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Bento is a Japanese-style packed lunch.(弁当(べんとう)は日本の昼食のスタイルの一つです。) I think that bento is really popular with Japanese businessmen who want to save mon...
Honne are our honest thoughts and feelings and tatemae is what we are supposed to say in any given situation. (本音(ほんね)は、人が正直に思ったり感じたりしていること、建前(たてまえ)は、...
Golden Week refers to the period from April 29th to May 5th when there are four national holidays.(ゴールデンウイークは4月29日から5月5日までの期間を言います。) Including Saturda...
Today I went to a major appliance store, Yodobashi Kamera to buy the iPad. (今日、わたしはiPadを買うためにヨドバシカメラという電気屋に行きました。) In this store there are every kind ...
One of the most confusing things about honorifics is that the choice of respectful or humble terms depends on the person you are talking about. (敬語につい...
Today I went to Nakameguro to see so many cherry blossoms. (今日、私はサクラを見るために、中目黒(なかめぐろ)にいきました。) There are so many cherry blossom's spot in Japan like Sh...
One of the most popular pastime for Japanese people is to go and stay in Japanese ryokan which has a natural hot spring or an onsen.(日本人が最も好きな余暇の過ごし方は...
posted 2017-03-28 10:19
ウチクラ ケンイチ
Japanese-Online の Youtube チャンネルができました。 We have started Japanese-Online Youtube Channel. Please subscribe. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9RwetMPTNY...
You can spend a lot of money to get great sushi but what is the satisfaction in that? This sushi was served at Kappa Sushi in Tokyo. The price 1,200 yen. ($11.00) Last time I went there, the place was closed for good. Now I need to find other places.