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  • 2013 Summer Experience Sponsors & Hosts

2013 Summer Experience Sponsors & Hosts

2013 Summer Experience Spon...
During their time in Seattle, the PSP Children's Foundation Summer Experience students enjoyed lessons from Bellevue Children's Academy's teachers and were able to visit downtown Seattle and the University of Washington, see a Mariners game and tour Safeco Field, hike Mount Rainier and tour Microsoft's Redmond campus and Google's Kirkland offices. Throughout their visit they had several meals provided by sponsors, including Maruta Shoten, Miyabi Sushi, I Love Sushi on Lake Bellevue, Uwajimaya and Union Bank. Their transportation to and from many activities was conducted by Puget Sound Coachlines.

Finally, we also need to acknowledge the host families. They contribute so much by giving their time and opening up their homes to the students, and the Summer Experience program simply would not happen without them. Their gifts are more than simply monetary, as they form new friendships and lasting bonds with the students and PSPCF cannot thank them enough for their assistance each year.

It has been a very busy couple of weeks here at PSPINC, but we're proud of the program and all the people who worked so hard to make it run smoothly and ensure that it happened in the first place. The PSPCF Summer Experience is only possible with the aid of our volunteers, sponsors and host families. Thank you for all of your contributions to this year's program, and we hope we may count on your continued assistance as we continue in our mission to provide hope to children affected by disaster.

To find out how you can contribute to the 2014 Summer Experience, please visit PSPCF's website and Like us on Facebook for updates.

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