I learned about this messaging tool today. Many young people do not use Skype any more and starting to this app. I will try it out when I go back to Seattle.
I traveled from Omari Ichinomiya to Tokyo today. It is very cool 70F out and raining. I like it.
It i sunder development ... I will let you know what it is when it is ready for market.
I had lunch with a business lady who has a great network in Japan. I will explore business with her.
Many people do not own a car any more ... they rent as they need it even in Japan.
I ask, I listen, I ask again, I think ... There are bu=sinless opportunities everywhere.
It was a long day. My travel started from Seattle to Vancouver, Vancouver to Taipei. Taipei Airport to Hotel, Hotel to Comoutex Exhibit.
I always eat brunch at a restaurant. Today, I was at Bellevue Hilton Solarium Kitchen and Bar. I should star a Sunday breakfast / brunch club.
When you do survey, keep it simple. Survey itself becomes annoyance. At the Alfa Romeo site, survey screen popped up. I said yes to that. Then it took me to the survey site with tons of question asking me about my experience with the site. That is stupid. I just arrived at the site and I have not seen anything. The survey a...
I got to watch this movie.