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Sake Nation: “Japan’s recovery at last from the Coronavirus pandemic” 

By Kosuke Kuji

Foreign nations led by the U.S. declared an early end to the coronavirus pandemic and returned to normal. 

In May, Japan will downgrade the coronavirus to allow regular hospitals, etc., to examine patients infected by the virus. 

Spectators and concert-goers in Japan can soon vocally cheer on athletes at sporting events and entertainers at live music performances through their facial masks, banned since the pandemic. 

From spring, facial masks deemed a symbol of the coronavirus pandemic among the Japanese can now be worn at one’s own discretion.    

Approximately a year and a half ago, Europeans vocally cheered on athletes at sporting events and entertainers at live music performances. Japan is finally about to reach this point as well. 

In the Japanese sake industry, major tasting events have started to resume. 

The Japan Ginjo Sake Association, where I serve as chairman, held a sampling event for a class of over 1,000 guests last October. 

Also, each brewery resumed celebrating their kurabiraki (warehouse opening) festival, etc., this year, inviting guests to the brewery to sample their latest new sake.  

Restaurants now greet considerably more guests since the coronavirus pandemic. Unfortunately, lack of labor is a reason why restaurants cannot always seat customers to full capacity.

Japan is a nation where peer pressure is a strong social force. I’m truly happy to see the Japanese sake industry finally resume normal operations. Let’s get in step with the rest of the world so Japan’s economy will fully recover as well. 

Let’s go, Japan!! 

We’re a step behind, let’s catch up to the rest of the world!! 













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Communicate the appeal of sake to customers

By Yuji Matsumoto

Happy New Year! We look forward to working with you again this year.

No matter how good a product is, the message needs to be communicated for customers to try the product.
let’s consider when the appropriate timing is and how to communicate the appeal of Japanese sake in a way that leads to sales.

Consider who the message is directed to
Are chefs, servers, and bartenders trained appropriately? Training the staff to thoroughly understand why a brand of sake tastes delicious and why customers should try it is important because a single try will not be sufficient to understand even ten percent of the appeal of a brand. Therefore, please have staff try the sake paired with the cuisine.

Of course, a good place to start would be to have the servers change their ordering from “What can I get you to drink?” to “It’s cold outside, would you like to try some hot sake?” This suggestion alone is a major difference. Also, please mention two to three different brands of Japanese sake during the recommendation.

Speak informatively to customers in a way that generates a response like “Oh really?” For example, “How about AAA, a dry and refreshing sake from Niigata that goes great with sushi?” Or “Would you like to try BBB, a brand of sake from Akita that has body and goes great with teriyaki?” The point is to word the recommendations into easy-to-understand sales pitches that makes customers want to try the brand. Offer two to three different brands that range from reasonable to mid-range prices.






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Preserving pure Japanese cuisine

Preserving pure Japanese cuis... Preserving pure Japanese cuis... Preserving pure Japanese cuis... Preserving pure Japanese cuis... Preserving pure Japanese cuis... Preserving pure Japanese cuis...
Preserving pure and unchanging Japanese cuisine
By Elli Sekine

“Kiss Seafood” is located in a corner of a building which is not very easy to spot from the main street of Japan Town. No sigh is up outside, so hardly anyone will notice there is a restaurant there. There are only ten seats, and the space looks more like a coffee shop. The interior is almost white, and is clean and bright. The seasonal fresh flowers and plants illuminated by the light from the high ceiling gives a comfortable dining ambience to the space. This small place is actually a pioneer of introducing Omakase-style menus in the San Francisco area, and has been a kind of hidden gem to the regular customers and business people over the last 16 years.

“Kiss” was opened 16 years ago by Mr. Takao Nakagawa, the owner/chef, who wanted to have a place where he could enjoy full control of operations. That was what I heard from him during my first interview with him 14 years ago. Before that, Mr. Nakagawa had worked for a long time in a Japanese restaurant, and reached the point where he wanted to open his own place to serve pure traditional Japanese cuisine. Back then, in S.F., Americanized sushi and rolls were being developed, and fusion Japanese cuisine was popular among the high-end customers. However, “Kiss” kept the traditional way. The dashi was made by konbu and katsuo, and complementary small appetizers, a-la-carte dishes, sushi, and an Omakase-style traditional Japanese menu was served. In recent years, the high-end Japanese restaurants where traditional Japanese cuisine is served are very popular. The word, Omakase (chef’s special menu), has become a Japanese American term, and is used widely. I asked Mr. Nakagawa how he felt about this phenomenon. He said, “I did not care at all about the trend back then. I was just offering the kind of menu that I, as a Japanese chef, was supposed to”. In the meantime, more and more Japanese food was introduced, and at the same time, the Americans developed their taste for it, which resulted in their recent appreciation for more traditional Japanese cuisine. “Kiss”, which once seemed un-trendy, was actually the pioneer for the modern world.

The place actually doesn’t feel small once you sit down at the counter. It is because Mr. Nakagawa who values communication with the customers has applied the ideal height and depth of the tables, lighting that makes food look pretty, etc. into his design for the place. This well thought-out comfortable distance between the guests and the chef results not only in good conversations, but conveys the chef’s craftsman spirit. Guests can see the ingredients and how they are cooked from where they sit. The number of dishes that are mainly fish in the menu is not a large amount, and10 seats/2 rotations a day, 20 meals in total allows him to manage to get the right amount of food ingredients daily. He is particular about the seasonality, and pre-orders seasonal fish ingredients. “Daily Special” menu I had included 5 selective fresh fish dishes, and tender octopus was used in the sashimi, and a nimomo dish with bamboo shoots. Every ingredient had the perfect texture, and you can really enjoy each flavor. Two Omakase menus (priced at $60 or $78) depend on the sushi or sashimi ingredients. Other popular dishes besides sushi and sashimi are “Hamachi-kama or Tai-snapper collar Misozuke and vegetable cooked in broth)” ($7.50), “Chawan Mushi (eggs, vegetables and seafood steamed in broth) ($6.50), etc. The a-la-carte dishes are cooked in the traditional Japanese style, and lightly flavored to effectively enhance the natural flavor of each ingredient. They also carry more than 40 different brands of premium sake for pairing with those wonderful traditional dishes. Some of those sake brands are from well-known very rare and small breweries.

