CakePHP3: Fetch a particular column from all rows

Say we have the following data in a table called countries:

id country capitol
1 USA Washington DC
2 Japan Tokyo
3 United Kingdom London

And you want to fetch data like this:

['Washington DC', 'Tokyo', 'London']

Then do this:

$capitols = $this->countries


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CakePHP3: Get the full URL of the current page

Method 1: Use the URL helper

$url = $this->Url->build([
"controller" => "Posts",
"action" => "search",
"?" => ["foo" => "bar"]

Method 2: Use the Router

use Cake\Routing\Router;

$url = Router::url([
'controller' => 'Posts',
'action' => 'search',
'?' => ['foo' => $bar]
], true);

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CakePHP3: Check if record exists

Here is a handy way to do it:

To check by primary key:

if ($this->Users->exists($id)) {

To find by specifying where clause:

if ($this->Users->exists(['email' => $email])) {

Much more convenient than using find('count').

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Bash: working with filenames containing spaces

At times, I'd like to perform an action against all files in a directory like this:

for i in `find . -type f`
cp "${i}" "${i}.bak"

This fails when filenames contain spaces, as bash uses whitespace, tab and LF as the default delimiter. Solution? Do this:

IFS=$(echo -en "\n\b")


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