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  • Hachioji Craft Ramen One who sparked the ramen boom replicates his hometown taste of Hachioji

Hachioji Craft Ramen One who sparked the ramen boom replicates his hometown taste of Hachioji

Hachioji Craft Ramen One who... Hachioji Craft Ramen One who... Hachioji Craft Ramen One who... Hachioji Craft Ramen One who...
By Keiko Fukuda

Little Tokyo, the long-lived Japanese community, located in the east of downtown Los Angeles, is flourishing like never before. Up to 15 years or so ago, one rarely saw non-Japanese people walking in the area. However, now, not only Japanese Americans, but also many other Americans who are into Japanese culture, hang out in the area.

One thing which started this trend is Daikokuya on First Street. It is an old fashioned ramen restaurant which serves tonkotsu ramen as their signature dish.

Their interior space gives you a feel of the good-old Showa era ambience. The phenomenon in which many customers form a long line in front of this restaurant has triggered continuous openings of more and more talked-about restaurants in Little Tokyo, one after another. Daikokuya keeps the position as the initiator of the area’s recovery.

And then, in May of 2018, 16 years after the opening of Daikokuya, another ramen restaurant called “Hachioji Craft Ramen”, representing Tokyo Hachioji Shoyu Ramen in full force, opened its doors on the same First Street. Moreover, the owner of Hachioji Ramen is Mr. Takaaki Kohyama, CEO of Bishamon Group, under which Daikokuya resides.

Mr. Kohyama’s first restaurant is a Japanese restaurant called Bishamon, which is located in Covina, about half an hour east of downtown. After opening Daikokuya, he expanded the business widely, which includes the Japanese restaurant in the Miyako Hotel, Los Angeles, karaoke lounges, izakaya restaurants, and a bento shop business.

There are several Daikokuya restaurants around LA. I heard that among all of the Bishamon Group establishments, Mr. Kohyama puts his heart particularly heavily into this Hachioji Ramen. “I am from Hachioji, Tokyo. The torigara base shoyu soup with minced onion on top is my favorite taste I have replicated. Tonkotsu ramen has been very popular among Americans so far, but I want them to recognize the goodness of shoyu ramen now,” says Mr. Kohyama.

However, they do not serve just only the shoyu ramen alone. In addition to Hachioji Shoyu Ramen ($11), there are Hachioji Shio Ramen ($11), Hachioji Dry Ramen ($12) no soup, Red Ramen ($11), White Ramen ($11), and 2 kinds of Vegan Ramen in the menu. You can also order the Spicy Miso Bomb ($1.50) to add to the soup as a taste enhancer, and the Yuzu Kosho
($7) to take home.

Besides ramen, there is the Smoked Duck Bowl, the Smoked Salmon & Ikura Bowl, the Mentai Takana Bowl, the Soboro Tamago Bowl, and the Keema Curry Bowl, which are all $8.95, and can be ordered with a salad as a set. There are also a few appetizers in the simply structured menu.

However, they are particular about the Japanese sake that they carry. Mr. Kohyama himself prepares it in Niigata Then, a simple question came out of me.

Not to mention Daikokuya, but also Hachioji Ramen as well, did Mr. Kohyama ever have hardship during the process of completing the established taste? Mr. Kohyama answered to the question as follows. “I was also making hand-made soba noodles in Japan. Of course, I studied ramen, and tried several different ways to make it. However, I didn’t take too much time to complete it, and even after 16 years since the opening, I cannot quite say that it is perfected. Since then, many ramen restaurants have opened here in the Los Angeles area. We need to keep making Daikokuya ramen constantly better because when other tasty ramen restaurants open, we will be defeated. Therefore, even now, I always try and discuss with my employees, to see what we should do to make it better.” every year. It is aged for 7 months there, and the completed Junmai Ginjo is served as Bishamon’s original brand at the Group’s restaurants. They sell 5,000 bottles of small 300ml and 720ml large combined yearly.

