I finished my morning walk. I covered 1 and there quarter miles with this walk. My Mile-a-Day walk is complete ... Let's see how far I can extend this...
After five days of stomach bug, I was able to put in my one mile walk this afternoon. I usually walk more but I am feeling little weaker than usual. N...
in 1987 The first “The Simpsons” cartoon short is shown on The Tracey Ullman Show during April. The popular television sitcom, “Full House,” debuts on...
Nothing is Unbreakable Recently, KDDI, Japan’s second largest cell service provider, experienced a total outage of its au service. It then created a p...
I wasn't able to eat for three days and I lost over 5 lbs ... Another s=way that you should not lose weight. I was able to touch my pinky finger with ...
It looks nice. I heard that we will have our landscape taken care of next weekend. Kenichi Uchikura President / CEO Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. ...
I got a call this morning and a gentleman wanted to look at it. I showed the Vaspa and have him ride ... He gave me an offer to buy it. I will prepare...
I post my Cobra F9 Driver on Facebook Market Place yesterday afternoon. It was sold this morning. I did not think it was this easy. Kenichi Uchikura P...
I went to lunch with four others from my office this afternoon. I walked back to make my one-mile-a-day target. It was little over mail and took 30 mi...
I did not play this year but I sponsored and run the putting and the chipping contest. What a beautiful day. Thank you all for coming out and supporti...