It is good to see Googl Map on iPhone. Sent via bloguru mobile.
The keynote speaker at Dell World 2012 was non other than President Clinton. Sent via bloguru mobile.
Interesting. Dell is not looking to help company like ours. They are looking for large companies as their clients. Sent via bloguru mobile.
I finished my registration to Dell World. Not many people yet. I guess it's not a MacWorld. Sent via bloguru mobile.
Good job gathering this many leaves all by herself.Sent via bloguru mobile.
It stop raining. It is still cold. Sent via bloguru mobile.
I am at IHOP eating dinner. There is no Internet access for my iPad. I won't come back here for dinner again. Sent via bloguru mobile.
You cannot take a good picture of the moon with a camera on iPad. This is the best I can do. You need a good tool to do anything good.Sent via bloguru mobile.
I just took delivery of the new gold shoes.Sent via bloguru mobile.
Pompom is cleaned. Tiny and Nano groomed.Sent via bloguru mobile.