus during a coaching conversation is to help the person fix the issue - not for you to fix the issue.

- So, ask questions that help 'them' think about the situation, rather that help 'you' think about the situation.

4. Power of keeping things simple

(1) In order for people not to struggle to understand your questions, simplifying language and using shorter words and terms are helpful. Such as;

- What's caused this?
- How will doing that affect things?
- What does Bob/Tom think about this?

(2) Reasons why we use overly complex questions in the workplace

- We like to appear smart, clever and knowledgeable.
- We start talking before we have a clear version of our question.
- We do not ask what we really want to know.

Simple questions borne from a clear intention create effective progress, especially in coaching conversation.

That's all for today. See you tomorrow!

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- 「掲げた目標を必ず達成するという強い意志」が必要。

- そして、それを「人を通じて成す」

- いくら人格者であっても、結果が伴わなければ良いリーダーとは言えない

- 良いリーダーとは「人を動かせる」人。そのために必要なことは、



- そのための「対話」

- 人の成長の可能性を信じる




- 部下の話をきちんと聴く。話す分量は部下が9,リーダーが1。


- 先が見えない時こそリーダーが一歩踏み出す勇気を示し、安心感を与えること

- 成果を出し続けるチームには緊張感の中にぬくもりがある

- 目標を掲げるだけではなくリーダーは「夢」を語り続けることが大切

- 部下の多様性も認めつつも、共通の価値観・考え方を見出すこと

by 「働くあなたを元気にする」コーチ

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