Even with the high toll of the bridge (as much as $5 one way), Washington State Department of Transportation thought they loose 20% traffic to alternate routes. They are wrong as usual ... they lost 45%, may be more. Now they have to put toll on alternate routes. I have one word for this "STUPID", "IDIOT", "MORON"... Okay, ...
The law enforcement officers are not only the enforcers of the law, but they are above the law even when it is not an emergency.
Liquor distribution the State of Washington will be privatized. I like it. Why? Do I think companies do better job than the government? No ... I don't really care whether companies do better job or not. When the government fails, we have to pay them out. When companies fail, only the investors loose. I know who is accountabl...
I am a fan of privatizing any part of government. Private companies tends to do things cheaper and more efficient than the government but sometime they cut corners to make profit. That where government come in. When government do things, there is no one to regulate and oversea but themselves. I don't just that. We just ...
I heard the report that Kim Jong Il is dead. I verified with many news sites but I finally believed it when I see it on wikipedia. Media is not believable any more.
Last three days I spent here in So. California was enlightening to me. This is a big city (cities) and people here are very different from people in Seattle. It is a bigger market than Seattle, needless to say. Weather is much nicer here than Seattle, but it just way too big. Too many people, too many cars. It is overwhelming. ...
I have been here just less than two days now. This city is just too big, too many people and too many cars for me. I can't stand the traffic here. I cannot believe people live here. I think living in Seattle, I became a country boy (man).
It is becoming clear to many that unlike what power companies are saying, Japan can get by without nuclear power plants. Looks like nuclear power plants are there for power companies to receive more government money. In return power companies are hiring many retired government officials.
It is very hard to find anything that is made in the USA nowadays. People say it is a corporate greed and they do anything to cut cost. But is that all that is? If people here work for less, do they bring those manufacturing jobs back to the US? Here are thing that I am sure companies considered before moving productions ...
I stopped going out on Friday early mining for so called Black Friday Sale. It is just crazy. I am not going to stay in line in the cold for hours just to save few dollars. I rather stay at home and buy things online. I understand the needs for the retailers to bring customer in for the kick off of the holiday sales, but I think it ...