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Megumi Preschool

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  • Spring Break

Spring Break

Spring Break
From April 9th to 13th Kujira class (kindergarten) had spring break. During the one week break we took up the theme of “bugs”, and went searching for bugs and learned more about the life of bugs.
We started on Monday by making a “bug map.” With a map of Megumi Preschool in hand, everyone went outside to search for bugs. When someone found a bug they marked that spot on their map, and we learned about what kind of bugs live where around the school. We worried that there wouldn’t be so many bugs around, but we managed to find bugs in 22 different places including butterflies, ladybugs, centipedes, and ants!
Even after spring break ended the children started reporting bugs to the teacher when they notice them, “Sensei, I found a spider!” Our spring break activities really helped open their eyes to the world of bugs.

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