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Megumi Preschool

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  • Japanese Local Dish Day (Wakayama)
  • I really n... By Kenichi Uchikura At 2012-10-18 14:31

Japanese Local Dish Day (Wakayama)

Japanese Local Dish Day (Wak...
It is Japanese local dish day, today. We are serving stewed tofu and vegetables from Wakayam area. For this dish, we used a special kind of tofu, is called koya-tofu. Koya tofu is freeze-dried tofu, and has very interesting texture, which is almost like a sponge. Aso, it includes more protein, the nutrition makes you strong, than normal tofu.

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Kenichi Uchikura
Commented by Kenichi Uchikura
Posted at 2012-10-18 14:31

I really need to eat like this.
Good job.

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