posted 2024-11-30 09:37
OBON Society Blog
OBON SOCIETY extends our heartfelt thanks to Christina and her colleagues at The Mining and Rollo Jamison Museum in Platteville, Wisconsin, for their generous donation of two flags. We are deeply grateful for the care and respect they showed, from the thoughtful packaging to the send-off. What an incredible team the museu...
posted 2024-11-23 16:17
OBON Society Blog
捜索班の工藤です。令和6年11月22日に「曹洞宗」の北海道管区内の婦人会研修会にて講演をさせて頂きました。聴衆は皆さま所謂お坊さんでした。 昨年の7月に北海道松前町にて行った【鈴木秀二命日章旗返還式】に参列頂いた同町【法幢時】の御住職より「研修会の講師として日章旗返還活動についてお話して欲しい」とご...
posted 2024-10-04 18:50
OBON Society Blog
WWII Japanese flags given to group for return to soldiers' familiesThree Japanese flags kept at the Battleship Missouri Memorial in Hawaii have been donated to a group working to return World War Two relics to families of Japanese servicemen.The flags were entrusted to the memorial at Pearl Harbor by former US servi...
posted 2024-09-23 05:00
OBON Society Blog
A Japanese Soldier’s Son Receives a Memento of His Father, Who Was Killed During World War II The so-called good-luck flag, which hung on an American veteran’s wall for many years, returned home last month after nearly eight decades On the day Asae Hiyama gave birth to a son, her husband left to serve in ...
posted 2024-09-17 14:28
OBON Society Blog
滋賀県三日月知事が定例記者会見にて訪米視察時にOBONソサエティ本部を訪問された時のことをお話しされています。 ーーOBONソサエティとの交流、これはもちろん滋賀県だけにとどまるものではありませんが、戦争遺留品を返還する活動をしていただいている、させていただいていることを、ぜひ今後さらに促進させてい...