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  • 1st France Sake Competition

1st France Sake Competition

By Kosuke Kuji

At the “Kura Master – Le Grand Concours de Sake Japonais de Paris 2017” this year that was held in France for the 1st time, we are excited to mention that Nanbu Bijin “Shinpaku” won the “Platinum Award” in the Jyunmai Daiginjyo division!! Continuing from IWC, we are most grateful from our hearts to receive high recognition at sake contests overseas. This contest is officially certified by the France government and is a sake competition that is held in France, operated by the French for the French people. For other sake competitions held around the world including IWC, there are none that have all foreign judges, but this Kura Master is a very valuable contest because it is only judged by French. I can’t help but express my joy that it’s incredible that out of all places in the world that this kind of sake competition was held in France that is traditionally known as a wine producer, and that sake is being accepted at many countries as a world liquor. In this wonderful age when we have “Joy of Sake” which is well known in the U.S. and sake being watched around the world, I would like to continue to surely offer the highest level of sake to the world. I feel it has become an age when you may hear the voices of “kanpai” from around the world! For sake that is Japan’s traditional culture to become more popular in Japan and to be recognized around the world, I will continue to work hard as one of Japan’s brewmaster!!


フランスで今年初めて開催された日本酒審査会「KURA MASTER– le grand concours de sake japonais de Paris 2017」において、南部美人「心白」が純米大吟醸部門で見事「プラチナ賞」を受賞しました!!IWCに続き、海外での日本酒コンテストで高い評価をいただけたことを、心から光栄に思います。

このコンテストはフランス政府が正式に認定したものであり、フランスの地における、フランス人によるフランス人のための日本酒コンクールです。ほかの世界の日本酒のコンクールはIWCはじめ、外国人だけでの審査はありませんが、このKURA MASTERはフランス人だけで審査をするという非常に貴重なコンテストになります。


アメリカでは歴史のある「JOY OF SAKE」もあり、世界中が日本酒を見てくれているこの素晴らしい時代に、日本の酒のレベルの高さをしっかりと世界にこれからも伝えて行ければと思います。


#FranceSakeCompetition #KURAmaster #alljapannews #joyofsake #sake

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