Live Well San Diegoというサイトがあるのはご存じですか?サンディエゴでどの様に体と心を健康に過ごせるか、を調べられるサイトです。 その中でLive Well @ Homeというコーナーがあり、そこには年齢別に、家で楽しめる方法が載っています。家で退屈だ・・・子供が出来る事がない・・...
Vol.2 We developed the Opinion Stand as a way for business owners to determine what their customers think of their company and to gather contact infor...
Vol. 1Hello, this is Ken Uchikura from Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. We are combining our What’s New and blog-driven company newsletters into one. Each week with the all-new PSPinc What’s New newsletter, we will continue to keep you up-to-date on what we are doing and promise to keep it informative and enter...
Vol.1 こんにちは、PSPinc 代表の内倉憲一(うちくらけんいち)です。いつもニュースレターをご愛読いただきまして誠にありがとうございます。この度、今まで別々に配信しておりました「PSPinc Newsletter」と「PSPinc What’s New」のニュースレターを一つにし、新しい「P...
The point of Help Desk software is to help you provide better customer service more efficiently. You can have wonderful, friendly and knowledgeable cu...
The Opinion Stand is a great way to get valuable feedback from your customers on your business. It also allows you, as a business owner, to have a dir...
There’s no doubt about it: If you have customers, you should have a program for Customer Relationship Management (CRM). To grow and scale, every compa...
After being out of the country for a couple of weeks our Founder/CEO Kenichi Uchikura has returned from his business trip. One of the real treats is when he returns with... treats for the staff! Happy Monday everyone!
Last week we talked about the importance of having a company privacy policy visible to customers on your website. Today let’s discuss more etiquette t...
【OpenTableよりバレンタインを過ごす人へのレストラン情報】 バレンタインの日に予約とるのは難しいけど素敵な時間を過ごしたい方へ必見です! 54000以上ものレストランへのネットワーキングがあり、その中から皆さんが行きたいレストランへ予約することができます!予約する際に、お値段・場所店お店の雰...