Vol. 40 “Why didn't I do this before?”Have you ever heard of a system called a VPN?The Internet is a public system. As it is commonly used, it utilizes this public network to exchange information. With security concerns in mind, important information is transmitted over a dedicated line (private network). However, priv...
Vol 39 It is the case with any business project, one day it will come to an end. Sometimes you know if it's tomorrow, next month, a year from now, ten years from now, and sometimes it's going to end abruptly. That's why they say that "you can't put all of your eggs in one basket.”Needless to say, as a business conti...
みなさんは各お写真がどのお店のものか分かりますか? 写真の中にヒントが隠されているので ポスターを見かけたらご自身のSNSなどで拡散もよろしくお願いいたします。 Facebook Twitter Instagram 毎月の応募件数によって次の月のプレゼントがどんどん豪華になっていくかもしれませんので...
Vol 38 In the midst of the coronavirus crisis, the number of infected people in the United States is increasing rapidly. Our state of Washington is also experiencing an increase in the number of people infected. It is because of this, Washington state has responded by raising the quarantine level. For 4 weeks, starting at midnig...
We are pleased to announce the free beta release of our all-new contact-less digital restaurant menu service called ImaMenu. With ImaMenu, restaurant owners have the power to create a digital menu complete with pictures, descriptions, prices, and allergen information. They can then embed an automatically generated QR c...
We have been working with all types of businesses for years providing web development solutions to help them accomplish their goals. While everyone's needs are unique, we always use a consistent 8-step approach when working with our customers. Depending on the size and scope of the project, we may break this down...
Vol37 Many web pages throughout the world are written using an open source engine called WordPress. It's easy to say that you can create a page with WordPress, but you have to learn a lot in order to create it. When you want to edit a page, you have to use WordPress to do it. It's not easy by any means, but it's mu...
Vol. 36 Bloguru is a blog platform developed and operated by Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. that has a few features that set it apart from other blogging systems. Today, we'd like to share with you some of the features that differentiate us from others.No adsThere are no advertisements on Bloguru. So you don't need to w...
サンディエゴタウンからのプレゼントキャンペーンがスタートいたします!! アンケートに答えるだけ!? 抽選でサンディエゴ人気レストランのギフトカードが当たります。 さまざまなレストランのお食事券をゲットして 美味しいサンディエゴの日系レストランに行きましょう!! ↓↓↓ 応募する ↑↑↑ PSPinc...
Vol. 35 When you receive payment card information online, there are set of rules you must follow to protect the security of the card holder’s information. PCI DSS stands for “Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard” and the rules are very strict.How does PSPinc comply with PCI DSS?We at PSPinc, make sure ...