In San Francisco, there has been a big spike of commodity prices and rents in the past several years due to the IT industry bubble burst, and the minimum wage has also increased all over California. Many of the restaurant owners in the area are heavily affected by it; however, this shop has not raised the prices of most of the dishes from 16 years ago. Most of the other places charge at least $100 for an Omakase menu, so it is rare to find a place where you can pay only $60 for an Omakase menu with 5 dishes. How can they not get affected by the spike? The answer is that it is a husband and wife only operation. They were able to purchase the property at the right time, and started the business at a minimal investment. Their unchanging tastes and business operating system have overcome the global financial crisis, and allowed them to maintain the stable operation until this day. Their way of operation is not the only thing that has not changed. They still take reservations only by phone whereas everybody else uses the internet. They believe that it helps to judge the characters of the customers by the voice. This way, they rarely experience cancellation without notice. Still no sign outside, and with no advertisement, this little place seems to have won a status of a rare secret hiding place for many of their customers.

Such an operation system where the owner can have full control in a small scale restaurant may be the ideal way. You cannot expect a huge profit, but on the other hand, can be more resilient to overcome the ever-changing economy. I asked him about his prospects and dreams for the future. He said, “I would like to continue until I reach the targeted age as long as I keep my health.” I felt warm feelings by watching him enjoying the conversations with the regular customers, explaining to them about the cooking over the counter.


ジャパンタウンのメインストリートから外れた目立たない建物の一角に「Kiss Seafood」はある。外に看板もなく一見レストランと気づく人は少ないだろう。たった10席の小さなカフェのようなサイズ。店内は明るく清潔で、白を基調とした壁飾られた季節の樹木や花が高い天井からの採光が受け、居心地の良いダイニングを作り上げている。実はこの小さな店、SFで「オマカセ」メニューを始めた先駆者的な存在で、16年間常連客やビジネス客を魅了している”隠れ家的”名店なのだ。


カウンターに座ると結構広々としている。この設計は、コミュミケーションを大切にしている中川氏が、客との目線やテーブルの高さや、深さ、食べ物が綺麗に見えるライティングなどを考慮しデザインした。客との対話以外にもシェフの職人スピリットが伝わって来るこの距離感が良い。食材や調理法が目の前で見える特等席だ。魚に特化した同店のメニューの品数は多くない。1日10席2回転、全20食分。ネタも予想がつくので丁度使いきれるくらいに調整できる。中川氏のこだわりは季節に敏感であること。旬な魚はプリオーダーで調達している。「今日のスペシャル」は新鮮で活きの良い魚のセレクト5品。今日は柔らかいタコを使った料理が刺身とタケノコと一緒に煮物に使われていた。どれも具材の柔らかさが完璧で、季節の風味をたっぷり味わえる一品だ。5、6品を組み合わせたオマカセは2種類($60、$78)で寿司や刺身のネタで値段が違う。人気メニューは刺身、寿司以外アラカルトでは、ハマチや鯛のカマ味噌漬け($7.50), 茶碗蒸し($6.50)など。一品料理はどれも割烹風で食材を活かした薄味。そんなメニューに合うプレミアムな日本酒も40種類以上揃えている。中には珍しい小さな酒蔵の銘酒もある。

SFではこの5、6年、ITバブルの影響で物価、家賃が急騰し、最低賃金はカリフォルニア全体で上がり、レストランオーナー達は悲鳴を上げている。しかし同店は驚いたことに16年前からメニューの値段をほとんどあげていない。最近では「Omakase」コースであればどこも$100以上取るレストランが多い中、同店のように$60で5コース食べられる店は探しても少ないはず。物価の影響を受けていないという事だろうか? 答えはご夫婦二人だけの家族経営にあった。良い時代に物件を確保し、最小限で店を始めた結果、それが功を生じている。変わらない味、変わらない経営体制は、リーマンショックにも耐え、今でも安定した経営を持続させている。変わらないのは経営だけではなく、デジタルの時代に予約も電話のみ。相手の声を聞く事で客層も把握でき、連絡なしのキャンセルもほとんどないとか。未だに広告も看板もないが、そんな店が今では”隠れ家的存在”として、希少価値を上げているようだ。


Kiss Seafood
1700 Laguna St, San Francisco, CA 94115, United States
Phone: +1 415-474-2866
Open 5:30 pm – 9:30 pm, Wed - Sat
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Organic vegan Japanese restaurant

Organic vegan Japanese resta... Organic vegan Japanese resta... Organic vegan Japanese resta...
Organic vegan Japanese restaurant
Popularity has resulted in two L.A. locations

By Keiko Fukuda

“Shojin” located in a shopping mall in downtown Los Angeles is a vegan restaurant where only organic vegetables are used for their dishes, but you can still enjoy the taste of authentic and creative Japanese cuisine. This reputation has been attracting vegan and gluten-free food lovers not only from all over California, but even from overseas. In order to respond to the requests from the regular visitors, the second restaurant opened in Culver City in March of 2013.

The core of this restaurant is its concept that has 4 principles; organically grown chemical-free ingredients, natural ingredients with no additives for the concern of the health of the customers, body-pleasing macrobiotic cooking originated in Japan, and vegan food which means no meat, fish, eggs or milk.

