教育部交流理事 早川武彦 米国富士重工業
12月7日(火)、 教育関係者日本派遣事業の帰国報告会が開催されました。在シアトル総領事ご夫妻も含め総勢35名に参加いただきました。
【Robert Vincent Hallockより】
Our trip to Japan was life changing. I am grateful for the gracious hospitality you showed us and for allowing us to learn about your schools and culture. I return to Bellevue with a much better understanding of Japan. You have taught me the importance of three things: relationships, doing things with thoughtful intention and working together cooperatively. These are lessons I will share with my students, colleagues, and friends.
【Ryan Michael Rahlfsより】
Your graciousness and hospitality was as wonderful as your nation.
Our trip was remarkable. I will share with my students, family, and friends all of my memories and experiences forever. Thank you and may fate bring us together soon than later.
【Ian MC Cauley Duncanより】
Thank you all very much for showing us your schools, your culture and your humor. I very much enjoyed my time spent with colleagues discussing educational policy as well as joking around and enjoying each other's company. I cannot wait to further our relations and build bridges that our children will one day cross.
この派遣事業は22年にわたり継続され、地域の教育関係者レベルでの日米交流を図ると共に、補習学校の校舎借用を円滑に進めることを目的に行われてきました。 今回の帰国報告会も、この目的に沿った形で成果が確認出来るものであり、派遣事業継続の意義を再認識するものとなりました。 派遣事業は来年以降もこの目的に沿って継続される予定です。
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