posted 2024-09-23 05:00
OBON Society Blog
A Japanese Soldier’s Son Receives a Memento of His Father, Who Was Killed During World War II The so-called good-luck flag, which hung on an American veteran’s wall for many years, returned home last month after nearly eight decades On the day Asae Hiyama gave birth to a son, her husband left to serve in ...
posted 2024-09-17 14:28
OBON Society Blog
滋賀県三日月知事が定例記者会見にて訪米視察時にOBONソサエティ本部を訪問された時のことをお話しされています。 ーーOBONソサエティとの交流、これはもちろん滋賀県だけにとどまるものではありませんが、戦争遺留品を返還する活動をしていただいている、させていただいていることを、ぜひ今後さらに促進させてい...
posted 2024-08-28 20:44
OBON Society Blog
A New York man spent seven years working with a nonprofit to find the family of a Japanese soldier A man in New York inherited a "Yosegaki Hinomaru" banner, also known as a good luck flag, from his grandfather — who served the United States during World War II. Scott Stein told Fox News Digital in an email ...
posted 2024-08-27 17:30
OBON Society Blog
TOKYO — A Japanese flag, brought to America by a U.S. soldier who served in the Philippines during World War II, has returned home. The signature-covered flag was taken as a war trophy by the late Bernard Stein, who fought in the Philippines as a member of the U.S. Army’s 38th Infantry Division, known as the A...
posted 2023-08-18 14:00
OBON Society Blog
--The Good Luck Flag Repatriation Ceremony will take place aboard the USS Lexington Museum on Thursday, July 20th, at 9:00am. This ceremony is open to...
posted 2023-08-02 05:05
OBON Society Blog
米南部テキサス州の博物館に展示していた養老町出身の陸田繁義さんの「寄せ書き日の丸」と呼ばれる日章旗が七月二十九日、靖国神社(東京都)で長男の敏弘さん(83)に返還された。敏弘さんと次男の靖則さん(80)=いずれも養老町大跡=が一日に町役場を訪れ、川地憲元町長に喜びを語った。 日章旗は日の丸の上に「武...
posted 2023-07-31 00:00
OBON Society Blog
Toshihiro Mutsuda was five years old when he last saw his father, who was drafted by the Japanese Imperial Army in 1943 and killed in action. For him, his father was a bespectacled man in an old family photo standing by a signed good-luck flag that he carried to war.On Saturday, when the flag was returned to him from...
posted 2023-07-30 05:00
OBON Society Blog
父の日章旗 米博物館から遺族に返還 80年ぶり再会 靖国神社で 太平洋戦争でサイパンに出征し、戦死した岐阜県出身の旧日本兵、 陸田むつだ 繁義さんのものとみられる日章旗が米国の博物館で保管されていることがわかり、千代田区の靖国神社で29日、遺族に返還された。約80年ぶりに戻った父の遺品を受け取った...
posted 2023-07-30 00:00
OBON Society Blog
USS Lexington Museum executive director Steve Banta, left, and Toshihiro Mutsuda, the elderly son of Japanese soldier Shigeyoshi Mutsuda, hold together Mutsuda's good luck flag during the handover ceremony of his good luck flag at Yasukuni shrine in Tokyo, Japan, on July 29, 2023. (AP Photo/Shuji Kajiyama)USS Lexington...
posted 2023-07-29 10:47
OBON Society Blog
TOKYO — Toshihiro Mutsuda was only 5 years old when he last saw his father, who was drafted by Japan's Imperial Army in 1943 and killed in action. For him, his father was a bespectacled man in an old family photo standing by a signed good-luck flag that he carried to war.On Saturday, when the flag was returned to ...