The owner, Mr. Tsuguhiro Morishima is so particular about the ingredients. He says, “There are several different ranks of organic state. We check the contents, and select what is closest possible to their natural state, and make sure that there are no additives. The price won’t affect the selection. Our head chef is a skilled cook who studied the traditional way of how to add flavors in Japanese cuisine in Japan, and is able to utilize the natural energies of the ingredients that are organic vegetables, takes them and gives them a nice subtle flavor. He makes everything - even sauces and dressings from scratch. He selects the ingredients and cooks them as a mother cooks for her children at home, so to speak.”

However, as successful as they are now, the first 3 years from the opening of the first restaurant in 2008 was a struggle. “We managed to stay in business thanks to the regular customers who agreed with and supported our concept.”

Mr. Morishima analyzes the success as follows: While many other restaurants aim for better numbers in sales and lowering of cost, we rather strived for making healthy Japanese cuisine that would impress customers. The slow but steady efforts for that goal might have been well understood and conveyed to the outside through our regular customers, and resulted in bringing people even from overseas now. Another contributing factor is the characteristic of the city of Los Angeles where many people have a strong consciousness about health and love for animals, and those people, including celebrities, are naturally attracted to the concept.”

Through his career, Mr. Morishima worked for French and Japanese restaurants in Japan, and then became in charge of hiring, educating, and allocating the staff as the chief of the banquet room staff. Moreover, he has handled big banquets for as many as 2,000 people in hotel weddings, catering events, or cruising parties with VIP including royalty and government officials. The head chef, Mr. Jun Matoshiro who built his career in Japanese cuisine in Japan has been with this restaurant since 2011.

Lastly, I asked Mr. Morishima about his future goals. He said, “I remember what a well-known Michelin chef once said. He said that chefs who can create dishes that not only taste good, but also provide health to the customers will be the true chefs of the future. Many of Shojin’s customers have allergies or cannot eat certain foods. I strongly hope that we can help such customers enjoy the experience of eating out without worry. I know that some children cannot eat birthday cakes due to allergies, so they just blow out the candles. I would like to offer such children and even adults the cakes they can eat safely. In order to realize his hope, he will open a dessert shop “Pomegranate” in April with the same concept as Shojin; Organic, natural, vegan, and gluten-free.







最後に、森島さんに今後の目標を聞いた。「あるフランスの有名なミシュランシェフの言葉を覚えています。『これからの時代は、ただ美味しいだけではなく、お客様の健康を作り出せるシェフこそが本物のシェフである』と。SHOJINに来るお客様は、アレルギーがあったり、何か食べられない物があったりする方が中心です。そんなお客様が安全に安心して楽しく外食ができるようになれば、と強く願っています。また、誕生日にキャンドルを吹き消すだけでアレルギーが原因でケーキを口にできない子供がいます。そんな子供や大人たちに安心して食べられるケーキを提供したい。そこで、SHOJINと同じコンセプト、ORGANIC,NATURAL,VEGAN, GLUTEN-FREのデザートショップ「ポメグラネイトPOMEGRANATE」を4月にオープンさせます」

Little Tokyo Shopping Center 3F, 333 S Alameda St #310, Los Angeles, CA 90013, United States

Monday - Friday
5:30 - 11:00 p.m. (L.C. 10:30 p.m.)
12 - 11:00 p.m. (L.C. 10:30 p.m.)
12 - 10:00 p.m. (L.C. 9:30 p.m.)

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Choosing the Right Japanese Sake

Choosing the Right Japanese Sake for Your Restaurant
By Yuji Matsumoto

In this issue, I would like to mention a few pointers regarding how to select Japanese sakes that match your store.

1. Is the price set to match the average customer's spending amount?
If customer spending is about $30, please check if the price is set at least at about $6 (20% of customer spending) per person. For a group of 2, check if you have a product (300ml - 500ml) that is about $12 to $15. For this example, it is necessary to have product selections that are reasonably priced.

2. Is the sake truly compatible with the food?
I went to a yakitori restaurant the other day but most of the Japanese sakes were famous brands that didn't go well with the yakitori. You're not offering sakes that go well with the yakitori and hard to sell due to the higher prices.

3. Offer domestic Japanese sakes at a great extent.
The U.S. made 1.8L house sake at most restaurants are used for hot sake, but in reality there are some that taste even better served chilled. Also, compatibility with dishes are broadened and feel it's a worth a try.

4. Offering sake at Happy Hour
Try selling as a set. If an appetizer is about $5, consider selling it as a set with chilled sake at about $12.

5. Reconfirm servers' training
Don't forget the steady efforts to offer Japanese sakes to the customer when you take the first drink order.

6. Use of the white board
Write down special sake(s) of the day, special food items of the day etc.
If you have an 'omakase', make sure to include Japanese sake or shochu.



1. 平均顧客単価に合った値段設定になっているか?

2. 料理との相性が本当にあっているか?

3. ドメスティックの日本酒を大いに活用する。
ほとんどのレストランでは、アメリカ産18L のハウス酒は、熱燗となっているが、実は、冷やして飲むと格段に美味しくなるものもある。また、料理との相性の幅も広がるので試してみる価値はある。

4. ハッピーアワーの活用

5. サーバートレーニングの再確認

6. ホワイトボードの活用
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Western cuisine with Europe

Western cuisine with Europe Western cuisine with Europe Western cuisine with Europe Western cuisine with Europe Western cuisine with Europe
Western cuisine with Europe
By Keiko Fukuda

The featured restaurant, “Café Hiro” is located in a small shopping mall in the city of Cypress in Orange County, and is a bit away from the freeways. Despite the rather inconvenient location, this restaurant is always our first choice whenever I want to meet up for lunch with a friend who works in a Japanese company in the area. It is also the place to meet with a gourmet friend who lives in Irvine because it is located at the middle point between Irvine and South Bay where I live. The reason for us to choose this restaurant every time is that we know everything is guaranteed to be tasty. Basically, the dishes served there are Japanese-style Western dishes with a hint of European essence as described in the catch phrase of this restaurant: a collaboration of Japanese and French cuisine with a hint of Italian. Another pleasing factor is their reasonable pricing.

