I do not know if it is the chemo drug, anti-biotic medication or lymphoma, Pompom has not been eating or drinking much. He ate cheese pizza yesterday, so I got him a pizza again this morning. He was able to eat about 1/3 of 9.2oz (260g) pizza. I hope this is dugs causing him to loose his appetite. But I need to make sur...
It is great to see Pompom eating solid food. May be still a small amount, but it is a huge improvement. This chemo he had last Friday was really taking a lot out of Pompom. We are getting back to old medications. I do not want the treatment to make him sick.
We went to a vet this morning. After the blood test, we know the white blood cell count is very low. We can't give him any time today. He will have to take his antibiotic medication at least until next Tuesday to avoid any complication. Last few chemo had not been working well, so I request doctor to get back to a=what he ...
I just noticed he has small bumps where his lymph nodes are. This is how all started. I was hoping I don’t see this again. But I think his cancer has ...
Pompom this morning weigh 13.6 lbs ... He lost 2 lbs when he gained the most weight. I think this is because he is not eating much since the new chemo started. I will try to feed him what he wants. His berthing is much better and I hear no coughing. Now I am concerned about his appetite. This morning he ate little bit of ...
Pompom is sleepy. He ate some meat yesterday, so he is recovering from chemo. He completely lost his appetite for four days. He is breathing easier and sleeps better. I just hope he gets some more energy back.
Pompom is recovering from chemo very slowly. I think this chemo was a strong one. We will start Pompom on antibiotic medication on Wednesday because this chemo will reduce his white blood count. He is still easting very little and has hard time swallowing. I will make sure he has something that is super soft.
Pompom walked and did his thing this morning. And we pressure cooked some meat to maki soft. He ate some. Considering he was not able to eat at all for two days, it is a progress. It is a good Sunday.
Pompom is still very weak from the chemotherapy yesterday morning. He did not want to walk this morning. But that might be because it is very cold out. I hope this chemo drug has good effect on his lymphoma. I am keeping my eyes on him. I also found out he has an allergy so I started giving him eye drops.