We have a web developer / graphics designer from San Diego this week. It's always nice to have remote staff visiting PSPinc.
I am receiving SPAM email from non .COM TLDs (Top Level Domains). Here are TLDs that I block using PSPinc's SPAM filtering service that is a part of Dreamers.com Domain-Web-Email Hosting service. .biz .cc .ch .cz .de .do .download .hk .in .info .link .nl .pe .porn .pro .ru .science .us .win .xxx .xyz If your hosting servi...
Ezell's Famous Chicken is know through the US but they are not a national chain of stores. They are local and they cook everything at the site. That makes them very special. I went to Skyway store today to meet the president. Of cause I brought back some chicken ...
posted 2016-08-04 18:38
PSPINC代表 内倉憲一の公式ブログ
シアトルで30年間自動車修理工場を経営しているメカニック兼社長が、「うちもそろそろホームページを持たないといけないかな〜〜〜」と言う話をしてきてくれました。今メールはフリーメールを使っていて、お客さんに届かないことがあるそうです。 ホスティング料金だけを払ってくれるという条件で、私が個人的に簡単なホ...
posted 2016-08-02 18:54
PSPINC代表 内倉憲一の公式ブログ
Right tool makes it so easy to build (assemble) website without CSS to HTML. If you don't know CSS or HTML ... PSPinc hosting service is for you. http://www.dreamersi.com
posted 2016-07-27 19:28
PSPINC代表 内倉憲一の公式ブログ
世の中には沢山の種類の仕事があります。その中で何が最も精神的に疲れる仕事だろうと考えたとことはありますか。 私の答は、「失敗が許されないのに、成功しても当たり前と思われる仕事」です。この仕事の例をいくつかあげてみます。 (1)運転手・パイロット・船長 (2)産婦人科の医師・先生 (3)データセンター...
I receive several emails pretending to be financial institutions. Most of the are what we called phishing email. It is trying to fool you to give up your user name and password. So, be very careful. What is Phishing? Phishing is the attempt to acquire sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details...
If you have an Intranet Application. it may not be a bad idea to utilize cloud infrastructures like AWS and AZURE. But if you are running an Internet Hosting Business like we do, doing it on the cloud does not make sense for many reasons. (1) It will be harder to control the cost. (2) We cannot always diagnose and fix prob...
Here is the example of "Non-Mobile-Friendly-Page". City of Bellevue provides free WiFi service at their parks. When you sign-in, you see this page above. I cannot read it on my iPhone. I think they should spend little time to make sure the page is designed using Responsive Web Design. Responsive web design (RWD) is an ...