The owner/chef, Hiroto Ohiwa has 33-years of cooking experience. He grew up in the United States for a while because his father was assigned to work for the American division within a Japanese company. After going back to Japan, and turning 20 years old, he spent 4 years working in a Japanese restaurant in the Aichi Prefecture. After that, he attended a cooking school in London, England, and then spent the last few months in a school in Paris, France, which gave him a chance to serve his apprenticeship in a restaurant in Paris for the next 2 years.

After coming back to U.S., he worked in a various first-class restaurants including “Matsuhisa” and “Café Del Rey”. He was then assigned to be responsible to kick off a restaurant in West Los Angeles. Then, in 2002, he finally opened “Café Hiro” which holds part of his name.

Hiro’s such unique experiences in Japanese and French cooking show in his free-spirited and creative dishes. He says, “When I cook, I only think about making the customers who taste my dishes smile. Of course, I want to keep creating dishes that I, myself, think are tasty as well.”

So what kinds of dishes does Hiro remember as most delicious from his past? “First that comes to my mind is the sautéed shrimp topped with curry sauce that I had at Robuchon in Paris. Next one is the risotto- stuffed pig ear topped with sautéed halibut that I had also in Paris”, was his answer. He said that there are a lot more than he can remember.

The current richly diverse menu has been created by slowly adding dishes over the years to the original menu they had at the opening. Most of the customers are people who work or live in the area. The risottos with mushrooms and scallops are popular among Caucasian Americans whereas Asian Americans prefer the sea urchin spaghetti, hamburger steak, and pork cutlet. The curry dishes which are cooked with a lot of spices, vegetables, and fruits that taste better than the specialty stores, are paired with various ingredients such as pork or chicken cutlet, wild mushrooms, beef, chicken, or vegetables. The high ceiling provides a casual and open ambience, and you feel very comfortable inside the restaurant.

It has already been 14 years since the opening of Café Hiro. I asked Hiro what the secret of the long running success was. He said there was really nothing.
“When we first opened, we placed some ads in magazines, etc., but what really helped was word of mouth and repeat visits of the customers. Recently, thanks to Yelp, we don’t need to advertise. The customers spread the good word for us.”
In 2012, Café Hiro was ranked second best in OC Weekly’s “10 Great Japanese Restaurants in Orange County”. However, Hiro, being so carefree, did not even know about it until a while later.

I took his photo with the kitchen staff, Louis and Carlos, who both have been with the restaurant for over 12 years. When I asked Hiro the secret of keeping the employees so long, he said that he would never tell lies. That also must be the secret of the popularity of his dishes. Café Hiro’s dishes do not lie.







2012年にはOC Weeklyが選出した「10 Great Japanese Restaurant in Orange County」の2位にランクイン。それについても「実は取り上げられたことを後で知ったんです」とヒロさんはどこまでも自然体だ。


Café Hiro
10509 Valley View St
Cypress, CA 90630

Mon. Closed
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What is the secret of the $3.90 menus?

What is the secret of the $3.9... What is the secret of the $3.9... What is the secret of the $3.9... What is the secret of the $3.9... What is the secret of the $3.9... What is the secret of the $3.9...
Every menu item is $3.90! What is the secret for the success of running the reasonably-priced and delicious izakaya?

By Aya Ota
There is a restaurant which is rapidly becoming a topic of conversation. They offer every food and drink for one price of $3.90, and do not take tips. The name of the restaurant is “Thank You Sakaba Acchan”, which started just recently in February of this year in the midtown east district that is the center of the business district of Manhattan.

“Although the location is pretty close to the Grand Central Station, even one block away makes a difference in attracting customers. It is necessary to do something different so people would talk about it in order to be appealing to more customers,” says Mr. Taiki Wakayama, the President of the “W&E Hospitality Group” who runs about 15 restaurants in New York.

The W&E Group opened “Teriyaki Boy” in March, 2015, exactly one year ago, where you can take out bento bowls for lunch time, and becomes a standing-room-only drinking place after 5pm. The joint was doing well due to its casual atmosphere and excellent menu that includes yakitori made with selective jidori chickens, delicious izakaya style food items, and sake. However, the standing-room-only style bar was not quite welcomed by some customers, especially among Japanese business people in the area. After some trial-and error period, they made a big change. The place remained as “Teriyaki Boy” for lunch time, and renewed as “Thank You Sakaba Acchan” for the evening time. This new simple and reasonable “no tip, everything is priced at $3.90” concept with widely varied and delicious food items seems to be working well since its new start. Its fashionable interior may also be contributing to collecting many lady customers unexpectedly.

The reason for being able to keep the price low from the standing-room- only style bar period without compromising the quality or quantity of the food is as follows: first is the interior space and layout of only about 20 seats, which can be seen from the open kitchen for the staff to keep their eyes on the customers. There are only 3 employees working for the whole place. The labor cost is kept low by the cooks working as servers as well.

The menu is also very well thought to keep the cost low. The staff goes out and get the selective ingredients by themselves as much as possible. They also try to add menu items that can be cooked in short time for the efficiency of operation by effectively use the natural flavors of the ingredients in the dishes such as “One Pound Chicken Thigh”, “Addictive Salty Cabbage”, “Cold Tofu Tower”, and “Onion Salad” to the others that take time and more care to cook such as “Beef Intestine Stew”.

