7/17-7/20 小学生バスケットボールキャンプ
元全日本のエース、諏訪 裕美さんから学べるまたとない機会です。
Basketball Camp at BCA!
Learn from, and interact with, former Japanese All-Star player Hiromi Suwa!
Throughout her 4-day clinic, Hiromi will offer tips and hands-on instruction, including lectures, focused on fundamental basketball skills. There will be stations designed to improve individual skills and all will be provided in a high-energy, fun and positive environment.
Date: July 17,18,19,20
Time: 1:00p.m.-3:30p.m.
Where: BCA2 GYM
Camp Fee: $100
Maximum: 15 participants
For registration, please contact saturdayschool@bcacademy.com