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Back in the Fall of 1976, I was 37-years-old, Sam talked me nto attending a personal growth weekend stay-overnight seminar at the Westlake Hidden Harbor restaurant. It was run by George Hawkins who was a Donald Trump kind of person, with whom I openly confronted at a meeting and disliked.  But today, I have to give Hawkins credit for setting me on a path of purpose that has served me well.
I still share the concept we learned that weekend called “the Universal Mind Principle”. We used this principle to build our Nutrition and Family Counseling business and pursue Japanese Heritage Projects, the next 42 years until Sam passed the end of 2017. Now, I’m able to continue living the path that was created.
The Universal Mind Principle has to do with my thinking process. I have a brain that coordinates all my five senses into my CONSCIOUS MIND and I can put those thoughts into action. Part of that action is tape recorded into my SUBCONSCIOUS MIND. Hawkins taught me how to access my UNIVERSAL MIND. 
The first step is to open the “gate” to the Universal Mind from the Subconscious Mind. The gate will only open if our subconscious mind has more positives than negatives. Hawkins suggested we write down a list of the happiest times in our life and put it by our bedside. Then I learned to write a question such as, “How can I develop a successful customer base?”
The second step is to "try" to work on some of my own answers.
The third step is to ask my Universal Mind to give me an answer as I go to sleep. Then take action on the thoughts as I awaken the next morning.
There is a story about Prince Rogers Nelson who was an American singer, multi-instrumentalist, songwriter, record producer, and actor. He awakened one day around 2am and phoned his producer saying, “We need to immediately record this song because if we don’t, Micheal Jackson will get it.” In other words, there is a creative energy that we can tap into. 
When I awakened most mornings thereafter, I would be inspired with ideas about how to promote my business and I put action to those thoughts and I still do.

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