This better use of time does not affect the taste or quality. It is surprising that they still manage to offer over 30 different dishes plus 5 to 7 daily specials. Another reason for the efficiency is that they take cash only for the payment.

The open hours have been extended to 4 am., which resulted an increase of customers that includes people in the same industry who drop by on the way home. Right now they have 2 rotations with maximum capacity each time, but their goal is 4 rotations a day. It is a splendid operational tactic to fully take advantage of the location as the midtown where many people hang out 24 hours a day.

“W&E Hospitality Group” is currently running 15 casual Japanese restaurants with the concept of “An American eatery where 20 dollars is worth 100 dollars”. Mr. Taiki Wakayama succeeded his father, Kazuo to become the second President 4 years ago. After graduating a college, he was once employed by a stock trading company in Japan, but he wanted to go back to his original desire to run a restaurant someday by utilizing the background and experiences he had growing up. After building up the experience working as store manager for 3 years in the West Co., Ltd. In Japan, he came to the United States, and has been energetically running the 15 US restaurants. He also values relationships among the store managers, and works diversely by starting a study group for them, consulting them, etc.

The name, “Teriyaki Boy” was the name of a beloved bento shop closed 10 years ago, which was taken over by the W & E Hospitality Group, which Mr. Wakayama fondly remembers. He put a lot of special thoughts about this former shop in making the concept of, and how to run “Thank You Sakaba Acchan”.


食べもの・飲みもの全て3.9ドル 均一料金、しかも、チップなしで提供することで、急速に話題になっている店がある。マンハッタンのビジネス街中心地、ミッドタウンイースト地区で2016年2月にスタートしたばかりの『サンキュー酒場あっちゃん』だ。


同社では、ちょうど1年前の2015年3月に、昼食時には丼スタイル弁当のテイクアウトを提供、夜5時から立ち飲みバーとして営業する『テリヤキボーイ』を開店した。厳選した地鶏の焼き鳥をはじめとする居酒屋料理とお酒を気軽に楽しめる店として、評判になったが、日本人ビジネスマンも多い地域柄、“立ち飲み” というスタイルが馴染まなかったと言う。試行錯誤の末、昼食時は『TeriyakiBoy』のまま、夜は『サンキュー酒場あっちゃん』へと、大きくリニューアルしたのだ。「全品3.9ドルでチップなし」というコンセプトのお得さと分かりやすさ、そして、品数も豊富で料理も美味しいということで、新規開店後の評判は上々だと言う。店内の雰囲気がおしゃれなためか、女性客が多いというのも意外性がある。


もちろんメニューにも工夫をしている。食材はできるだけ自分たちで買い出しに行くことで、より厳選した原料をより安価に仕入れている。「モツ煮込み」や焼きものなど、手が込んで時間のかかる料理だけでなく、「鶏モモ一枚焼き」「塩キャベツ」「摩天楼 冷や奴」「オニオン・サラダ」など、素材の持ち味を生かし短時間で調理できるメニューを増やすことで、オペレーション面での効率化も図っているという。効率化は図っていても、決して味やクオリティに妥協していない。メニューは全体で30品以上、日替わりメニューも毎日5 ~ 7品提供しているというので驚かされる。値段を抑える工夫のひとつとしては、会計をキャッシュオンリーにしているのも挙げられる。


『W&Eホスピタリティグループ』では「20ドルで100ドルの価値を生み出したい」というコンセプトで、“アメリカの食堂” とも言えるような、カジュアルな日本食店を約15店舗運営している。若山大木氏は、父・和夫氏の跡を継いで二代目社長となって約4年。大学卒業後、いったんは日本で証券会社に就職したものの、育った環境や自分が培った経験を生かして「飲食店経営をしたい」という原点に立ち戻った。そして、日本の株式会社ウェストの飲食店で3年間店長を務め経験を積み、アメリカに戻って、15店舗の運営に奮闘する日々を送っている。飲食店経営者の横のつながりも大事にし、勉強会を立ち上げたり、コンサルティング業をこなしたり…と、業務は多岐にわたる。

『Teriyaki Boy』は同グループが惜しまれながらも10年前に閉店した弁当屋の名称を受け継いだもので、若山氏にとっても愛着がある。『サンキュー酒場あっちゃん』のコンセプト作りやマネジメントにも、格別な思い入れを持って取り組んでいる。

Thank You Sakaba Acchan
835 2nd Avenue
New York, NY 10017
Tel: 917-388-2039
Monday thru Saturday 5pm-4am
(They are open between 11:30 am and 2 pm as “Teriyaki Boy”.)
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New flavor added to taste of traditional

“Omakase Sushi”... “Omakase Sushi” is $28.99 including salad, pot steamed egg custard and dessert. Mr. Tani with 40-years of exp... Mr. Tani with 40-years of experience as a chef in the center with the current owner, Ms. Kobayashi (left) and the sushi chef, Ms. Obara “Irifune” is lo... “Irifune” is located in a mall in old downtown Torrance close to Honda Motors headquarters “Irifune Specia... “Irifune Special zen”, a set menu that includes Aradaki (simmered red snapper) and Sashimi
New flavor added to taste of traditional cuisine

Nowadays, you can taste all kinds of Japanese food including sushi, tempura, and ramen in the U.S. It seems like the Japanese food boom has peaked, and almost every type of Japanese food you can think of can be acquired now. On the other hand, however, the number of restaurants where genuinely authentic Japanese cooking - the kind of dishes that you can get at long established Japanese restaurants in Japan – is served, is still very limited.

