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Having sushi at Hummingbird ... Having sushi at Hummingbird Sushi near Seattle Center Ummmm!
I clearly remember how cute you were when you were born. Because you were five weeks premature, your head was small, it wasn’t molded to come through the birth canal. Lynette had a doll bonnet and it fit!

You didn’t walk as early as Lynette, but if you consider being born so early, you did walk early too, at nine or ten months. I remember how you crawled backwards through the snow that winter outside on the parking strip on 23rd Avenue in front of our house on Capitol Hill. I often share the story of when we went to the Redmond barn for a small rodeo event, we had you on a leash, and you cleared a visible circle around around where we were sitting.
One issue was that you cried for an hour after you woke up, for a long time. I remember that Dad took you to the fish hatchery one morning near Seward Park so I could sleep. Then there is that morning that you created that page of stamps, making perforations through the sheet with a needle. I forget what the drawings were? Anyway, those first preschool years, you did some project every morning until Dad and I got up.
Once when you were 4-years-old, you got up and said, “We are so lucky we have robbers, because that makes us better.” That’s when I put you on my list of mentors along with Dad, Grandpa Tsukamaki, Dr. Suzuki and later Dr. Shaklee. 
In preschool at that church on 19th Avenue, you were called: “Super Girl”. When we went to Disneyland, Dad had to cradle you because you fell asleep during IT’S A SMALL WORLD. I think we have a picture where he says, “Super Girl didn’t make it!” Also, when we took the train to Spokane for the World’s Fair in 1970, you walked all the way through the cars and got to know everyone. So when we got off the train, most everyone was waving good-by to us.
You learned to read HOP ON POP and loved ARE YOU MY MOTHER. As soon as you could talk, you would ask every, “Where is your Mom?” And you asked everyone for a recipe. 
You still collect recipes - not just for food!!! 

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