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Megumi Preschool

Puppet show

Puppet show
We had a puppet show by Mimibunko on August 8th, Monday. They played “Usagi to Kame Seattle version.” Not only the puppets but people in a costume showed up and the children were very excited. When we asked how the show was, they said, “it was fun~!”

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Tea ceremony

Tea ceremony
We had a tea ceremony with proper manner on August 5th, Friday. The students felt crisp atmosphere as they entered the classroom with tatami mats. They had made everything needed for the ceremony including tea cups, fans, toothpicks, coasters, scrolls and folding screen. They enjoyed it so much!


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Suikawari Game

Suikawari Game
Megumi children enjoyed "Suikawari Game".
Suikawari (lit. Watermelon Splitting) is a traditional Japanese game that involves splitting a watermelon with a stick while blindfolded. Played in the summertime, suikawari is most often seen at beaches, but also occurs at festivals, picnics, and other summer events.

Also, they had very sweet watermelon morning snack.


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Megumi Special Summer lunch menu

Megumi Special Summer lunch...
Let me introduce one of our Summer lunch menu at Megumi Pre-School.
Chinese Style cold noodle! Special homemade sauce include Sweet miso, sesame seeds paste and sweet vinegar.
Kids loves it.

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Fieldtrip report

Fieldtrip report
Summer camp and Zo students had a field trip to Seattle aquarium on 7/21. Almost 40 people including teachers and parent volunteers got on a bus. At the aquarium, we divided the students into groups, and had a leader for each group. The group leader did a good job! We had so much fun. Special thanks to the parents who volunteered the trip.


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Okinawa music class

Okinawa music class
Today summer camp students enjoyed Okinawa music class by Noriko sensei who is from Okinawa prefecture. After they had a lecture about Okinawa dialect, instruments, songs and dance, they played the instruments. They were interested in them so much. In the end, they enjoyed dancing along with Okinawa song.


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Ceramic Art Class

Ceramic Art Class
Summer Camp students had a ceramic art class last Friday. Children enjoyed touching clay and could finish making their own cups. After we get our cups from the oven later this month, we plan to have a traditional tea ceremony with our cups.


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Megumi 19th Graduation Celebration

Megumi 19th Graduation Celebra...
Both Seattle and Bellevue Megumi celebrated a beautiful graduation on June 18th. Fourteen students from Seattle and thirty-four students from Bellevue, all glowing and well, graduated this year. Over the past five years, the children grew into marvelous preschool students and went through many experiences together. Excitement, happiness, forgiveness, patience and sharing, the children studied and learned many valuable life skills together through this time.
A great testimony came after the earth quake and tsunami hit Japan three months ago in March. The children all got together and became strong for those who were affected by the disaster. Although small in individual strength, by getting together as one, we can become something larger and stronger. We believe that the children were able to understand this message.
I am so grateful for each and one of the children for being born into this beautiful world. I am so glad I got to meet them at Megumi Preschool. To all of my graduates whom I love from the bottom of my heart, I wish to send you this message:
“Congratulations on your graduations!”
-Yoshimi Suzuki

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Last week, the students welcomed Tanaka sensei, a specialist in Japanese flower arrangement called Ikebana. The students experienced a hands-on lesson in traditional ikebana where they enjoyed learning the fundamentals while still being able to freely express their creativity and originality!


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On June 28th, the students at the Bellevue Summer Camp took a fieldtrip to Kirkland. The students got to experience riding on the Metro Bus to the movie theater where they watched Cars 2! The theater room was rented out just for the students so they were able to fully enjoy a special experience. After the movies, the students went to a near by park for a picnic lunch and played outside before returning from their fun filled day.

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