I did not know about “Kappo Irifune,” which opened in a mall in Torrance, of the Los Angeles suburb in March of 2015 until early autumn of the same year. A few of my gourmet friends sent me the photo of the dishes they had at Irifune through LINE. I hate to say, but as far as I remember, none of the predecessors at that location had successfully kept their business for very long. I got very curious to know how good they really are since those friends of mine are trustworthy in judging the taste of food. I decided to try, and one day, visited Irifune. I ordered fried shrimp lunch combination dish. It was so good, and made me feel like trying other dishes. First of all, the miso soup prepared with solid dashi taste was impressive. The shrimp was light and crunchy, the rice was shiny, and the salad dressing tasted like an original. I felt like I had discovered rare genuine Japanese cooking that you can always rely on.

The current owner of Irifune, Ms. Tomoko Kobayashi told me at a later date that the restaurant was originally opened in last March by Mr. Teruhisa Tani who ran a Japanese food restaurant for 25 years in Kumamoto, Japan, and overall has 40-years of experience in cooking. He immigrated to the U.S. and opened this “Kappo Irifune” in Torrance because his daughter lives here. He faithfully replicated the authentic taste here in the States that he had developed in his 40-year career.

Unfortunately, he had to decide to go back to Japan due to health reasons, and was looking for someone who could succeed his business. Ms. Kobayashi who was a regular customer of Irifune then raised her hand. Ms. Kobayashi who had experience working in various service industries in Japan, came to the U.S., got trained and worked as a sushi chef in a sushi restaurant on Ventura Blvd where many people in the entertainment industry were the customers. After that, she worked as a coordinator in the film industry, and also a consultant for Japanese enterprises who wanted to start a business in the States. After that, she went back to the food and beverage industry as a consultant. When she was a regular customer at Irifune last year, she was working as a manager of a Japanese restaurant in Gardena. She really wanted to keep the taste of Irifune which had become her latest favorite. She learned the secret recipe from Mr. Tani, and kept everything else as well; the restaurant name, menu, and pricing in order to make a new start. Currently, Mr. Tani who will be leaving for Japan soon and a lady chef with over 10-years of experience, Ms. Miho Obara are taking care of the kitchen, and Ms. Kobayashi is taking care of the customers on the floor. Ms. Kobayashi who is also a restaurant consultant, is gathering data and researching on her own to find out what type of dishes are liked by what type of customers, and what type of customers tend to come back often, etc.

She said, “The most popular dish for lunch time is “Irifune Special Zen” with simmered red snapper. We cannot get many snappers with heads, therefore, we can serve only a limited number of 10 to 15. This menu sells out very quickly every day. Its sweet taste seems to be well liked, especially by Chinese customers.”

The “Irifune Special Zen” that includes Sashimi, Aradaki, a small bowl of a seasonal dish, rice, miso soup, salad, and dessert is priced at $12.80. Popular dishes for dinner time are “Sashimi Gozen” and Chirashi Gozen which are both priced at $18.80, which is very reasonable for both the quality and the quantity. Another item called “Omakase Sushi” that includes 12 pieces of sushi, salad, pot steamed egg custard and dessert is only $28.99 which could have been priced easily below cost.

While keeping the traditional Japanese cooking taste from the previous owner, Mr. Tani, Ms. Kobayashi also hold new ideas. She says, “First, I am planning to add yakitori and oden to the menu around next spring. By doing so, customers can enjoy Izakaya style dining as well. In addition, I am going to add Japanese desserts to gain more female customers.”

I believe that “Irifune”, growing with new ideas based on the solid foundation of Japanese cooking, will be surely known more and more in the community as a secret great place to eat in Torrance.










Kappo Irifune
1231 Cabrillo Ave. Ste 107 Torrance, CA 90501
(310) 782-7330
Mon.-Sun./ 11:30am-2:30pm 5:30pm-10:00pm 7 days open

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Restaurant “Blow Fish, ”

Restaurant “Blo... Restaurant “Blo... Restaurant “Blo...
Restaurant “Blow Fish, ” a leader of popular Japanese cuisine, expands by opening ramen shops

This year, restaurant “Blow Fish” that garnered attention for their innovative full-bar and fusion sushi with Japanese pop culture as the theme, celebrates 20 years in business. This trendy style created a huge fad that captured the hearts of young customers, and the restaurant expanded with branches overseas starting with San Francisco, then inside “Santana raw” in the new commercial building in San Jose, to Los Angeles and New Zealand. Since opening, the restaurant continues to enjoy a stable operation. The “Pop-up” ramen shop that opened two years ago was another mega hit. And last October, another ramen shop opened in the Lower Haight district of San Francisco. Soon after opening, word spread through current fans using SNS, etc., with the restaurant filled to capacity day-after-day, with customers waiting an average of one hour. “IZA” is a popular ramen shop bursting with originality.

Owners Ritsuo Tsuchida and Jason Teplitsky each capitalize on their respective strengths to create an era of popular Japanese cuisine. Tsuchida first gained experience preparing Japanese cuisine in Japan before immigrating to the U.S. in the early 1990s. At the time of Tsuchida’s arrival, Japanese cuisine in San Francisco consisted mainly of sushi, and the term “fusion” cuisine was not yet used. At the time, Tsuchida was working at Japanese restaurant “Okazu Ya” in the Sunset district, while developing his original Californian-style sushi menu on his own. Tsuchida soon met his current business partner and was approached in 1996 with plans to open restaurant “Blow Fish.”

On the day business plans were presented, investors who sampled Tsuchida’s menu selections highly praised Tsuchida as the “leader of a new era.” The chef’s original creative menu, referred to today as “fusion” sushi, incorporates elements from Italian and Californian cuisine, etc. Investors saw future potential in Tsuchida’s culinary sensibilities and business plans, which led to the opening of Blow Fish, where Tsuchida is the chef and also responsible for creating the menu, training staff, and overseeing the appearance of the dining space. On the other hand, Teplitsky is in charge of the business-side, such as business administration and management. Twenty years into this partnership, the two partners are still working together to create an era of new Japanese cuisine.

