One of our most fervent supporters, Marvin Strombo, has passed away. Three years ago, OBON SOCIETY tracked down the family to whom Strombo's good luck flag had belonged to. Marvin Strombo traveled to Japan to return it to the family in person. His story is a heartwarming story and legacy of return, reconciliation, and peace.
This article from the Daily Bulletin tells the story of John Hart, a museum board member, who started the search for the origin of Asaji Kawai's yosegaki hinomaru.
This article from the Albuquerque Journal tells readers about a ceremony last October at the New Mexico Military Museum in Albuquerque, NM. The military museum presented a Yosegaki Hinomaru (good-luck flag) to OBON SOCIETY to be returned to its family. This is the first flag given to us from a military museum.
Check out this article from the end of January about Carol Koelbel, a descendant of an American Veteran, who learned about OBON SOCIETY.
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