先日,チビヲの学校の個人面談がありました。今回は中間成績なので,希望者だけ先生とお話したようです。もらったProgress Reportはこんな感じです。
ただ,Physical education(体育)の時間に体育担当の先生の指示に従わないことがたびたびあるらしく,なぜなのかを子供に聞いてまた教えてください,っていう宿題が。先生の予想では「体育が好きではないからかな」ということでしたが,チビヲは「体育は楽しいから好き」と言っています。本人としては「指示に従っていない」という意識がないらしく,なんだか,どうやって指導していいものやら。
San Diego City Schools Kindergar Progress Report
Academic Rating(記号の説明。X印=良いっていうのがちょっと感覚がちがうな)
X=Consistent Progress
/=Developing progress
O=Progress not evident at this time
- =Not evaluated at this time
Level of Effort
N=Needs Improement
(1) Reading/ Language Arts
・Understands that print carries the message
・Begins to move from left to right across the page
・Holds book and tells a story as though reading
・predicts words, actions, outcomes
・Repeats a pattern or refrain from a poem, song, or story
・Is becoming aware of sound letter correspondence
・Uses pictures to gain meaning from tevt
・Participates in discussions of reading experiences
・Uses complete sentences when appropriate
・Identifies and/ or can describe geometic shapes
・Is able to use positional terms
・Is developing a sense of number:Counting,Classifying,Estimating
・Can build and describe a repeating pattern
・Can measure using non-standard units
・Identifies numerals up to: 1-30
・Understands/ demonstrates how to add
・Is abele to problem solve, use ligical thinking
・Understands/ demonstrates how to subtract
(3)English as a secong language
(4)Primary language instruction
(5)Social Studies
(6)Science/ Health
(7)Physical education participation
(8)Music participation
(9)Art participation
(10)Completes and returns homework
(11)Home reading
(12)work habits and citizenship
・Completes assigned tasks
・Works independently
・Follows directions
・Listens attentively
・Follows classroom rules
・Follows playground rules
・Works well with others
・Respects rights and property of others
・Does neat careful work
・Uses self-control
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