The two owners have planned to open “IZA” since two years ago. However, the duo faced challenges when searching for properties, so until preparations were complete, “IZA Ramen” operated as a pop-up ramen shop at “Blow Fish” only during weekend lunch hours. Since garnering popularity leads to the opening of a restaurant as the general rule, fans were already established even before the IZA opened, eagerly anticipated by customers who looked forward to enjoying IZA’s ramen on evenings also. The Low Haight location is surrounded by hip bars, cafes, and specialty stores, ideal for young customers who frequent IZA.

IZA’s seating capacity is 50 customers. The large kitchen space is lined with tall pots used to prepare soup for ramen, where five employees work busily. The interior dining space is casually adorned with a casual ambiance and low lighting to suit the dinner hours. The restaurant renovation was done minimally and completed by staff in only a few weeks to avoid hiring vendors, which would prolong construction and delay the grand opening. This was an efficient solution since delay in construction is an everyday occurrence here in the U.S.

The four ramen selections are “IZA tsukemen” (dipping noodles), “IZA ramen,” and a spicy version of both. American consumers especially tend to prefer spicy ramen. The soup for both ramen is rich pork bone soup, flavored with soy sauce. The original soup stock is prepared with seafood soup as the base with chicken parts, several vegetables, etc. added and simmered for eight hours until completion. Garlic puree boiled in milk, roasted garlic, and “Ma-yu” (black roasted garlic oil), etc., were added to create three different types of specialty soups with enhanced richness to create your own preferred style of “ramen.” The thick, wavy noodles are highly compatible with the rich soup!

“I want to develop my own soup that combines well with the noodles, and serve ramen that I’m convinced is delicious,” said Tsuchida, who also loves “tsukemen” (dipping noodles) and strives to make this dish widespread in the U.S. Also, the menu selections include appetizers for customers who may not prefer ramen, such as the original “karaage” (seasoned fried chicken), salmon with tartar sauce, Hawaiian “kanpachi” greater amberjack carpaccio, and other “fusion” menu selections that radiates chef Tsuchida’s talents!

As the ramen boom soon reaches a peak, will “tsukemen” (dipping noodles) become widespread in the U.S.? Despite just having opened a new restaurant, co-owners Tsuchida and Teplitsky are already planning to open another one. The very next boom the two will likely generate is highly anticipated!

ポップな日本食をリードする「Blow Fish」が展開するラーメン店

日本のポップカルチャーをテーマに、フルバー、フュージョン寿司という斬新なコンセプトで一世を風靡した「Blowfish」は、今年で開店20周年を迎える。そのトレンディなスタイルは、大ブームを巻き起こし、若者の心をつかんだ。サンフランシスコに続き、2000年前半にかけては、サンノゼの新商業施設「Santana raw」内、ロサンゼルス、そしてニュージランドの海外店舗まで展開させた。当時の勢いから、近年は安定した経営を続けているが、2年前に始めたラーメンのポップアップが再び大ヒット。そして去年10月、ついに単独店舗をローワーヘイト地区にオープンした。開店間もなく、すでに既存するファンと共にSNSなどで人気は広がり、連日超満員で平均1時間待ちを余儀なくされる。「IZA」はオリジナリティ溢れる人気のラーメン店だ。

経営者の土田理津男氏とジェイソン・テプリスキー氏は、それぞれの得意分野を活かし、ポップな日本食の時代を作り上げてきた。土田氏は、日本で和食の基礎を習得した後、90年初頭に渡米。その当時、サンフランシスコで日本食といえばまだ寿司が中心で、「フュージョン」という言葉さえなかった。同氏はサンセット地区にある「Okazu Ya」 という日本食店で働きながら、カリフォルニアスタイルの寿司メニューを開発していた。そこで今のビジネスパートナーと出会い、96年に「Blow Fish」をオープンする計画を持ちかけられた。その事業計画を披露する日に集まったインベスター達に土屋氏が振る舞ったサンプルメニューは、「時代の先取り」と絶賛された。その創作メニューは、今で言う「フージョン」だ。イタリアンやカリフォルニアを取り入れた創造的な寿司、一品料理に投資家たちは、同氏の料理のセンスに事業の未来の確信を持ち、開店に至った。土田氏は現在もシェフとして、メニュー考案や従業員の教育、店作りを担当し、テプリンスキー氏は、経営、マネージメントなどビジネス面を担当している。このパートナーの二人三脚は20年経過してもなお、新しい日本食のトレンドを築こうとしている。

二人は2年前から「IZA」の独立した店舗を計画していたが、物件探しに困難が生じ、準備が整うまでの間、「Blowfish」で週末昼のみ「IZA ramen」ポップアップとして営業していた。そこで人気を得てから、単独店を持つという流れになっているので、開店前からすでにファンは付いていた。彼らは夜も「IZA」でラーメンが食べれる環境を待っていたようだ。ローワーヘイトの場所もポップなバーやカフェ、スペシャリティーストアが多く、若者の支持が多い同店にとって理想的だ。客席数は50席。大きなキッチンスぺースには、ラーメンのスープを作る寸胴鍋が並び、5人の従業員が忙しそうに動いている。内装はカジュアルでゆったりとして、照明を落とし夜の雰囲気を出している。店の改装は、わずか数週間で従業員のみで行ったという。その理由について、業者が入ると工事が長引き開店が遅くなるので、最低限の改装で店を開店させた方が良いという考え方だ。実際に工事の遅れはアメリカでは日常茶飯事なので、非常に効率的だ。



