MegaMail supports all file types and works will all email services. That's pretty cool! Emailing large files has never been this easy! https://sendmegamail.com/pages/features_and_pricing
NewsMail is our Email marketing solution for businesses who want to promote their service and communicate with their customers. Use our responsive themes to create your own custom newsletters! It's as easy as choosing a theme, customizing the images, and adding your own text. https://newsmail.com
Have you ever tried to send a file that was too big for Email? MegaMail lets you send large files using our unique protocol! It's easy and doesn't require any downloads since it's a browser-based application. MegaMail is supported by the following browsers; Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari ht...
Check out the showcase on our website to see customer built websites and some of our semi-custom designed sites! https://www.pspinc.com/design
posted 2016-07-03 18:56
PSPINC代表 内倉憲一の公式ブログ
PSPinc が提供する Dreamersi でのメールホスティングは、セキュア通信が可能になっているのをご存知でしたか。Dreamersi ホスティングがスタートした昔は SSL を使ったメール通信がありませんでしたが、SSL が可能になった時点から SSL 通信を提供しています。 上記が Dre...
posted 2016-02-22 14:32
PSPINC代表 内倉憲一の公式ブログ
PSPinc のホスティングサービスの新バージョンのリリースが近づいています。今日は営業スタッフを対象に新バージョンの機能説明を行いました。
It is a beggining of my trip to Japan. I am at the airport killing time.
Can you really get a cup of Kona for a dollar? Or is it just a name?
It is getting cold in the morning in Seattle. Daylights are getting shorter.
Beautiful holiday morning in Seattle.