If you need a FORM to get information from the web or blog visitors, PSPINC has created http://www.informakers.com which enables non programmers to easily put together the online form. It is free while we are in the Beta testing. Please use it and let me know what you think. http://www.informakers.com
According to http://www.bestbuy.com, your computer would worth about 20% of what you paid for after 18 months. After 24 months, your computer is worth nothing as a trade-in. I believe your computer is worth whole lots more if you keep them and maintain them. There is no reason for you t buy new one just because y...
Above is the Google search result using the keyword "Seattle Business Networking". We are doing good. Google Search
We have recorded one of the highest clock views yesterday topping over 32 million views. Thank you for you support.
The link from the Japan Earthquake & Tsunami count up clock was broken for few days. It has been fixed.
I spent $300 to design a logo for a new service at http://99designs.com . I was not sure how it works, but after two week contest and 65 entries, we chose the design we like and the experience was great. For just $300, it turned out to be cheaper than using our creative team for such a small project. But remember, this...
I went to look at iPad2 yesterday. There are two companies offering 3G versions. Those companies are AT&T and Verizon. I do not know why but both companies do not offer unlimited data package for their iPad 3G services. That is the reason why we selected Sprint for our phone service. There is not data limit. I g...
I saw this cute truck in Oregon. Electric car is better for an environment ... or is it? That is all depends on where the electricity coming from, isn't it. If it comes from coal, it is not environmentally friendly. If it is from nuclear power plant, it can be deadly.
I sign up for the beta test of Microsoft Office 365. It is supposed to be a cloud version of office and online services offered at $5 per seat per month. This service should include the exchange server, share point and full version of Microsoft Office. It sounds very good, although $5 per month per seat is not that cheap for a...
We developed and have just deployed http://www.bracepointrailings.com. Our goal is to make web site simple to navigate and easy to understand. If you need web makeover, please give us a call at 425-957-0808.