Do you like gyoza (potctickes)? We servered homemade gyoza today, and our children enjoyed them so much, especially older children.
All Bloggers on Bloguru have been given 3 invites to send to their friends. You can send these invites in your administration page.
Seriously! who turned off the heat?! it's freezing outside! I was looking forward to the snow but at this moment all I can think about is how good it would feel if it were 80 degrees out. The sun beaming down, covering me like a warm UV ray infested cancer causing blanket. For more royalty free stock photos like this tr...
This looks like a photo someone would use for an advertisement or something, I just can't put my finger on it. It's a perfect stock photo though and you'll find many great photos just like it at Free Tiny Images.com Keep checking back regularly because Free Tiny Images is growing!
This photo is of a Fire engine doing what they do best, Fighting fires and transporting firefighters. Firefighters are Awesome! they work hard to keep people from harms way and save lives. The world loves you firefighters! For more awesome, royalty free stock photos check out Free Tiny Images.com.
Word around the Copy machine is that Free Tiny Images.com has got thousands of free stock photos to use, keep checking back as Free Tiny Images is growing!
Japanese class with Terumi sensei started! In this class, children will learn about numbers, colors, and Hiragana through plays and songs. Children enjoy fun activities in the class.
It's been 263 days since a devastating tsunami hit the shores of Japan, here is a recent photo taken of a devastated area 263 days later. There is a car on the roof! Wow! Visit www.pspinc.com/eng/page/japan-relief for info on how to help, Don't stop giving! For more royalty free stock photos visit Free Tiny Images.com
This photo reminds me of the cars you might see when watching Boardwalk Empire, I can picture a gangster in a suit hanging a Tommy gun out of the window spraying bullets while the driver speeds away from the scene, Just like every stereotypical prohibition era production. For more awesome royalty free stock photos...
Tomorrow is Turkey day! time for stuffing the belly full of food and watching football. What a great holiday. For more royalty free stock photos check out Free Tiny Images!