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Megumi Preschool

Field Trip to the Zoo

Field Trip to the Zoo
Kujira class (Kinergarten)went to the zoo for their final field trip. Everyone was so excited when we all assembled, laughing and jumping about. In the zoo, they went in order to go see all the animals they had written reports about in class. It was cloudy and fairly cold outside, but in exchange it seemed like the animals were more active than usual. Zebras, elephants, giraffes, bears… Everyone was able to see in real life the animals they had learned about. And finally, the much awaited lunch time. Everyone had brought a delicious lunch and it seemed like they all really enjoyed eating together. After eating lunch, as everyone played on the grass the sun came out, and so we finally got a taste of good weather as well. Thank you so much to all the parents who came along as volunteers!

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