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gotohealth's Blog


Just learned about feedback on... Just learned about feedback on this bloguru.
Looking forward to more connection and learning!
I've been blogging for seven years, close to once a week, and never thought about learning how to get feedback as part of my purpose in life with "learning". 
Especially since my husband, Sam passed over six years ago, I am on a new path of learning. Because of Covid issues I've listened to many many podcasts on U-Tube. I don't subscribe to any one because I want to randomly choose for more diversity of input. But of course Google offers me kind of biased choices because what kind of programs I choose more often.
Before he passed, Sam and I were planning another book, GOTO DIGEST, because our family has been fond of READER'S DIGEST. It would have been fun with Sam's ability to illustrate. Now I'm thinking I will publish a collection of my Goto Health post on bloguru.
Our daughter, Kelly Goto, just completed SEATTLE SAMURAI with the 5 years of the weekly cartoon strips Sam did for the North American Post and Sam's life. The book will be available next month, but you can go to a preview:
Please comment on my posts as you feel to do so by clicking on the word "comments" below. 

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