本年度の終業日は、3月27日です。卒業式・終業式は、オンラインMicrosoft Teams Meetingで行います。
小学6年 オンライン卒業式 午後12時
午後12時より Microsoft Teams Meetingにて卒業式
年中から小学5年 オンライン終業式 午後1時
中高部 オンライン終業式 午後1時
To conclude this year, congratulate the children for their hard work, and thank all the parents who supported it, this year's graduation and last day of school ceremony will be held online on March 27th at the Microsoft Teams Meeting.
On the day of the event, all 6th grade students will take online classes at home until 11:50, then join a graduation ceremony at TEAMS from 12:00, and come to BCA2 parking lot in front of the BCA2 school building from 2:00 pm to receive their certificates.
On March 27th, Pre-K through 5th grade in person students will be dismissed at 11:50. There is no school lunch.
Meeting links to each ceremony will be sent at a later date.
6th grade graduation ceremony
On the day of the event, 6th grade students do not come to school in the morning and have online classes at home until 11:50.
Then, attend graduation ceremony at Microsoft Teams Meeting from 12:00 pm
After the ceremony, at 2:00 pm, please gather in the parking lot in front of the BCA2 school building, the principal and teachers will hand out a diploma while in the car.
Yearbooks and returned items will also be handed over at this time. We will also prepare a photo booth for photography, so please feel free to take pictures with your family while maintaining a social distance.
Pre-K through 5th grade last day of school ceremony
Date and time: Saturday, March 27, from 1:00 pm
All in person class students leaves at 11:50. No school lunch
Ceremony by each grade level. Please attend the ceremony of your student's grade.
Middle and high school grade, last day of school ceremony
Classes as usually until 12:25p.m.
Date and time: Saturday, March 27, from 1:00 pm
Attendee: Middle and high school students and their parents
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