IZA Ramen
237 Fillmore St. San Francisco, CA 94117
(415) 926-8173
Wed.- Mon./ 5:00pm-10:00pm Tuesday closed
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Stylishly arranged Japanese Izakaya

Front: Tuna Tarts ($15) (fron... Front: Tuna Tarts ($15) (front) Back: Buttermilk Karaage ($9)
Ramen Salad ($8)
Braised Belly Bun ($8)
Seabass Skewers ($13.5)
Stylishly arranged Japanese Iz... General Manager, Justin Gonza... General Manager, Justin Gonzalez
Cherry Special Rolls: Spicy Tuna, Bacon Caesar, Crispy Shrimp
Stylishly arranged Japanese Izakaya

Williamsburg in Brooklyn, New York, is known for the highest fashion sense in town.More and more unique boutiques and cafes are opening up one after another, and you find something new every time you go there. While you walk down the street of Williamsburg, an extraordinary stylish façade draws your attention. The sign says “Cherry Izakaya”. When you push open its door to step into the space, you see a place so sophisticated and in good taste, that it gives an impression so far away from what you would normally think of from the word “Japanese Izakaya”.

“I modernized the concept of the Japanese Izakaya that inspired me originally. I would like the customers to enjoy food and sake in their own unique individual way in a warm and relaxing atmosphere”, says Mr. Justin Gonzales, the General Manager of this place. He has worked in various Japanese restaurants in the past, knows Japanese food culture very well, and is passionate about making it known to the world. Some customers are still not familiar with Izakya ordering style, in which you order items one by one at your own preferred timing, and dishes are shared by everybody at the table. This unique Izakaya way is explained to each of such customers by the staff because they believe in good hospitality and communication.

The executive chef, John Keller, who has worked for various well-known restaurants including “Nobu”, created a menu that covers a wide range of dishes from some creative dishes with Japan’s unique ingredients and cooking styles, to typical American dishes such as steaks and hamburgers. Their Izakaya style menu items are divided into categories such as “Starters”, “Appetizers”, “Mains”, “Ramen”, “Sushi”, etc. to make it easy for the customers to make selections.

The most popular dish is the “Tuna Tarts” ($15) which is served with fresh and radiant thinly sliced tuna on a savory baked tart dough. What makes it so good is the creamy ponzu sauce and truffle oil, which is a creative combination Japanese people may usually don’t think of. Other dishes such as “Ramen Salad” ($8) with enjoyable texture of crispy fried noodle, “Braised Pork Belly Bun” ($8) with pork belly cooked so tender it melts in your mouth, ($8), and “Seabass Skewers” ($13.5) dressed perfectly with sweet miso sauce may also surprise you with their unique combination of ingredients and presentation. One striking item is the “Bacon Caesar Roll” with smoked bacon, kale and avocado. Every dish presents an excellent combination of ingredients without being too unapproachable.

The Brunch menu is also important to this place, and items are named to stir people’s curiosity such as “Tuna Crispy Rice Benedict” and “Breakfast Ramen”.

They have placed extra effort in attracting crowds since the location is not facing the main street of Williamsburg, and is a bit hidden. You need to turn into a smaller street, so it is not easy to spot the place unless you are specifically looking for it. So, mainly advertising through social media such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, they offer two special deals, “Ramen Mondays” and “Sake Sundays”. Their online delivery service is rapidly gaining popularity, which is also resulting in bringing more customers to the restaurant.

The stylish interior is also worth seeing. They won third prize for the 10 best designed restaurants in America in Dwell Magazine last year. It creates a sophisticated yet comforting space, decorated in a motif of Japanese traditional paintings and buildings.

I believe that “Cherry Izakaya” which contributes to the introduction of more and more Japanese food culture one after another, will subvert the image of the traditional Izakaya that most Japanese people have, in a nice way.

今、ニューヨークで最も流行感度が高いと言われるブルックリンのウィリアムズバーグ地区。個性的なブティックやカフェが次々と登場し、訪れる度に新しい発見が感じられる街を歩くと、ひときわスタイリッシュな外観に目を奪われる。『Cherry Izakaya』――扉を押して足を踏み入れると、日本の“居酒屋”という言葉から連想される庶民的なイメージとは全く異なる、都会的でセンスのよい空間が広がっている。

「日本の“居酒屋”のコンセプトからインスピレーションを受け、モダンにアレンジした。心温まるリラックスした雰囲気で、それぞれのスタイルで料理やお酒を楽しんでもらいたい」と話すのはジェネラル・マネジャー のジャスティン・ゴンザレス氏。過去に数々の日本食店で経験を積み、日本の食文化に精通し、それを伝えることに意欲的な人物だ。訪れる客の中には、好きな料理を好きなタイミングで注文したり、ひとつの料理を分け合ったりする、居酒屋独特のスタイルに慣れていない人もいるが、ホスピタリティとコミュニケーションを大切に、ひとりひとりの客に丁寧に説明する。





スタイリッシュな内装も一見の価値がある。昨年、『Dwell Magazine』誌が選ぶ「アメリカのベスト・デザイン・レストランの第三位にも選ばれている。日本の伝統的な絵画や建築をモチーフに使い、洗練されつつも温かさのある空間だ。

ウィリアムズバーグ地区で、新しい日本食文化を次々発信してくれる『Cherry Izakaya』。日本人が描く“居酒屋”のイメージやメニューを気持ちよく覆してくれる店だ。

Cherry Izakaya
138 N 8th Street Brooklyn, NY 11249
Tel: 347-889-6300
Dinner Sun.- Wed. / 5:30pm- 10:00pm Thurs. / 5:30pm- 11:00pm Fri.- Sat. / 5:30pm- midnight
Brunch Sun. / 11:30am- 4:00pm
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