After Daikokuya had gained popularity, Little Tokyo became a highly competitive district for the ramen business. Mr. Kohyama was worried about the possible sales decline, but it did not happen. It must be because, even as the number of ramen restaurants grew, ramen was acknowledged more, and the demand for it increased, and people started to swarm to Little Tokyo. This Hachioji Ramen opened a few doors down the street from Daikokuya.

I wonder if this restaurant’s true shoyu ramen could seize Americans’ appetites. Mr. Kohyama says that he wants to set a goal at the synergic effect which can be expected from the concentration of ramen restaurants.

ラーメンブームの火付け人 故郷、八王子の味を再現

サンゼルス・ダウンタウンの東に位置する古くからの日本人街、リトルトーキョーがこれまでにない賑わいを見せている。15 年以上前は非日系の人が街を行く姿はほとんど見られなかった。しかし、今や、日系はもとより、日本のカルチャーに魅せられた多くのアメリカ人が街を行き交うようになった。


 そして、その大黒家がオープンして16 年経った2018 年5 月、東京は八王子の醤油ラーメンを前面に押し出した、その名もHachioji Craft Ramen( 以下、八王子ラーメン)が、同じファースト・ストリート沿いに開店した。しかも、その八王子ラーメンのオーナーは、大黒家も傘下に収める毘沙門グループのCEO、甲山貴明さん。

甲山さんの第1号店は、ダウンタウンから東に車で30 分ほどのコビナにある毘沙門という日本食レストラン。大黒家を開けてからは、都ホテル内の日本食レストランから、カラオケラウンジ、居酒屋、そして弁当屋まで幅広く手がけるようになった。大黒家はLA 周辺に数店舗ある。そんな毘沙門グループの飲食店の中でも、今回の八王子ラーメンに甲山さんは格別の思い入れを抱いているという。


ただし、醤油ラーメン1本というわけではなく、八王子醤油ラーメン($11)以外にも、八王子塩ラーメン($11)、汁なしの八王子ドライラーメン($12)、そしてレッドラーメン($11)とホワイトラーメン($11) の2種のビーガンラーメンがメニューに並ぶ。さらに、ラーメンスープに加えるTaste Enhancer としてのスパイシー味噌ボム($1.50)と持ち帰りできる瓶入りの柚子胡椒($7)もオーダーできる。

ラーメン以外にスモークダックボウル、スモークサーモン&イクラボウル、明太高菜ボウル、そぼろ卵ボウル、さらにキーマカレーボウルと、$8.95 均一の丼もサラダとセットで選べる。他には数品のアペタイザーと、メニュー構成は非常にシンプルだ。

日本酒に関してはこだわりがある。新潟で毎年、甲山さん自身が仕込み、現地で7カ月寝かせた純米吟醸酒を「毘沙門」のオリジナルブランドでグループの店に、出しているのだ。300mlと720mlの大小合わせた年間の販売数は5000 本。

そして、ここで素朴な疑問が浮かんだ。甲山さんは大黒家しかり、八王子ラーメンについても味を完成させるまでに苦労はなかったのだろうか? その質問には、「日本では手打ちの蕎麦もやっていました。もちろん、ラーメンについて勉強し、自分なりに考えて試作しながら作りました。しかし、完成までに時間をかけたわけでもなければ、開店して16 年経った今の段階でも完成とは言えません。


大黒家が人気を集めた後、リトルトーキョーはラーメン激戦区となった。甲山さんも店の売り上げが減るのではと心配をしたそうだが、実際、売り上げが落ちることはなかったという。店が増えても、それだけラーメンが認知され、需要が増し、リトルトーキョーに人々が押し寄せるようになったからに違いない。大黒家から数件隣にオープンした今回の八王子ラーメン。この店の本場の醤油ラーメンがアメリカ人の胃袋を掴むことができるのか? ラーメン店集中で期待される、さらなる相乗効果を目指したいと甲山さんは語った。

Hachioji Craft Ramen
313 E. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
(213) 265-7799
7days Open
#HachiojiCraftRamen #LA #alljapannews #ramen

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