I'm listening to a Chris Williamson podcast where he is interviewing Joe Hudson, an executive trainer and teacher, about how we can accomplish more by learning to let go. Williamson quotes a Hudson tweet: "Letting go doesn't happen when when you tell yourself to 'let go', letting go happens when it is ready."
Next, Hudson suggests an exercise for understanding "letting go". I put my hands together in front of my face.
Next Hudson suggests separating my pinky fingers - consciously putting effort into separating the fingers without actually doing it. NOTICING THE ENERGY I'M EXERTING, I feel sensations in my arms, shoulders and neck. THE MORE I THINK ABOUT IT, I feel my chest tightening and I'm holding my breath - MOSTLY FUELED BY THE CRITICA. VOICE IN MY HEAD.
Then Hudson suggests: "Now think about the opposit of that and notice the difference!!"
So I am used to thinking of the need to put effort into, for instance, figuring out how I can can be a better writer. There is a another way of "surrender" that is a lot more effective than effort sometime?? THIS LEAVES ROOM FOR ENJOYMENT.
A lot to learn in life?